[2.0.0] Kaom's Legacy : How to Cyclone - (30C Atziri Build - Indepth Guide for Beginners)

lilmrock4457 wrote:
That's odd. the copy of the tree I posted spazzed out. Hopefully this one works.

I already have Executioner. The majority of the things I don't have from here on out, are Health nodes.

So for where I'm at, it seems I won't be having any increases in DPS will I? At least, not without an extremely good weapon?

(Once this character hits ~80/85 and grabs all the HP nodes, would it be viable to start testing Atziri?)

You still can get tons of dmg nodes on the tree. the 4 pure 2h nodes below the duelist start (destroyer, take the 1 str travel node out after taking them), path of the warrior at the scionn wheel. If you feel comfortable with less then 6k life, go for it (although you should take the life nodes with the - manacost nnodes combined between templar/mara).

here is a more dmg oriented skilltree (WOULD BE LVL 91 THOUGH!)

Your gear so far is good enough, upgrades would get costly. Instead of AR/ES on boots, maybe get Life enchant. Craft Dex or Int on your ammy, so you can specc out of a +30 node maybe.

there are no good karui choppers currently out there on standard unfortunatly. Kaoms is more then good enough for normal atziri though.

Keep on rolling till 80 with lifenodes, I'd suggest, to 85-88 get DPS and if you have fun with the char, go further. After 200% life you can sink everything into dps (although I personally am not getting any dps anymore, since ele reflect gets really problematic for me through hatred and HOA. If you reach 6k~ minimal hit with Kaoms you are good to go for Uber even[although DPS is not the problem with uber ;)]

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Vincendra wrote:
(although you should take the life nodes with the - manacost nnodes combined between templar/mara).

here is a more dmg oriented skilltree (WOULD BE LVL 91 THOUGH!)

Your gear so far is good enough, upgrades would get costly. Instead of AR/ES on boots, maybe get Life enchant. Craft Dex or Int on your ammy, so you can specc out of a +30 node maybe.

I was wondering if those -mana nodes even did anything for Blood Magic, but since you highly suggest taking them, I suppose the answer is yes. Those will be my next few levels. Although, now I have
would it be be worthwhile to take out the Endurance Charge nodes (2) and put them into the -mana HP nodes, or for my level is it not quite worth wasting the refund points?

I have 108 Int with current gear. Sadly, I'm one point away from using a lv20 AoE (of course, with my luck, 1 point...)
So my question is, should I overcap my 89 Fire Resistance with +fire on my necklace? Because I've got a long way to go on getting AoE to 20. Then, later on, swap +fire, to +int? Or is over-capping resistance not REALLY a big deal for survivability until quite high maps?

Lol, I've used these boots on like 4 characters now, and twice before someone's commented on changing them to HP. I just haven't gotten around to the ~90k remaining Haku. Will definitely be getting HP on them soon though.

Thanks for the tips! I had no idea about a few of those DPS nodes on the tree, and was wondering if you kept from getting some of them in your original "geared" tree for certain reasons, but I think your couple of posts cleared EVERYTHING up. Even some questions I hadn't asked or even wondered about yet!

Thanks dude.
Last edited by lilmrock4457#7733 on Jan 21, 2015, 7:26:50 PM
lilmrock4457 wrote:

I was wondering if those -mana nodes even did anything for Blood Magic, but since you highly suggest taking them, I suppose the answer is yes. Those will be my next few levels. Although, now I have
would it be be worthwhile to take out the Endurance Charge nodes (2) and put them into the -mana HP nodes, or for my level is it not quite worth wasting the refund points?

