unique items *no longer updated*

Aux wrote:
I'm not going to bed until one of you finds my chain belt.

Every1 is angry, share with us what it do? :D
GodVsMe wrote:
Aux wrote:
I'm not going to bed until one of you finds my chain belt.

Every1 is angry, share with us what it do? :D

Personally I would rather see it found and linked. More fun that way.
Standard Forever
GodVsMe wrote:
Aux wrote:
I'm not going to bed until one of you finds my chain belt.

Every1 is angry, share with us what it do? :D

nah noone is angry hmm maybe hochep but i bet he is still pissed cause he died yesterday and is only refered as someone in kripps party

btw its always fun when the nolifers call someone pathetic :) pure entertainment

hey chick wanna get lucky i have a 20 lvl 80+ is a videogame ? sure....said no women ever

sry 20 isnt true had to count them only 13
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SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Last edited by ventiman on Jul 5, 2013, 6:00:50 AM
ventiman wrote:
GodVsMe wrote:
Aux wrote:
I'm not going to bed until one of you finds my chain belt.

Every1 is angry, share with us what it do? :D

nah noone is angry hmm maybe hochep but i bet he is still pissed cause he died yesterday and is only refered as someone in kripps party

btw its always fun when the nolifers call someone pathetic :) pure entertainment

hey chick wanna get lucky i have a 20 lvl 80+ is a videogame ? sure....said no women ever

So you watch '' no-lifers '' play video games on your computer? What does that make you?
Well now that the chainbelt sure is ilvl 70+ it gonna cost a shit tons due to the stats, and the thing that it's so high lvl means only player who can do 70+map will fount it wich reduce again the chance of getting one... sigh I'am so sad with this kind of mechanic but hey maybe one day I can get a lucky drop to buy some gear as I'll never loot one :D
ventiman wrote:
GodVsMe wrote:
Aux wrote:
I'm not going to bed until one of you finds my chain belt.

Every1 is angry, share with us what it do? :D

nah noone is angry hmm maybe hochep but i bet he is still pissed cause he died yesterday and is only refered as someone in kripps party

btw its always fun when the nolifers call someone pathetic :) pure entertainment

hey chick wanna get lucky i have a 20 lvl 80+ is a videogame ? sure....said no women ever

Me likey. Yeah true day bro

Ps: On a sidenote.. Whatsup with kripp? I know hes famous and stuff but why every1 treats him like god? Hmm
Can everyone shut the fuck up and stop derailing the thread?

Good? Good.
Sirnizz wrote:
Well now that the chainbelt sure is ilvl 70+ it gonna cost a shit tons due to the stats, and the thing that it's so high lvl means only player who can do 70+map will fount it wich reduce again the chance of getting one... sigh I'am so sad with this kind of mechanic but hey maybe one day I can get a lucky drop to buy some gear as I'll never loot one :D

isnt piety lvl 70 ?
Ign: LavaMosse
TimeZone: GMT+2
BlackHoleSun wrote:

So you watch '' no-lifers '' play video games on your computer? What does that make you?

exorzist wrote:
since kripp almost died and one of his teammembers died on that map, i sense a boss nerf is due, isnt it GGG?

gossip travels faster than the speed of light no need to watch someones stream
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SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Ilvl70 is good. Ilvl 71 would be much worse. This way it can still drop form rares in Lunaris 3. But if its a must like Shavronnes its gonna cost a few exalted easy.
Last edited by Samuelino on Jul 5, 2013, 6:05:32 AM

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