Lightning Thorns

I agree that Lightning Thorns should affect ranged as well as melee classes. However, the tuning needs to be investigated a bit (perhaps have a limited # of LT procs / given timeframe).

Builds that can hit a target many times at once get utterly destroyed by the ability, with the only viable counter-measure being to snipe down the culprits one-by-one (this is time consuming and takes a lot away from the game).
Bear traps to snipe mages could work but probably need more then one or stack light resist to insane levels 80from tree/inner force purity/and having one topaz flask to boost it even further ~95% res, but since ppl were saying that on 75/80%(not sure :P) 1500 dmg per ''tick'' so lets assume 1500/25=60 dmg per 1% of missing resistance and we are looking at (85res) 15x60=900 or brief window with topaz flask 5*60=300. However running purity is not an option for everyone but if it give chance that you wont kill yourself by addcident I will consinder using it even on my LA BM also I would try using ranged totem and some crazy remote mines on 6L if I had one :].
Well I found lightning thorns last night for the first time since the patch. I killed myself very quickly on a lvl 66 map which should have been an easy farming run.

Trying to snipe the mages is a pain so I am trying to figure out how to proceed I was using LA + Chain + LMP.

I know people think this is a cheap OP build, but after pushing through 1 character to 75 as a physical ranger this was more enjoyable and I wasn't just face tanking everything either I still had to pay attention to what I was doing but this thorns change is just painful. I would like to keep LA as I have all my elemental gear and bow but I need to figure out what to do really.

I was thinking of dropping chain but other's are still saying they are getting owned with LA + LMP. I'll see how this goes and will play around a bit in Act 3 battlefront against these mobs.
Switch to RoA like I did and get back to facerolling maps. Lightning thorns? np I only hit once per attack
HopTortoise wrote:
Would love to see a statement from GGG...I think this thread has gone on long enough to warrant one

thread is frigging 24 pages

earth to GGG?
raics wrote:
VictorDoom wrote:

It basically looks like LT will make every char need a counter for that specific type of mobs.. quite annoying, but there is the possibility that its their intention

Perhaps, as there are already very nasty combinations, a group of multiprojectile voidbears in docks will fry most melees in a jiffie. If it's only one rare with mp you got a sporting chance but vs several blues - hardly any. You really got to have some distraction handy just in case of such an encounter or perhaps a semilevelled frost armor, even on low skill levels it helps immensely.

Maybe both LT and voidbear problem could be handled by introducing 'spell damage reduced by X' as a common mod on gear. However, mod pool on most equipment types is already overcrowded, it would be too much to have another mod to look for besides defense, life, ele resist, chaos...

only blood magic users have anything to worry about from void bearers. Even like level 5 artic armor makes void bearers do basically 0 damage. Anyone except blood magic users can handle popping a level 5 artic armor. If you cant sustain it, just hook it to faster casting, and you dont even stop running to cast it. this thing on?
LT is working and intended and does not need fixing (there is nothing to fix). Works against off-screen shooting and 'multiple attacks' (like chain or multistrike) and forces you to ST one kind of mob exposing you to other mobs attacks.

You don't need any specific 'counter' for this mechanic (not dependant on the use of one skill), you only need to pay attention, not shoot from off-screen if there are thorns casters in the map/zone you are doing, and kill these mobs (if you don't feel like having a ST ability in your skill bar instead of using AoE all the time, then remove your AoE supports from links to deal with it). If you have a glass cannon who can't stand any damage you will probably have a hard time surviving while you try to eliminate the casters, which is totally intended.

Is an anti-faceroll feature, and the devs always have wanted this sort of gameplay (hard or very hard to faceroll all content).
Last edited by knac84#3886 on Apr 16, 2013, 9:26:59 AM
HopTortoise wrote:
HopTortoise wrote:
Would love to see a statement from GGG...I think this thread has gone on long enough to warrant one

thread is frigging 24 pages

earth to GGG?
this thread is old. And they already responded to this thread.. this thread is where the changes came from in the first place
knac84 wrote:
LT is working and intended and does not need fixing (there is nothing to fix). Works against off-screen shooting and 'multiple attacks' (like chain or multistrike) and forces you to ST one kind of mob exposing you to other mobs attacks.

You don't need any specific 'counter' for this mechanic (not dependant on the use of one skill), you only need to pay attention, not shoot from off-screen if there are thorns casters in the map/zone you are doing, and kill these mobs (if you don't feel like having a ST ability in your skill bar instead of using AoE all the time, then remove your AoE supports from links to deal with it). If you have a glass cannon who can't stand any damage you will probably have a hard time surviving while you try to eliminate the casters, which is totally intended.

Is an anti-faceroll feature, and the devs always have wanted this sort of gameplay (hard or very hard to faceroll all content).

Again, the issue is that you can hit and activate the LT casters off-screen while not even intending to fire at them. In addition, one single shot can still take over a thousand HP off of you with capped resist. If you slip up and fire one chained LA/split arrow into a LT covered group, you're dead, no questions asked. That's bad design.

Drahken wrote:
HopTortoise wrote:
HopTortoise wrote:
Would love to see a statement from GGG...I think this thread has gone on long enough to warrant one

thread is frigging 24 pages

earth to GGG?
this thread is old. And they already responded to this thread.. this thread is where the changes came from in the first place

This thread originally was about melee complaining about LT, yourself included. They listened. Now this thread is about ranged (mostly) complaining about it. We want to know that they're listening again.
i too fas fo youuuuuuu
Last edited by Duskbane#4733 on Apr 16, 2013, 5:24:56 PM
Essentially this just makes you remove chain and attack very slowly on purpose. So we have reflect mobs that make us refrain from Crit multiplier and now LT to make us refrain from high APS... very very boring. I suffered this as a melee character, retired the melee and now I have had to completely change my build to not insta-die to it on a ranger. It needs to be completely reworked or simply removed from the game.

Or just re-roll a dual totem build.... like just about everyone is doing.
Last edited by thepmrc#0256 on Apr 16, 2013, 5:32:50 PM

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