They do. Thats why i took the 2 mana red nodes near the templar start too, so that my cyclone does not cost too much life to cast. QOL though. handle as you wish.
In theory, its possible to run cyclone on mana with enough reduced mana nodes and gems:

55% from tree, 15% from Q20 conc, 10% reduced mana q20 = 80% reduced mana cost. 28 basecost *1,3(phys melee dmg) *1,5 *1,6 (inc aoe,conc) *0,7 (reduced mana 20/20) = 61 * 0,2 (80% reduced) = 12 Mana /cast. With 1 elreon ring - 8 Manacost for skills, you can easily sustain a 5L cyclone on mana, with 2 elreon rings -8 you can sustain every 6l cyclone with 0 mana or health cost.

Its just that -8 rings are hard to come by and craft, but I guess that is the end-end game build for me I think.

Endurnance charges: Most of the time, 4 are enough with inc.dur. and IC. I like having 7 for Uber atziri Map for selfcast IC though.


I have 108 Int with current gear. Sadly, I'm one point away from using a lv20 AoE (of course, with my luck, 1 point...)
So my question is, should I overcap my 89 Fire Resistance with +fire on my necklace? Because I've got a long way to go on getting AoE to 20. Then, later on, swap +fire, to +int? Or is over-capping resistance not REALLY a big deal for survivability until quite high maps?

No need to overcap at all. Ele weakness maps is the only need for overcap. If you desperatly want to run a ele weakness map, get another pair of gloves with RBGG to change vita for purity of elements (thats why I run auras in my gloves).

But that is a far away goal and only if you want to run ele weakness map mods.

Also, Agate amulet can roll implicit (+ int and str) between 16-24. Just use some cheap
onto the agate until it has + 21 for the 1 int. enchant onto the ammy whatever you need for other gear or possible gear upgrades.


Lol, I've used these boots on like 4 characters now, and twice before someone's commented on changing them to HP. I just haven't gotten around to the ~90k remaining Haku. Will definitely be getting HP on them soon though.

Thanks for the tips! I had no idea about a few of those DPS nodes on the tree, and was wondering if you kept from getting some of them in your original "geared" tree for certain reasons, but I think your couple of posts cleared EVERYTHING up. Even some questions I hadn't asked or even wondered about yet!

Thanks dude.

Post anytime you need anything.

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Last edited by Vincendra#0721 on Jan 21, 2015, 8:39:04 PM
Uber Atziri in 3rd splitphase. Too bad I had 2 really bad stormcalls, else I would have had her down :( .

Next try I think I can get her.

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
That step Cyclone approach has style!

I am rolling Crit Staff version atm.

Since Movement Speed is this build's Attack Speed, Quicksilver Flask should give significant DPS boost.
In turn, with good Crit chance and Surgeon's prefix I hope to achieve permanent flask effect.
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.
the problem i found with crit/staves is that on the left side of the tree there is too few critnodes. You also want at least 6 power charges.

Post yourt results after trying it out :)

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for the build here. I've been playing it for about 2 weeks now and wanted to give the OP some credit. This build has restored my faith in having a melee character. It has been most fun.

Here is my gear:

Just a few thoughts. Here are my current stats:

Life = 6,394 + 256 ES = 6,650 total (not sure if ES works like health or not)
Armor = 2,100
Evasion = 2,600
Life Regeneration = 637.2
Movement Speed = 52%
Attack Speed = 2.2 (normal), 2.3 (blood rage up), 2.5 (onslaught up)


With Aura Buffs = 25.7K
With Blood Rage = 27.5K
Onslaught (axe node from tree) = 30.2K
With Promise Flask (fully buffed) = 36.6K

Blood rage is always up. The 10% onslaught buff is pretty much always up as well. I wish it lasted longer than 3 seconds though.


I went with CJ. The extra AOE / gore is sexy. Some have posted other sets and I'm sure they work just fine. The only thing I could not get with CJ is R/R/R/B/B/G. It would never go those colors so I used a faster attack gem instead of added fire. I think there is a master that can change socket colors but I haven't played in a while and am still getting familiar with each master


I run vitality, hatred and HOA. Elemental maps I take off hatred and HOA and put on haste. Physical maps I take out the MPD gem and put in added fire. Works like a charm. For 1/2 regen maps, I take out blood rage and put on temp. chains or poachers mark.

