[2.0.0] Kaom's Legacy : How to Cyclone - (30C Atziri Build - Indepth Guide for Beginners)
Change Log: 12.1.15: Atziri Vid added, gear updated. 14.1.15: Updated Possible outcome section 23.1.15: UBER Atziri "guidelines" added to Atziri post. 04.2.15: Gear Updated, Endgame tree added. 26.7.15: Updated for Awekening (still some things missing). 08.8.15: Updated Tree again back to POEbuilder. 19.8.15: Added 2.0.0 Gear I use. 20.8.15: Atziri Vid 2.0.1 added. TL:DR: THIS BUILD BROUGHT ME THROUGH 78 MAPS AND FAMRED ATZIRI WITH A 30 CHAOS BUDGET on 1.3.0. WITH 2.0.0 THIS BUILD IS STILL VIABLE, ALTHOUGH NOT SO FACEROLL ANYMORE. Welcome to this Guide. I will try to guide you through my perspective of how to use Cyclone optimally and hereby I want to show that Melee is still a viable and fun option. I'll try to show several ways to acomplish a viable and stable Cyclonebuild for Beginners and Advanced POE players. Table of Content.
1.Introduction Let's begin with a quote of the 1.3.0 patch,in which Cyclone got a rather big overhaul: "
Cyclone Gem for better clarity
Let's read the BOLD partin the quote first, then the skill description on the gem. "Damage enemies around you, then perform a spinning series of attacks as you travel to a target location" Now what does that mean? To give you a picture, you are a moving Shockwave totem. The second you press your Cycloneskill-button, you instantly deal your cyclone damage in an AOE around you, and then keep repeating that damage based on your attack speed while you are moving. (The more attackspeed, the faster the next "pulse" is coming out. So we basically got 2 options to scale the Attack Rate of Cyclone:
We will take option number 2.) and I will explain what I mean by "Castspeed": We will not take castpeed nodes nor use any castspeed. Cyclone works this way: 1.)You press your Cyclone button "casting" cyclone --> 2.)You move from A to B pulsating --> 3.)You can "cast" Cyclone again. Now that means the faster we move, the more often we can "cast" Cyclone again, the more often we do the instantanious first pulse of Cyclone, the more Damage Per Second we do. HOW TO USE CYCLONE: This all means you need to lead your mouspointer as close as possible to your caracter, so you can start -> finish cyclone as fast as possible, giving more "casts" per second and therefore more DPS! As of 2.0.0, Cyclone got changed a little to not overlap as fast as it could in 1.3.0. It still functions the same way, but you will zig-zag more often, since the minimum travel distance got fixed. IN MY 2ND POST I WILL TRY TO EXPLAIN THIS WITH PICTURES! Yes, we scale our DPS out of Movementspeed. AWESOME! So without further ado, let's get started with the Skilltree. 2.) Skilltree and Progression
Bandid Choices
Oak - Oak - Oak
You also can go Oak - Oak - Kraytin for an additional Frenzy charge and more damage. I prefer the endurance charge though. Beginners Skilltree, new league or new to the game, not much Currency for gear.
Beginners Progression
ACT 1 Normal (LVL 15~), 17 points
Res, Life Reg, Life, some damage.
ACT 2 Normal (LVL 28~), 31 points
Resolute Technique, so we hit every time. More Life. DEX and INT for other Gems like Cyclone and Conc. Effect and Inc. AOE later.
ACT 3 - 4 Normal (LVL 35~), 40 points
More life, BM Keystone, transition to duelist area.
ACT 1 Cruel (LVL 46~), 53 points
Picking up Master of the Arena and 1 Endurance Charge, also Art of the Gladiator, very important Node for our build.
ACT 3 - 4 Cruel (LVL 55~), 66 points
Taking Golems Blood,Iron Refelexes Keystone, Cloth and Chain for resi/armor, taking Rampart at the duelist bottom for better Fortify Buff.
ACT 1 - 2 Merc. (LVL 62~), 72 points
Go up to the templar start, take the jewel slot to the right.
