Mechanics thread
" You will deal 180, fire/elemental damage affects both damage that caused ignite and burning damage that ignite does independently. Note that fire resistance will also apply twice. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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" Thanks, I also hadn't thought about the resistance being applied twice more known as: Elanif
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Some questions about EA.
Is these formulas correct when calculating EA with regards to resists etc? AvgExplode=AvgBase*(1+IncMod+IncrModN+ResIncOrDec)*(1+MoreMod)*(1+MoreModN) Where IncMods would be: IncAoeDmg, Inc%Fire, Inc%Elemental (not weapon elemental but templars Elementalist node) Where MoreMods would be: MoreAoeDmg Say the mob has a base resist of 0 and you apply curses and penetration for 100 reduced resistances, would that be an additive 100% Increased modifier in my ResIncOrDec?. Say the mob has 300resist, my curses wont do enough, penetration still applies, would I add 36-75=-39 to my ResIncOrDec? AvgBurn=AvgExplode*(4/5)*(1+incBmod+incBmodN+ResIncOrDec)*(1+Bmore) Where IncBmod would be: IncBurnDmg, IncDotDmg, Inc%Fire, Inc%Elemental Where MoreBmod would be: none in this case. Do the same resistance rules apply here? Or do not penetration work on my ignite burn here? Trying to figure out how much extra you can scale EA with a Vaal'd empower in a +3bow which would give me a lvl28 EA. Side question: How do I calc my reflect dmg? Say there's 25% reflect. I got 80% fire resist. Assume 100dmg explode. Is it 100*0.25*0.2 dmg taken? Last edited by Lysithea#1224 on Mar 19, 2014, 6:23:14 AM
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" ResIncOrDec is separate from direct increases and decreases to damage, it's also separate from 'increased damage taken'. So, in that example of yours you would have another multiplier with (1 - 0,39) Penetration doesn't work with damage over time, it needs a hit to work. Exactly, the reflect would work like that, if it's still too high try arctic armor. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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" So the entire Resist part functions as a More or Less part then? which are all multiplicative? And just remove penetration for the burn part? AvgExplode=AvgBase*(1+IncMod+IncrModN)*(1+MoreMod)*(1+MoreModN)*(+-ResIncOrDec) AvgBurn=AvgExplode*(4/5)*(1+incBmod+incBmodN)*(1+Bmore)*(+-ResIncOrDec) with ignored penetration values here for the reduced resistances. So my EA single curse build would add a 135% More multiplier to a 0resist mob (99% for the burn). And later on if I go dual curse it'd be 194% more multi? Feels insane but maybe the base resists of mobs in merc is high. edit: getting pretty funny values if there's a mob that has such high resist that I wouldn't be able to decurse it below it's cap resists. " Last edited by Lysithea#1224 on Mar 19, 2014, 7:26:42 AM
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" Yup, that's the way it works, on a 0 resist enemy it's 49% for the curse and 35% for penetration for a total of 84% more damage. The snag is... monsters are very resistant in endgame, often overcapped, all bosses are curse-resistant (act, map, rogue exiles, invasion, corrupted area), 'curse immune' is a very common rare and map mod, and casting curses on every enemy that comes along is goddamn annoying. So it's not really as insane as it looks. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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If I didn't mess up my values or the formulas in my sheet the dmg difference is quite insane with those values. Then again, it sure explains why Enfeeble/fire resist maps was such a pain when I played EA in domination.
Edit: Checked through my values, nothing should be wrong. Really highlights how much curseimmune fire resist mobs negate fire dmg if EE+pen isn't enough to lower them. Also the huge difference in dmg when enfeeble's Less modifier applies twice on EA, once on the explode and once on the burn. Also how important resists is for yourself!
lvl28 (with assumed scaling from lvl20+ which seemed to be ~12% per lvl) EA EXPL LOW HIGH AVERAGE NO RES 63,533 95,299 79,416 100 RES 41,923 62,884 52,404 PEN RES 13,182 19,773 16,477 EA B/s LOW HIGH AVERAGE NO RES 106,872 160,308 133,590 100 RES 43,187 64,781 53,984 CAP RES 2,149 3,223 2,686 lvl20 EA EXPL LOW HIGH AVERAGE NO RES 25,878 76,899 51,389 100 RES 17,076 25,630 21,353 PEN RES 5,369 8,059 6,714 EA B/s LOW HIGH AVERAGE NO RES 43,531 129,357 86,444 100 RES 17,591 26,403 21,997 CAP RES 875 1,314 1,094 And some values with a Stack-explode-burn cycle with bowspeeds taken into account. 5.4sec burnduration ~HIGH CycDps | ~Avg CycDps | Avg 5Stack Ex+BurnWDur TotDmg lvl28 no res 126,479 | 105,399 | 800,801 100r 54,318 | 45,265 | 343,918 pen 4,893 | 4,078 | 30,981 lvl20 no res 113,442 | 75,809 | 518,186 100r 24,608 | 20,502 | 140,138 pen 2,217 | 1,847 | 12,624 holy shit formatting is bad once submitted, wtb code tag or something, hopefully its somewhat readable. These values is with a high armor and life build thats using kaoms, EA-conc-firepen-burningdmg-eleprolif-empower/chancetoignite. Now I know what to aim for first. Edit2: It's messy but here's my spreadsheet I made to get the numbers. Toying around a bit with some values now and then. If you can follow my mess and notice anything wrong in it just point it out! Last edited by Lysithea#1224 on Mar 19, 2014, 12:55:43 PM
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I started playing Ambush two days ago (I hadnt had played PoE for a year) and after some hours of playing I found a ItemLevel 28 Mage's Vest with 6 sockets (2 linked). That got me a bit confused, as items used to have at least ilvl 50+ to have 6 sockets, didn't they? Does the Ambush League have different mechanics than what is stated on the PoE WiKi?
Greets, Bratze |
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"There is an Ambush Strongbox Mod that makes it drop Items with "More Sockets", that bypasses the default itemlevel rule for Sockets.. EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home
*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.* |
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I Vaal Orbed this quiver. Is the new implicit a "Curse on Hit" thing? (If so, would it stack mob´s current curse or replace?) - Or is it something else? How this "grants xxx skill" works?
Last edited by junaum#4262 on Mar 27, 2014, 3:33:35 PM
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