Mechanics thread
" also curious about this msg/pm me if I've won any bids or want to contact for sales. @SteveDelucia
Since I've been playing TL2 a lot, I'm having some difficulties transitioning to the new mechanics system, so just want to make sure if I'm getting things correctly. I understand that skills are divided between attack and spell and the first scale of weapon damage while others are independent, but there are still some things regarding passives that are puzzling me.
Let's say I have the following setup: - weapon that does 100 physical damage and 50 cold damage - passive +10% increased Melee physical damage - passive +20% increased Elemental damage - melee skill that adds 30% of damage as cold damage What would be the final damage output of this skill? Is it: 100phy x(1+0,1) + 50cold x (1+0,2) + (1,2 x(0,3 x (100phy x(1+0,1)))? „I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“ No mod action. Business as usual. |
I am currently bad at parsing the Added Cold equation. Was taught an entirely different syntax, and it's early in the morning. Have some words.
You get 10% Increased Physical damage, so 110 Physical. 50 base Cold, 20% Increased Elemental, 60 Cold damage. Pretty simple since we only have one modifier for these. For me, the easiest way to calculate Converted damage and Damage based on X, is by starting with the base. 100 base Physical, 30% added as Cold. 30 Cold damage. Since it's based on Physical damage and is Cold damage, it benefits from both increases. They are both "Increased-type" modifiers*, so they stack additively. 30% 30+30%= 39 Cold damage. Final damage is 110 Physical, 99 Cold. * There's a difference between More-% and Increased-%. 'More' is multiplicative, and thus a lot more powerful. |
Thanks for the explanation.
Just one more question, how does equipment come in play with spells? If a weapon has 'adds 100 cold damage' is that calculated in the damage of the spell (I would guess no)? And if it's on a ring, does it get calculated in the damage of the spell (I would guess yes)? +10% increased spell damage on a weapon I would guess applies to the spell damage? „I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“ No mod action. Business as usual. |
" No, no, yes. |
Hmm, never would have thought so, at first glance it would seem natural for all the +damage from items to be added to the final damage output, be it spell or attack. Good to know. When a skill says 'Deals 125% of Base Damage', does it calculate item integer bonuses as the base damage?
Another thing, I've been looking at skills that do converted damage, and as I can see they benefit both from % Increased Physical Damage and % Increased Elemental Damage, but it seems it's better to invest in Physical damage passives as they affect both physical and elemental damage, while the second only buffs elemental damage. „I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“ „If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“ No mod action. Business as usual. Last edited by Odoakar#1827 on Dec 27, 2012, 7:32:29 AM
Is there any difference between "blue" elite mobs and "yellow" elite mobs in terms of drop chances? Or are those 2 different elite types just there for the sake of diversion? thanks.
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" AFAIK the drop chances are the same, but item levels from blue mobs is the instance mob level + 1 and yellow mobs are mob level + 2 |
" This question is almost impossible to answer, because it depends so much on many different variables. - itemization - build - how much dex you have - shielded or not? These things all play into what your maximum evasion rating can be. As to what your percent chance to evade is, that still depends on mob accuracy which changes depending on which mobs you're fighting. Anyway, if you itemize everything with max rolls on +%ev/+ev mods your maximum BASE values are: Base EV: 260 @ level 70 Grace: 1200 Armour and accessories: 6900 Shield: 2k If you have 400 dex, 100% incr evasion rating from passives, 6 frenzy charges, an amulet with %incr evasion rating, and a little +%shield defense.... The ceiling on total evasion rating is well over 30k after bonuses. That'd represent around 65% chance to evade in most situations, but it's likely nobody will ever get that high. cheers. -- I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago. Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Dec 28, 2012, 8:27:02 PM
Is this a correct calculation for how damage modifiers apply to skill Lightning strike (converts 50% of physical damage to lightning damage)?
My weapon has 1000 phys and I have total 100 added lightning damage (from weapon and rings for example). As I see it, melee bonus will boost base physical (it's not 30%, but 46%, that's an error in image), which then gets divided into 50% phy and 50% light, and then 100 lightning is added. With WED, base physical is not boosted, but applied lightning is (50% of base damage (500) + 100 added, all multiplied with 1,78). I'm trying to determine whether it is better to use Melee support skill or Weapon elemental damage, and so far it seems if my base damage is pure pysical, then melee support is better, but if my lightning damage from weapon or added through items is more than 10% of total physical damage, then it's better to go with WED. „I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“ No mod action. Business as usual. |