ACT 3 Merc. (LVL 70~), 83 points
https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgEAdn9-4ITEe4zkUZ5X6wk5DgmWl3nPfq2N2WGFUnas7w5QR3zZ9zLqGH31xPZyqcQVXz8UIIIH2XwUcfjrJbzgw9tP378OPGFShmA6Ul4T706i6hLhktCplHh6qSeE74TZh2plTb02R36-pwU8SHjcMsVTBS1670CgdO1Tu0SeIWAppXTx Bloodless Lifewheel at the BM Keystone, Go for the AOE nodes at the Templar start.
MAPS (LVL 87+), 107 points
https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgEAdn9-4ITEe4zkUZ5X6wk5DgmWl3nPfq2N2WGFUnas7w5QR3zZ9zLqGH31xPZyqcQVXz8UIIIH2XwUcfjrJbzgw9tP378OPGFShmA6Ul4T706i6hLhktCplHh6qSeE74TZh2plTb02R36-pwU8SHjcMsVTBS1670CgdO1Tu0SeIWAppXTxaPKvbAthxq6DXzwtBLOiAPAf73w8BcBmn98YkbyfFE38SxNMJvgX4U4yZFLYvf4Ktz6DzDGeplc64fJF_o81kk3jV1SKs5OoZaeuUGEh_msTyQ== Filling up some Life nodes at Scion, get Axenodes at Mara + Axenodes at the Duelist , getting the leech nodes beneath the fortify nodes. Endgame Gearing Skilltree:
Endgame Progression
Endgame tree
Level 95 Tree Setup for GG Gear. Why going for BM Keystone and forgoing auras:
BM Keystone thoughts
First of all, BM Keystone makes Cyclone cheaper, since it has no multiplier. Secondly, Added Fire adds nearly as much as Hatred and HoA together: --> Give 51% added cold/fire together at lvl 20 Gives roughly 49% added fire alone at lvl/quality 20 Since you can swap out your Bloodmagic Gem for added fire, you still have nearly the same damage as with Auras. You lose up on AA chilled ground, but you gain at least 3 gemslots, since you dont need the Auras and dont need BM for every skill to use (enduring cry/leapslam etc.). This opens up for another 4l CWDT setup with many possibilies. More to that in the Gem section. 3.) Gearing Options
Giant Gearing Wall of Text
First things first: We don't need attackspeed on gear, since our attackspeed comes from the casts of cyclone per second we do. So we want SLOW weapons with HIGH base damage.
Not only do axes have the highes base damage, 2H axes have the highest range of 7, same as foils (lol...). WITH THE UPDATE OF 2.0.0 KARUI CHOPPERS NEARLY HAVE THE SAME BASE VALUE AS VAAL AXES AND ARE NOT WORTH IT ANYMORE. VAAL AXES ARE OUR NEW OVERLORDS. PRAISE THE SUN. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Range#Weapon_Range
2H Axes we use
For Leveling, use the easy Vendor recipe to add %phys weapon damage. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vendor_recipes#Crafting You need a Axe (20Q it as a white to safe Whetstones), 1 Whestone and a rare rustic sash to do the recipe. Those Axes will carry you to the next level of axes quite easily. HOW TO VENDOR RECIPE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UU4mLMb49hqk4y9lVFtfanlg&v=EcrTiH9ySs0&feature=player_detailpage#t=1140 PROPS to Ziggy D for this Video. He explains how to use Vendor recipes, same can be applied to our Axes too! For the last Axe, the Karui Chopper you can also use this rustic sash: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Prismweave. You get %phys dmg 1 Tier higher then you would get with a rare one. A Karui Chopper crafted this way can look like this:
Crafted Karui Chopper
This costed me 1C for the Belt, 1 Regal to become rare and 1 Chaos to add the flat phys roll = 3,5 C to craft this. This thing can carry you up to 75 Maps if wanted and can be crafted SELFFOUND (if you find the belt, else use a rare sash) Let's compare Unique 2H Axe Weapons: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kaom%27s_Primacy http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Wings_of_Entropy http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Atziri%27s_Disfavour WoE is the safe Option, but pretty bad for us, since we only hit with 1h when "casting" cyclone. Kaoms is cheap (you can get 210% + for 5c), has Culling strike (you only need to do 90% of Life as damage, awesome for bossfights) and is easily available. Atziris Disfavour is now, as of 2.0.0, the best option to use. The nerf to the base damage of weapons didn't affect the high base added phys. It has the +2 Weaponrange, has +2 supportgems, which gives roughly 6% more damge (which is 1 and a half frenzy charges...) Your next Upgrade to Kaoms are Rare Weapons with Trifecta rolls (220%+ phys, flat phys, acc), which go for several Exalts or even need to be eternal/exalt crafted. You can get a endgame Weapon for 5 c. Awesome! As of 2.0.0, you can also get an Atziris Disfavour instead of a rare. they might get more expensive though in the temp leagues, since Atziri has gotten a lot harder.