MS vs. IAS:

The OP is right in that IAS will be lost if you can trigger cyclone using the method posted. However, it does not mean IAS is wasted. I originally played this build with a primacy legacy. After seeing how fun it was, I started upgrading gear. The first upgrade was the disfavour which was such a nice upgrade for this build. Anyhow, I found that having around 2 APS is pretty optimal for purposes of clearing speed and overall dps. Not every mob you kill is a boss in which you are using the MS method to get cyclone to 4+ APS. I want to emphasize; however, that a primacy works just fine for this build (as stated by the OP). I used it until about lvl 79 or so. The disfavor after that is pretty much luxury. The bleed on the disfavor and wpn range for this build is pretty sweet though. I love watching tough mobs and some bosses just bleed out after I've cycloned though them.


My goal for this build was for it to be tanky with some solid dps. I think I achieved that with my life and dps numbers. Endurance charges are always up and the lazy CWDT / warlord's mark is just gravy if your lazy about casting curses. NOTE: I did have curse on hit with warlord's on leap slam and I got tired of that as well (jumping around to apply the curse). I have stun in there right now with ECoMS but I might change stun to something else (maybe MPD or LL).

Anyway, big thanks to the OP for making this build. I appreciate the fact the guide was made with a budget in mind but also easily upgraded later on. Such a nice change from the usual crit builds that are so soft (see fundrils build in the forums - great build but oh so soft).

Anyway, next stop for this guy... normal Atziri.

On a side note: GGG still makes it hard to sustain 77/78 maps. Getting to 90 on 75/76 maps was a bitch. I hope Act 4 changes some of this.

You are right about attackspeed. It is not "completley" wasted, esp. on trashmobs.

On the other hand, even if I fk up my cyclonemovement, my choice of a rare karui chopper with such a high base dmg means even in 78s I do not need more then 2 swings per mob.

Also my HoA overkill burn with those heavy slow hits is REDICULOUS. I might use my last 4L for a red.mana - HOA - Inc.burning Setup. But atm this would be overkill anyways. Its nice though that if you leave some strugglers behind that the burn finishes off the rest.

Also, if you have a 6l carcass, it might really get expensive to get 3r, although with vorici it might be doable in ~250 chroms. If you are happy now, not needed.

happy that I could bring you some fun with melee.

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Yes, I'm very happy. Just wiped Atziri. Here's what he dropped:

Had 2 portals left:

1st boss: just face tanked the one. It was dead right when the 2nd one started to lazer me. I died to it but came back and wasted the 2nd one.

Trio: just trashed these three. Face tanked the titi bitch first then the cyclone guy. The last guy did kill me with some kind of bleed at the end.

Final: It went well. I died a 2/3 times when the 4 of them came up. Flameblast hurt (I died once on the main Atziri flameblast). I was more confused on what to do really when the four of them came up (tank / kite). Oh well. I made it through it.

I did not change my gear / pots on the Atziri run. I did; however, switch out vitality with purity of fire.

I'm in love with this guy.

Next up: 2nd Atziri run / getting gems to lvl 20 (currently 19)

Thanks again mate. Much fun.
So I'm level 64 on Torment, solo and selffound since beginning of league, just killed Piety on Merciless

Stats: 4K HP, 76/75/77/-48 res, 39.1% Crit Chance (with 4 charges)
Bandits: Oak/Kill/Alira

Cyclone - Power Charge on Crit - Melee Physical Damage - Increased Rarity
Hatred - Purity of Lightning - Purity of Fire - Reduced Mana (currently on 2 auras, Hatred and PoL)

Things die left and right, Quicksilver Flask is uptime almost 100% (will be 100% after few more crit nodes).


Current tree

More or less finished tree

From there either Endurance Charges or Auras or Flasks. I hope it will be possible to drop Righteous Decree at some point (but most likely it will not since I don't want to use Blood Magic gem).
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.

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