unique items *no longer updated*

That axe, omg, I need to reevaluate cleave now. Perhaps crit cleave is not better than RT cleave anymore now:/.
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Incompetent wrote:

The difference is that any time they like, the devs could decide to nerf Discharge, or bring in new skills that are just as good. But they won't nerf OP items, because it would be 'unfair' to players who spent a lot on acquiring those items. The result is that we are slowly moving from a game where randomly generated items can be the best, and everyone has slightly different mods, to one where for a given build, there is a unique best item, far better than the alternatives, so everyone with that kind of build will aspire to the exact same gear setup. We're not in a bad place yet overall, but I don't like the direction things are going.

Good thoughts. +1
Standard Forever
love the new uniques, can't wait until they drop and they can reroll a melee char for my elemental resist maps
top kek
wow that Axe is amazing. I'm thinking 2 of those with Bringer of Rain, Meginords Girdle and Thunderfist would make for an insane cleave build.
xenogfan43 wrote:
power creep is occurring now because items are being added that are permanent. when the game is 'done' (hint, thats in about 6-7 years) these items will still exist, and future items and builds will be based off of them. some of these items are extremely powerful to the point of obsoleting every alternative for all eternity until something else even more ridiculously powerful comes along.

the problem is, they can't just remove the items. if everyone's shavronnes just disappeared one day or were horrendously nerfed nobody would play the game anymore as all trust in the developer would be out the window. the only way they can fix the introduction of these powerful items is by not introducing any more and balancing the rest of the game around them with some small buffs and minor nerfs to various builds to bring everything closer to a common ground. instead, they're adding more absurdly powerful items and obsoleting even more of the games content.

there are some uniques that do last forever, thats true, and a few of those are actually designed well. doedre's tenure can be used forever with the right build, so can dream fragments and quill rain and a number of other decent uniques that are interesting, good for a specific purpose, but otherwise underwhelming. the point however is that these have significant drawbacks and/or only work for a select few builds.

items like shavronnes, this new axe, that new belt, the new boots, these work for a great many builds, with no drawbacks, and are easily best in slot for the vast majority of builds that they work for, and will never be replaced. we'll still be using shavronnes in a year unless something more ridiculous comes out or the game's fundamental mechanics are overhauled completely, both of which i sincerely hope do not happen. i'm here playing PoE because i like the idea of a slightly unbalanced game, like diablo 2 but with more player control and more viable builds and a little less punitive and grindy, but PoE is steadily crawling farther and farther from its own promised design concepts and that is terrifying me to the core.

Incompetent wrote:
The difference is that any time they like, the devs could decide to nerf Discharge, or bring in new skills that are just as good. But they won't nerf OP items, because it would be 'unfair' to players who spent a lot on acquiring those items. The result is that we are slowly moving from a game where randomly generated items can be the best, and everyone has slightly different mods, to one where for a given build, there is a unique best item, far better than the alternatives, so everyone with that kind of build will aspire to the exact same gear setup. We're not in a bad place yet overall, but I don't like the direction things are going.

Sad but true. This shift in unique designing paradigm is really underwhelming.

People who don't understand how these two uniques set an easily repeatable highpass for an item slot should learn how to think.

The belt has more ES than anything else in the slot, gives more weapon elemental damage than the vast majority of rares, frees up a ring slot previously occupied by Dream Fragments, and gives a crapload of mana many CI builds need so sorely due to lack of Blood Magic and Eldritch Battery. It solves at least three very important problems every CI build faces at some point, single-handedly, without any palpable drawback. You have to be a complete dimwit to underplay the power of this item. Consider just how many useful mods you can have on a ring that you couldn't take advantage of with Dream Fragments. All resistances? Done. All attributes? Why not. WED? Yep, got that too. More ES? On Anarchy/Onslaught, sure. Fuck that kind of design.

The axe may not be the highest dps one-hander possible in the game right now, but its utility is yet unmatched because you can run at least one additional aura, chill enemies even without high cold damage, and add dps supports to your skills. And once again it is an insane buff to CI because high mana expenditure skills can now be supported without mana leech—some of those couldn't be supported at all due to mana leech speed bottlenecking attack speed. It's a BiS for any one-hander build, maybe except for claw cyclone.

What did you guys say about Rory and Qarl overseeing the balance? Well, they didn't do a good job here, did they.
<Tyrfalger> Exactly, the next act is going outside Sarn and into those wheat fields (see the map) to become a farmer. Then we can spend our days endlessly farming. Wait a minute...
Last edited by moozooh on Jul 6, 2013, 12:26:53 AM
We can sleep well knowing existing uniques will not be nerfed after seeing these new uniques.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Why is no one talking about the new chest?

Stick that on a CI character, equip an Adrenaline Quicksilver or two and run through Cruel Ledge while everything evaporates around you. Even with the currency penalty from being overleveled it seems like the most efficient way to farm. And if you're doing it for rares/alt shards/low level uniques (which includes things like Dream Frags and Chayula and that sort of thing) then I can't think of a better way.
Can someone (finally) post the new demigod? It isn't even in the thread yet and there sure have been already enough Demigods been awarded to get one posted here.
Alfabetica wrote:
Why is no one talking about the new chest?

Stick that on a CI character, equip an Adrenaline Quicksilver or two and run through Cruel Ledge while everything evaporates around you. Even with the currency penalty from being overleveled it seems like the most efficient way to farm. And if you're doing it for rares/alt shards/low level uniques (which includes things like Dream Frags and Chayula and that sort of thing) then I can't think of a better way.

CI characters would generally roll their eyes at using that chest since it has no ES.

That being said I like that chest and the new boots a lot more than the axe and belt. They are more interesting to build for.
Standard Forever
Sirnizz wrote:
I'am under the impression that this belt try to do to many thing at once, no build will benefit from all the stat of this belt :

-> WeD= good for Ele siphon/Ele bow user/Ele cleave/sword user | Every CI caster don't care
-> ES amount : Good for CI char
-> The mana is great for everyone
-> Chill and Freeze duration is only good for CI : A wander is screwed with EB no ? correct me If I' am wrong
->Physical leech : Well it's only good for physical attacker with power charge... hum there's not rly much of them.. Pretty much all Wander are elemental,

The more I think of this belt the more there's way too much stats for way too many build..

As a CI caster this belt is almost useless, the only thing good is : the amount of ES and chill duration everything else is "garbage" no resist/armor

Please correct me if I'am terribly wrong :)

Just trying to analyse this belt

any phyiscal, ES benefits from that belt

yea, any cookie cutter build benefits from most of the overpriced uniques. Belt with no res, hp, armor > great for physical builds, especially melee, with ...power charges?! wtf?
Downside of the axe is....that it's an axe. one axe circle in skill treee is good, rest of them suck hard.

that astral unique, well, someone said already, 1 alch. Two major sources of ES for CI are chest and shield. Sure, I can see CI builds getting 1600 armor chest with no ES and other stats...Even that shavrones is overpriced as hell. Chaos dmg cant pass through ES? Big deal. CI node > click, done. Saved 22 exalted orbs for 6L 800ES chest with good triple resists.
blah blah..

"Path of Exile be a online Action RPG set up in tha dark fantasy ghetto of Wraeclast. Well shiiiit..."
- Uzicorn, for teh children.

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