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Belly_of_the_Beast http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kaom%27s_Heart http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Carcass_Jack http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Daresso%27s_Defiance Cheap starting Armor: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Icetomb Or just a plain rare with + Life and Resi. Linking comes later in the Gems section. Not much to say here, this one is about preferences. I myself am using a rare one, because they are the cheapest if you buy them 6L.
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Devoto%27s_Devotion This helmet is awesome. Gives Chaos res and our DPS tool Movementspeed. Also gives a free MTX. Problem is, it is pretty rare and expenxive the first 2 weeks in a new league, since it's a map only drop. But its price goes down pretty fast and you can get one for 5C ~ easily. Other options are Rare Helmets. Get Life and resists on them and possibly needed stats like DEX and INT. An awesoem Budget version before Devoto is this one : http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Peregrine 10% Ms, MF, LRes.
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Atziri%27s_Step Like Devoto, those are very expensive at the start of the league. As soon as people can do Atziri-chains (1st week in), the price plummets into oblivion. You can get one pair for 1C. Big Pro: 30% Move, Spelldodge,big chunk of evasion Big Con: No res If you can afford and need res on the Boots: Take rare ones. Be aware though that 30% Movementspeed boots with life and res have REDICULOUS prices.
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Surgebinders They give some DPS, I still prefer Rares with Life and resis and craftable leech.
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Belt_of_the_Deceiver 1C, awesome package. Life, allres, reduced crit damage taken. We can't block so we dont care. Else, get a rare Belt (preferably rustic sash) with Life and res rolls and possibly increased flask effect duration
This are the slots to fill up missing stuff, and that is mostly res. Use the Vendor recipe shown ad ziggy's video (Weapon section) to get prismatic rings. What you do is roll a Lifemod or INT or DEX and slap more Res on it. 2 of those = 36 % allres. With the Beginnerfriendly Tree and 2 of those + purity of elements we are rescapped in merciless without any other gear. Awesome. For the amulet, try to get 5% or even 6% Lifeleech on them, rest fill up whats needed. Good unique option for those who can afford it: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Le_Heup_of_All 4.)Skillgem Options
How to Cyclone while leveling, IMPORTANT!
Cyclone will not be instantly be useable with Bloodmagic from lvl 28 on, since your lifereg is to low for spaming. Instead, you run cyclone ALONE. Keyitems to use cyclone early are the Elreon mod rings and amulets: You can get -8 mana cost x 3 (=24), means you can Spam your cyclone as you wish. You can get 1 per day after doing the daily OR when Elreon is levleing up after level 4. You can easily get to Merciless with only Cyclone unlinked. After cruel, you got enough life and reg form the tree (around 2,5k life and ~6% reg) to sustain a 4L cyclone with BM.
Skillgems Wall of Text
Main Damage Cyclone, 4-6L in Weapon or Armor
4L: Cyclone - Melee Phys - Fortify - Inc. AOE 5L: Cyclone - Melee Phys - Fortify - Conc. Eff. - Inc. AOE 6L: Add according to Situation: Added Fire, Lifeleech, LGOH, ECoMS, Enhance
No Auras used, since we go BM Keystone.
