unique items *no longer updated*

Novalisk wrote:
I understand that, but I also stand it's a LUXURY item, and you do NOT need it to be able to maintain something you want to do.

It's like not needing to go CI with Shavs, it's like not needed Resolute with Lionseye, these are luxury items and you can make due without them until you actually obtain it.

A "Luxury" unique is just a badly designed unique IMO. That's what rares are for. And yes, it is exactly like Lionseye. Instead of not needing RT, you don't need blood magic.

^ wow you just don't get it. Might as well remove all unique items in the game and make the game stale in a week or two.

Items like these add flavor, something to work towards, adds options, nothing wrong with "Luxury" items what so ever and I see nothing wrong with the items added in the game.

I understand you want this item, I understand it's a great item, but you need to understand you shouldn't just have it handed over and make it so easily obtainable for everybody. It's an unique item for a reason, just deal with it and make do in the meantime.

Wow you totally ignored what I just said.

Items that are BIS for a lot of builds do NOT add options. They add a goal of being identical to other people which is BAD, it removes the sense of self from the game and makes it feel like the game is force-feeding a single choice.
Last edited by Novalisk on Jul 5, 2013, 1:02:41 PM
Novalisk wrote:

Without any mana nodes or mana items? I call BS.

I didn't realize that was against the rules. I picked up mana flows on the way to dervish, since it wasn't out of my way. Haven't gone for any mana items, though there might be a few incidental points.

I was just amused by the absolutes being thrown around, and the overall 'sky is falling' attitude.

Anyway, I think there's a potentially much more interesting stat on this axe, the chill from phyiscal damage is pretty damn nice.
IGN: Grisloo
Grislo wrote:
Novalisk wrote:

Without any mana nodes or mana items? I call BS.

I didn't realize that was against the rules. I picked up mana flows on the way to dervish, since it wasn't out of my way. Haven't gone for any mana items, though there might be a few incidental points.

I was just amused by the absolutes being thrown around, and the overall 'sky is falling' attitude.

Anyway, I think there's a potentially much more interesting stat on this axe, the chill from phyiscal damage is pretty damn nice.

What's your attacks per second on cleave?
this guy found a new belt
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
The axe is a slap in the face of my melee build that relies on very high mana regen I sacrifice so much for that, but it works and it pays off and here you get a freebie... WTF.

You can only focus on the mane reduced nodes, some stuff like enduring cry you run with BM poof you free up so much from gear and gain so many more nodes freed from the tree, not forgetting the extra dmg.

Combine it with prims guardian and you can easily run some auras on your life pool, with the extra life you grab from the tree o.0 That would be insanely efficient or too OP???

Last edited by Ozgwald on Jul 5, 2013, 1:05:44 PM
Madcow1120 wrote:
this guy found a new belt

And you're promoting it in the non sale area, good for you!
IGN: Gahrlaag
Wiki - http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Path_of_Exile_Wiki

Move de sync from de bathroom to de kitchen for better flow!
crisis solved.
Nvm. I see now. Does Resolute Tech negate the "chance to fail" or is this something beyond hit/miss?
Last edited by lucksickle on Jul 5, 2013, 1:21:32 PM
lucksickle wrote:
Nvm. I see now. Does Resolute Tech negate the "chance to fail" or is this something beyond hit/miss?

what you are asking doesn't make any sense.

With the axe, if you have 6 mana and the melee skill costs 20 mana you will still be able to use the skill. It will just use whatever mana you have left.

That doesn't have anything to do with hit or miss, so resolute technique has nothing to do with it.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
lucksickle wrote:
Nvm. I see now. Does Resolute Tech negate the "chance to fail" or is this something beyond hit/miss?

Resolute has nothing to do with it.

Basically what the item is saying is if you have a 35 mana cost skill, and at the time you only have 28 Mana, you'll still be able to cast your skill because the attack cannot fail based on your mana cost.
Everyone keeps talking about this axe like melee is actually good.

I think melee is going to need about 50 more OP items before its even remotely balanced with ranged builds.

And this ci melee belt..op? srsly?

You will occasionally see someone looking for it in trade chat. Nothing compared to what you see in terms of other uniques that already exist that people are looking for. It is a great item for a build that isn't played as much as other builds. Why cry about niche builds that don't get as much love getting some super strong stuff to help get them some attention?


stop qqing and go put on a lioneye bow and a koam's chest and tell me how "OP" these new items are...I mean rly guys. really...

GGG is doing a great job, some stuff is a little op, other things are underpowered, give it time they will sort it out.

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