So i did the first Uber atziri as 2h melee[recorded it], my feedback.
" Im thinking the other way around really, it just seems like most of the game is designed around these ridiculous mechanics, so the things that got left behind, like 2h, cant deal with the endgame anymore as well as the other builds, which is why they need to get buffed heavily to play a part in the game and to give the player an actual choice between going 1h or 2h, to have a proper option and balance between the two i think 2h needs to get buffed and no necessarily nerf 1h(too much).. id nerf specific weapons like daggers and wands, 1h maces, axes etc are okay where they are same with the crit problem, its better to just buff non crit since monster life and damage seem to have been selected around the strong crit 1h+shield or ranged chars the only thing nerfing these builds will do is just make it slightly harder for them to kill stuff while 2h stays as shitty as before. Id even go as far to say that they should buff crit on 2h, since apart from staffs there arent any other effective weapons to go crit with Happy you like the music :) I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Nov 4, 2014, 2:38:02 PM
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" Don't worry, we'll sooner see elephants fly than them doing what I suggested. A lot of things around here are made possible only because crit is as ridiculous as it is. And if they did to weapons what I propose, the gap between perfect and mediocre rolls would reduce, hurting the economy. If you think about it, needing only one good item in your hand slots instead of two also hurts the economy :) Honestly, I wouldn't hold my breath, the best we can hope for is a boost to 2H weapon base damage (again) and an increase to flat damage rolls (also again). An even if 2H weapons dished far superior damage it would be for naught as long as we don't need that damage. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[]► ◄[]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Nov 4, 2014, 2:56:19 PM
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" You want more "damage mitigation", but don't take the 19% (?) staff block right along your path. " How do you get the number "15%"? 5% base + tier 1 crit affix = 6.9 3 points in "pure brutality" = +140% That's already 16.56% crit chance. With the same "investment" as taking RT, nothing else. No crit gear, no further crit passives. And no, RT is not better than 15% crit. Depending on the multiplier and crit chance, even 15% already provides higher DpS than RT. 85% to hit and 200% multi would already provide "even" DpS (0*0.15+ 2*0.15*x + 0.7*x = x). Again, 85% chance to hit and 200% multi are like "no investment whatsoever". Once you start stacking crit stuff, RT doesn't stand a chance. " A twohander has about 150% of the base damage of a onehander. On mirrored items and on "items of comparable quality/price" for a budget. That's like a free "50% more damage" support gem, and it is the only advantage a twohanded has over onehanded builds. By choosing a main attack with Blood Magic support instead of a serious damage support gem, you're already giving this advantage away, it's just gone. Like it was never there, you are now basically playing with a onehander, but without a shield. Congratulations. There's a reason why literally no Dagger build out there ever uses this gem in his 6L. But 99% of twohanded builds somehow insist on ruining their damage output with it. Does the game itself have to be changed, or does the mindset of the player base need to be "buffed"? ;) 3.5 build: Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Nov 4, 2014, 5:40:42 PM
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" No point in spending so many points for block when doing ubers, theyre much better off ins oemthing more useuful, also 19% is gobshite for the amount of points you have to waste on it. " Most people use a 5% crit weapon, because there arent many tier 1 crit ones, and the ones that have those mods are pretty expensive. 5% crit chance, with 140% from pure brutality and lets say you manage to get like 160% from gear youre at 15% chance to crit, id rather go RT than focus on crit on gear and passives rather than defensive mods which are more important considering you dont have any block or high rez/eva/armor " 2h has no advantage over 1h weapons, because 1h passives are much better, the damage you get from 2h doesnt matter when the increase for 1h is much better and getting crit with 1h is much easier. Theres also a reason i use blood magic, so i dont run out of mana and die because cyclone is the only truly viable skill for a 2h char and it costs a lot of mana which as a str/dex based char leaves you with using BM as your only option, even with acuities you run out of mana with it in city of sarn lol, you cant single target anything or make short cyclones withotu running out of mana, its utter shite without EB or BM. The game has to be changed, yes. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Nov 4, 2014, 6:25:28 PM
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Here are my thoughts from another 2-H-sucks-donkey-balls thread.