Triggergems in 6S,5L - 1S Weapon or Armor
4L: Vengeance - Leapslam - Curse on Hit - Add according to Situation and Flavour: Warlords Mark, Enfeeble, Poachers Mark, Vulnerability, Temporal Chains. +++ 5thL: ECoMS 1S: Blood Rage or Enduring Cry
Triggergems in 4L
3L: CWDT (LVL 20) - Inc. Duration - IC (LVL 20) 4L: Add according to Situation and Flavour: Vaal Molten Shell (selfcast, inc duration), Molten Shell (triggered), Temp chains or Enfeeble also possible.
Utility 4 Link
Summon Flame Golem - Frenzy - Vaal Molten Shell - Increased Duration It is a wonky setup, but its for utility mostly.
Defensive or FUN 4 Link
CWDT (1) - Arctic breath (7) - GMP (20) - Inc. Duration (20) Gives chilled ground pretty often, which helps defensivley. Might also be possible to get Hypothermia going in the main Cyclone 6l. Else, things that are fun: (! = meh , !!!!! = absolute mindblowing) !Any Singletarget skill 4 Linked for Vorici missions. !!Vaal Double Strike - Inc. Duration - Multistrike - Melee phys. !!!Vaal Haste - Vaal Grace - Inc. Duration - Vaal Cyclone !!!!Vaal Cyclone - Melee Phys - Melee phys on full life - Conc. Eff. !!!!! Vaal Molten Shell - Iron Will - Inc. Duration - Conc. Eff. 5.) Possible Outcome
My Gear with 1.3.0
My Gear with 2.0.0
Started with pretty much 0 and just farmed my way up with MF gear at piety/dom/ pre70 maps. Had the luck to find a Binos / Kaoms heart with financed my 6L armor.
Screenshot of Stats and Damage (outdated, new will come soon)
![]() One last Sentence to DPS vs Damage. As you see in the OFFENCE Screenshot, the DPS from the tooltip takes into consideration that I pulse every 0.8 seconds (1.2 Attackspeed). Truth is though, that "cast" cyclone 4-8 times per second (every 0.25 - 0.12Seconds)depending on your movementspeed, which would be the same as having 4.0 - 8.0 Attackspeed. So my true DPS is the average of 8255- 13618 (11000 ~) and take that *4 to *8. So my true DPS is between 44k - 88k (66k~ avarege) I did Atziri as soon as my Purity of Fire hit +3 max with a 5L setup and have her "on farm" since then. Back then my gear costed around 30C ~. All in all, this build is ultrafun to play and is very stable with around 6k~ Life at 88 atm. I will try to keep this build up to date and will edit when needed. 6.) Video Section (update soon) ATM im running POE on a 6 year old machine on Vista with a 32Bit system. I have problems keeping the game running. I managed to take a Vid, had some FPS problems. It's viewable albeit not too good. The FPS drops through the cam also had influence on my gameplay. Nonetheless maybe usefull: Setup: Cyclone . Melee phys - Conc. - inc.AOE - BM - ECOMS (would have been faster if I did swap in WED, but i forgot to :/, this is pretty much 5L dmg ) Maybe I'll add some more maps, depends on the quality. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1158669 Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide. Last edited by Vincendra#0721 on Sep 2, 2015, 1:08:12 PM
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![]() There are 2 different ways to use cyclone, as discribed. The next 2 pictures will describe those 2 ways: Beforehand, we add a fictive character using Kaoms primacy with 0 attackspeed allocated anywhere (1.0 attacks/ second), which takes 4 seconds to get from point A to point B.
Cyclone using attackspeed(1.0) and a long cast distance
Cyclone repeatetly cast with a short cast distance
URL to pictures
http://imgur.com/e2hnHmp,sz4fGIh#0 We are using method 2. It costs more Life/second to cast, but we dont need any attackspeed for it.I hope those 2 pictures make it clearer on how to use cyclone in this case. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1158669 Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide. Last edited by Vincendra#0721 on Jan 2, 2015, 5:59:22 PM
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![]() Video added in the first post! Trash should be no Problem at all.
