[2.0] CI/ZO/IR Mjolner (res 94/88/95 before Safells)12K ES 1.4k es/sec UBER Vaal/trio facetank

hi i would like the lvl 90 marauder passive tree for this build on where i should i put my passive points and how do you run disc + vit + purity of element + arctic armour and still have mana left .
thundershock wrote:
hi i would like the lvl 90 marauder passive tree for this build on where i should i put my passive points and how do you run disc + vit + purity of element + arctic armour and still have mana left .


i am updating little by little the main post.
i do not run all those together. i run discipline+Arctic armour and i can squeeze in 1 more purity if i want to run 3 auras. that requieres a leveled enlightened gem. lvl 3 can do with 1 point spent in reduced mana reserved near CI if needed.

marauder passive tree is in the last spoiler at the very bottom of the first post. i will update it now.
after more testing i am more and more enamoured with this build, and i am still lvl 89 marauder. 5-6 more levels would be a big improvement on,an already strong build.

i will update the main post now.
i would like to ask where do you recommend of placing the energy from within jewel and is there any other good unique jewel we should put in ?
It would be nice if you upload a video of an uber run or smth.
The wall of text is really bad formatted and not really good to read and videos speak more than 1000 words.
thundershock wrote:
i would like to ask where do you recommend of placing the energy from within jewel and is there any other good unique jewel we should put in ?

In the marauder version the best place is on the right of the marauder, so you convert the life nodes in the big life wheel and at the marauder tree.

this route only makes sense for the ZO build, like i explained before. otherwise, witch is a better start. second EFW jewel i place in the slot near IR to convert the 2 life nodes +5 and +10. it might seem like a waste but that +10 life +1.6 regen node is great in terms of stats it gives for ZO. if i were chasing purely to get the most ES, i would have gone a different route probably, but i try to get ES and Life regen whenever possible.

skieZ wrote:
It would be nice if you upload a video of an uber run or smth.
The wall of text is really bad formatted and not really good to read and videos speak more than 1000 words.

completely agree!!

any advice for the software i can use? i tried fraps but i since i dont have full version i am limited to short clips, it also kills my FPS completely to the point where the image is actually still. i cant survive like that.

is there a software which does not kill fps? i have all settings at lowest already.
i have made a few clips of maps i ran as sort of proof, but they are me teleporting back to the hideout from an emty boss room in different maps with some hard mods after the fight is over to show that i have not used any portals, but this is not very fun to see. i tried some boss fights, but oftn frames come to a standstill.

i will try to make it work!

i will get a few more levels now and try out a few more combinations untill i settle on the final pathing. then i will probably put some effort into making a decent video. i need more DPs now, so i will probably just spend the extra points in spell damage after i get the jewel slots.
OBS (open broadcaster software) is extremly good for capturing gameplay (you can stream with it, but it alos has a record function), just look up "recording with OBS" via google and read a bit if you have set it up once its easy to record.
this build is rly awesome should make a thread for the marauder version in the marauder section for this its pure gold .
thundershock wrote:
this build is rly awesome should make a thread for the marauder version in the marauder section for this its pure gold .

TY for kind comments dear Sir!!!!

i grew tired of witch dominating Mjolner Builds so i tried to make it work for Marauder, and it is very close call between the 2 now. Imho people underestimate the power of CI Mjolner in current meta, probably because you need some really good gear. but i will follow up with a "budget" version of the same build with alternative and eazy to obtain gear choices.

i am currently working on final version of the build before complete guide overhaul! almost done finetuning.

new version is slightly different and more complete.

main points are:

now i am going for a proper Dual curse build (with or without the + curse amulet. difference is 5 skillpoints, but worth it imho).. this gives great flexibility when you need it. you can run Enffeble + Ele weakness OR Ele weakness + conductivity OR Warlords Mark+ Enfeeble as a few example of offensive, deffsive setups.

you NEED 3 Viridian Jewels with +2 mana gained per enemy hit to be able to drop Warlords mark if you want to retain use of Shavs Ring. this is a must, and this is how i have it set up now. i dropped WM and run Enfeeble+ Ele weakness.

I have settled on the gems in the shield. what you want to run is Reckoning + vengence+ riposte. plain and simple. i run just 2 of those since my shield is mirrored and colors are fixed, but if i had to chose 1 it is clearly Q20 Vengence. what it does is every time you counter with one of those skills you land a hit and hence proc Mjolner. and if you have Life Leech in mjolner with the above setup you can actually go AFK. you will get Regen effect+ Shav ring + Counter skills proc Mjolner with leech and CWDT+Molten Shell+LL + Iron Will. that is huge regen + leech on when hit. but this is just a bonus and aid to survivability.

for Auras i have Settled on Discipline+ Determination, but for Uber you drop Determination and plug Purity Lightning/fire and keep Discipline. but to pull it off you need enlighten lvl 4 and possibly 1 point in 4% reduced reservation node.

this build in its current iteration feels stronger then ever, like promised, i will try to rework the guide down to a proper elevator pitch, more eazy to read and with proper visual support.

SWEET i thought ci was dead like everyone said but im happy to know its still alive, just gotta sell all my gear to buy gear for this build! Cant wait!
Main Page updated!

still work in progress but a huge improvement already.

would appreciate all feedback!!!

updated with the example of one of the most insane maps i have done to date. videos when guide is fully updated.

will also Update with another version of the Build with no ZO and Vaal Pact instead. it is more powerful because it uses Maligaros or Voidbringer at the sacrifice of ZO (roughly 4% Regen). that version is cheaper and way more DPS but like i explained previosly it all came down to a choice for me of wether i want that extra regen for comfort or no. i have strted this build with VP version and was going back and forth. i have spent 10s of Exa in regret orbs just going back and forth between different versions of the build. i am torn, i just cant decide, it is like asking someone "which one of his/her kids they love more".

but i think more people will enjoy the VP version. more DPS by far

(well sort of actualy. more dps due to the fact that you can put Iron will in Mjolner, replace gloves for Void or Maligaros and commit to Warlords Mark as your primary curse. more dps makes leech from WM more impactful so you can probably drop the leech in Mjolner even for harder fights, Hwoever it is not clear cut. i can run IW too in my build but i still miss some dps for a comfortable level of leech from WM alone though. basically it is all a fine ballance and really no clear winner from my perspective.
i am fairly confused myself which i prefer.
also curse immune maps are a kick in the nuts.
in curse immune and leech immune maps i would prefer ZO version clearly, but in no regen maps and no regen/no leech i would prefer VP

as you can see, it is all down to the mods on the map.)

also please note, i do not center my build around Uber alone, it has to do ALL content equally good, uber included, so if i were going for uber build i would probably stick to VP version of the tree.


Last edited by ballsonfire#3687 on Aug 29, 2015, 5:29:33 PM

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