There are two interesting things in passive tree: 1) There can be nodes after Keystones (check Chaos Inoculation and Acrobatics) 2) There can be special debuffs from weapon hits (check Adder's Touch) Also, Critical Strikes are more or less viable in therms of DPS and crit-oriented 2Hander happens to have Block on it. So Staffs are a little better than non-crit ones (by no means I say that staffs are good enough, they just do not suck as hard as other 2Handers). I suggest to add the following three clusters after Resolute Technique: One Handed/Unarmed Cluster
-- One Handed Melee Damage and Defence --
10% increased Melee Damage while Dual Wielding or holding a Shield 10% increased Armor, Evasion and Energy Shield || || -- One Handed Melee Damage and Defence -- 10% increased Melee Damage while Dual Wielding or holding a Shield 10% increased Armor, Evasion and Energy Shield || || == Inexorable Strikes == Melee Damage penetrates 10% Armor and Resistances while Dual Wielding or holding a Shield while Dual Wielding or holding a Shield because I wanted to cover Facebreakers, 1H+Shield and Dual Wield in this cluster. Melee Damage because I wanted to cover Physical, Elemental and Chaos skills, but exclude stuff like Spectral Throw. penetrates 10% of Armor means that damage calculation will take 90% of target's armor instead of 100%. The logic is that one 1Handers are easier to control and aim than 2Handers or ranged weapons, so a skilled fighter should pass enemy's protection. Game already has crits, but the whole flavor of Resolute Tecnique keystone screams for something not chance-based and mechanics of RT does not allow you to crit Two Handed Cluster
-- Two Handed Melee Damage and Range--
12% increased Melee Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapons +1 Two Handed Melee Weapon Range || || -- Two Handed Melee Damage and Range-- 12% increased Melee Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapons +1 Two Handed Melee Weapon Range || || == Determined Assault == 24% more Melee Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapons +1 Two Handed Melee Weapon Range 5% increased Movement Speed Melee Hits with Two Handed Melee Weapons Wane the enemy Wane the enemy applies a debuff "Waned": 10% less Damage, 20% reduced Critical Strike Multiplier The logic behind this notable is that a little more range and mobility pushes the danger away and, well, it is not easy to attack a person who skillfully swings a 2Hander near you (RT assumes quite some skill) Projectile Cluster
-- Projectile Attack Damage --
10% increased Projectile Attack Damage || || -- Projectile Attack Damage -- 10% increased Projectile Attack Damage || || == Calculated Shots == 10% reduced Projectile Speed Projectile Attacks deal up to 30% more damage to targets as the projectile travels further Yes, the Far Shot. Most bow and wand users are crit-based nowdays, so not chance-based alternative can't hurt. Also sniping imho fits the RT flavor Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.
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" This "gobshite" would have gotten you to about the same amount of block the usual crit dagger build has going (shield + no passives). If it's fine for them and they have sufficient defenses all of a sudden, why shouldn't it be fine for you? " As most people have the same mindset as yours ("crit not worth it unless crit weapon"), crit affixes add close to nothing to the price of a sword/axe/mace. Also: since when is the price/rarity of an item a reasonable argument concerning balancing? ;) " I'm not saying "2h is better than 1h". I'm saying: When looking at 2h, the only benefit you get is the higher base damage. This base damage is equal to a 7th gem (close to another "melee physical damage gem"). That's one advantage. It doesn't make it better overall, but it's like the only reason to grab a twohander, because it is the only thing you get over a onehander. You gave this advantage away. I don't care for the reason (with, this skill, can't sustain mana, don't want to deal with mana, whatever), the point still stands: You give up the only advantage of a twohanded weapon. This game will be changed, it has been changed numerous times. However I'm not sure if it would be beneficial to change it in a way suggested here or in other "twohanders can't compete" threads. 3.5 build: Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Nov 4, 2014, 6:27:49 PM
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Hey Peter why are you arguing with him when you haven't done Uber atziri? Like at all lol
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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I provide math. That's facts.
What does killing a boss provide? 3.5 build:
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" Pure proof? Wth he even recorded what have you done? NOTHING you haven't done a dam thing not even attempt it. TWO different things SAYING it and DOING IT DO the thing before you try to argue with the guy that's just annoying. Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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" I'm not arguing anything related to the Uber Atziri fight. I'm not even disagreeing with him. I think this game has serious issues with bosses being extremly tougher for melee builds. Not because melee is bad, but because boss fight mechanics are putting melee into all the hurt, while ranged can dodge 90% of it with ease. I'm just arguing basic stuff like "RT is better than 15% crit" (no, it's not) or "twohanders need a damage buff" (imho, no, they don't, they already have serious damage). 3.5 build: Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Nov 4, 2014, 6:49:09 PM
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