Start Cycloning at the first one until the 2nd one comes up. With a 5 L and Kaoms you should at least 1/2 health (sometimes you get him to 1/4th) him when he goes underground. Then you go to the other one and start spinning. If you time it correctly you get him to 1/4th to 1/2 too when he goes underground within 5-6 seconds. The 2nd will emerge, kill it. 2nd emerging, just spin him over. If you run under 5k HP, get a Topaz flask up beforehand and spam it for the 2nd one in case he spams you with BL.
Hard to describe but ill try. I start with Enfeebling all of them for - 25% damage. With 6k Health and ~650 reg and Flasks you should not die. I try to kite them into the upper left corner of the room and kill the first 2 there. Starting with the Stinger-Bitch, I try to kill her off as far top left as I can kite her. Mostly she doesnt walk too far into the corner, bc she is ranged. If she is near the Pillar its good enough. Renew Enfeeble on the other 2. Get the Dualstriker next. Try to get him into the top left corner IF there is space else kite him to the left or left bottom side of the room and kill him there. Renew Enfeeble on the cycloner. PAY ATTENTION to your debuff bar. If you got Corrupted blood, take a sip of your remove bleeding flask. MOST IMPORTANT. IF you run out of Bleeding Flasks, renew on thrash mobs while kiting. If you don the killing of the last 2 right, you get half the room on the right side to fight the cycloner. Dont stand in his cyclone path desecrate. Kite him until he uses cyclone, then kite him so you can cyclone around him. He dies in 4-5 sec like the rest once you can cyclone on him.
Exchange Vitality for Purity of Fire be4 the fight. 1st thing you do is when u get in: Enfeeble, then chug your "immune to Curse" flask and start spinning on her. You can facetank the small flameblasts (doing ~2,5 -3k on 79 fres) and the big flameblasts if you got +6k life. I DONT RECOMEND TANKING THEM. TRY TO AVOID THEM. Stormcalls do 2k~ per call (4k for enhanced calls), so dont take more then 2 if possible. Stormcall phase is the best time to spin on her. I can get her to the next phase in 1 stormcall. CARE ON THE ENFEEBLE CURSE. RENEW IF ITS RUNNING OUT, EVEN IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY CURSEREMOVE LEFT. Addphase should be no problem, just spin them down. Splitphase: I take the southern west part of the map(where you enter, bottom one)and spin that down, if its not the mirror one. I take the North west (left) one. Try to enfeeble the stormcaller (holding blue scepter) and the flameblaster (glowing red hands). On the southern part of the map you got the most space to dodge blasts/ calls. She periodically casts flameblast on your location, so you drop them off away from her then cyclone on her. rinse/repeat. Uber Atziri Tactics: Trashmobs!: Selfcast EC/IC before every pack. Vaal constructs do physical, so you can (AND NEED TO) have phys immunity to survive trash mobs. Do not use CWDT/EC at trash, it takes your Spellecho/EC cooldown. Doublevaals!: Same as normal doubles. Take a Topas flask with shock removing for bad placed lightningballs/shocklazers. I also equipped 80 life/40 int/res gloves with Hatred-HoA-PoLightning-Redmana for this fight. Trio!: "Easiest" of the bosses. Kite them until you got 7 end charges, hit IC. 1.) Be aware of the buff of the Dualstriker. If he glows red, you run. Period. 2.)Kill the cycloner first in a Corner. 3.)Kill the dualstriker 2nd in another corner, possible as near to cycloner death as possible. Be aware of 1.) 4.) Keep running and ECing, with all the adds, 1 spellecho should get you 7 charges. IC on -> cyclone the bitch. Dont forget casting EC during your running IC, so you can recast. Atziri!: You can survive 1 blast OR 1 Stormcall / or 1 spear. 2 of them -> dead. Splitphase is a bitch. Hope and pray to RNGesus you get the southern part of the map to dodge spells (most space). My progress: I had her in the 3rd splitphase with 2 portals left. (Died 2 times to Vaals stunlocking me with lazers, 1 time trash (not renewing IC for 3 mobs --> dont be lazy) and 1 time bc I did not follow 1.)! at the Trio. I could have had 2 portals more at least IF I wasnt that bad. Anyways, I got 2 bad stormcalls I couldnt dodge in splitphase 3 and pretty much ended the run there. I will get her next time. Damage is not a problem, survivability is not a Problem. RNG might fuck you up, but Uber is doable (although farming UBER with that build might still be not too viable. There are better uber killers out there for sure. Point is: You can do her.) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1158669 Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide. Last edited by Vincendra#0721 on Feb 4, 2015, 3:23:02 AM
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Lol nice guide ill try it soon
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This is awesome. Deserves a link in cyclone guides everywhere. Newbies to cyclone will find this very helpful in understanding the usage of cyclone.
One thing though, don't underestimate the power of attack speed with cyclone, at least for mob clearing. I have found that when you have too much move speed(40%+ base) combined with the constant quicksilver that i use while cycloning, it's possible to move through mobs without hitting them even once. Of course, this is far more noticeable at really high levels of dps(crit 70k+). When damage is that high, its more convenient to take slightly longer paths and go straight through the center of a pack, allowing HoA prolif to kill everything at the side. And when you aren't constantly changing path as much, that's when a high attack speed comes into play. Also, high attack speed is awesome with lgoh. So all I'm basically trying to say is that scaling both attack speed and movement speed is very important. Will link this in my WoE BoR cyclone thread :) For try, for see, and for know.
This is a buff |
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" Let me quote myself: " I underlined the improtant part. You are right if you POINT your MOUSE at far away from your character at the edge of the screen screen. That s why I wrote my quoted line. If you put your mousepointer right next to your character, you will "cast" cyyclone every step you taken and therefore "pulsate" your Cyclone damage every step you make. This ofcours means more Manacost of Cyclone or in this case, more Lifecoste since BM is used. That is why I run 10% Lifereg to sustain my Cyclonecost. If you use cylcone on longer distances, Attackspeed is MORE important then Moevementspeed or anything else, since you leave your "pulssating" to the attackspeedmodifier. I might try to get a tutorial vid up, but this might be hard with my computer. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1158669
Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide. |
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How is your setup to run Atziri? Do you replace Vitality with Purity of Fire? Do you self cast IC on trio? It would be nice if you could give us a rundown on your strategy. To be able to farm Atziri consistently is an end game objective for many of us.
Last edited by lussiano#2573 on Jan 2, 2015, 4:08:01 PM
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What I'm saying is that when you are playing something like say DW crit cyclone then you need to reach a sort of happy medium between both attack speed and move speed. Pointing cyclone to the edge of the screen is something I haven't done since I was a total newbie.
I do agree with you that damage peer hit is the most important stat for cyclone, which makes crit cyclone super powerful and also suicidal to reflect. Edit: now that I look at your pictures, your cyclone path seems just like what I've been doing all this time :) For try, for see, and for know. This is a buff Last edited by Etherfire#6568 on Jan 2, 2015, 4:34:37 PM
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About time someone else realizes that movespeed cyclone > attack speed cyclone in 1.3. Though I do think MS cyclone is more suited for either crit staff/crit rapiers/ or RT with facebreakers.
Crit versions (staff or rapier) get very high dps and provide extremely high life leech with vaal pact (until you get atziri gloves, then you can benefit from both regen and instant leech) as long as you don't desync while still providing very good defenses but they are very costly to gear. Facebreakers are slightly costly to gear but will get ALOT more damage than other 2 handed RT MS cyclone builds with less investment in damage, meaning it is much more defensive as well than compared to going 2handed. Also you should consider these as a cheap option:
Anti-chill helps a lot for this build, also gives very nice cold resists, it's cheap to buy for what it provides (doesn't work against dominus totems tho). This armor will last a long time for beginners till they get better gear. On my chest you'll notice I put reckoning there instead of something like increased aoe because it saves mana cost and when it procs I get full life back due to vaal pact and HoA will kill everything else around you (solo or duo) with the proliferated overkill dmg. | |
" Will add a Atziri Section on my 3rd Post. " Noted and added. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1158669 Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide. Last edited by Vincendra#0721 on Jan 2, 2015, 5:39:11 PM
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