So i did the first Uber atziri as 2h melee[recorded it], my feedback.
" They did really say that? I don't believe that. Never. No legacy gear in 1.2 would mean belly of the beast and around 5k hp at best. Also, no insane gear means no acuity and a worse staff than yours. That's not doable. The best player in the world can't pull that off. To do uber atziri you must be either super tanky with aegis or you have so much dmg that you nuke her down before she can do much, and you need much mobility. 2h build has none of these 3. No high dmg, no high survivability, no high mobility (fa+leap slam is decent but whirlwind with daggers is faster). Maybe they meant with 2h characters a srs with 1+million dps build. " uhm, what? #31 of Rampage League after 7 days played. Last edited by Insomniask#1823 on Sep 23, 2014, 6:07:43 PM
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" Well they did, to be more specific this was before 1.2 during ambush, i was talking to ggg design about the unqiue i'm designing(gifted to me by mrpetrov) and uber atziri as 2h melee came up in the massive string of emails and i was curious about how they did it, they didnt give me too much specific information apart from this, they used acrobatics, very high mobility and very high dps, 80k tooltip cyclone to be specific, i dont know how they got to 80k tooltip cyclone without mirrored gear, they only specified they used good items which are obtainable in the live servers, im assuming that doesnt mean the best possible items you can get, because balancing a fight around gear like that is pretty ridiculous, and of course no legacy gear since the fight only being possible for a few people in the parent leagues is also irresponsible. And also that their testers are very good at making builds and playing PoE, which no one can deny because getting 80k tooltip without mirror worthy 2h weapon means your survivability is down to nothing even with a normal kaoms, so they pretty much managed to avoid every single flame blast and storm call, that is almost impossible to do on the live servers when you take into account desync and the fact that you need to play like a robot to do that, they shouldnt balance the fight with 2h builds around a few people who are the best at playing the game on no desync servers. I would post a screenshot of the emails but i dont know if im allowed to do that or not, im not even sure if im allowed to talk about what i talked with design. Anyway, im not lying. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Sep 23, 2014, 8:08:25 PM
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" Hm. Well theres no desync on the test servers. Maybe a player with fast reflexes can pull it off then. All I can say about Uber Atziri is, I don't play standard, but if you came up with a 2h build now and told the ppl you'd do Uber Atziri, ppl would declare you as insane. A guy on Rampage managed to get the first melee kill on Uber Atziri a while ago..that was with viper strike. Unnecessary to say that that was already nearly impossible. There are currently 3-4 builds in Rampage who can do Ubers pretty reliably: Crit Bow with puncture and split/tornado, ll st with shavs, coc with shavs, and srs. All other builds are very risky at best. But that's really a strange story from GGG. I mean, if they are so skilled that they can kill uber with 2h..why don't they see then how up 2h is atm? Thats contradictary for me. #31 of Rampage League after 7 days played.
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" The guy has indeed mad skills, and huge props to him for managing that, but remember that viper strike means you can use a shield and that you only have to attack her a few times then you can run around for quite a while until you have to do it again and since its damage over time you are still damaging her while youre whilring around and focusing on avoiding her attacks, which makes it a lot less difficult than with a 2h melee char that has no shield and all of his dps is on hit, no damage over time. They do know 2h is underpowered, i mean they are making the game, but i dont know why its taking them so long to buff it. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Sep 23, 2014, 8:44:57 PM
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" Wait what? I know Petrov isnt playing the game, but I didn't know he's left game in such a state that he wasnt even designing his unique any more.. Sad Face :( Should've asked the devs about the 2h issue on the last podcast... opportunity lost indeed. But they are in the work redoing the duelist/templar/marauder tree so maybe they might consider this. just as a reference if you compare the node Swift precision which give 8%AS, 10% accuracy, 50% crit chance and 10% crit multi to its 2h counter part Martial experience which gives 16% phys, 4% AS, 10% accuracy and 10% stun duration and you can kinda see the problem, also, it takes 2 nodes to get to swift precision but 3 nodes for martial experience. It just shows to me whats wrong with the tree. Green_honey_boo_boo is my favourite south park character!
My Goddess Scorned crit ele cleave build @ 1076445 |
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" He didnt leave the game. I watched all of that podcast hoping 2h would come up, the only thing there remotely related is the possibility of a new staff circle, so yea my char is gonna get a buff in dps or block chance but nothing new for any other 2h weapons by the looks of it... Even if you look at swift prec and wrecking ball which is the best 2h nodes, wrecking ball is stupidly weak in comparison I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral |
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If you convince the Designers to implement my suggestions for you unique the game gets an reflection how poorly balanced the game is.
If it's balanced well the unique is fine. If it's poorly balanced the unique is just broken and needs to be buffed/nerfed every patch ;D |
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A note on ggg testing. They don't do it on local machines. Meaning, they have lag, desync, etc.
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"The problem with Staves is that we have Immortal Call. When you truly break down this game for 2H defenses, immortal call > block. You can have nearly 100% uptime on it which renders block on staves virtually useless, not to mention all the points you have to allocate in inefficient damage nodes for staves makes it even less appealing. Not to mention going crit staff is pretty laughable, you have to try to manage soo many stats the everything becomes mediocre. Way back it was actually kind of common for some builds to take extended duration immortal call for 2H builds, its funny how the game pretty much reverted back to that for 2H Melee. The other problem though with immortal call being better than block for 2H is that immortal call is EASILY accessible to every single other class, many of them use it because of how good it is. You dont even need extended duration nodes, simply a 20/20 immortal call and increased duration with 4 endurance charges will give greater than 6 seconds of physical immunity (which is generally enough to go pack to pack completely immune to physical damage if you have decent clearing speed). Heck back in the day it was also common to even swap to Saffles in really "oh shit" moments when dealing with spells, which are far more dangerous than physical damage for 2H melee (That was back when saffles was 120% of block chance as spell block). You can only achieve an small amount of spell block with a stave (It requires sacrificing alot). These are a few reasons why i just cant give a shit about staves, no matter how much they "buff" them. We expected a big stave buff last time and look at we got, it was a pretty big joke. Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in! Labyrinth salt farm miner. "But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years. Last edited by Tin_Foil_Hat#0111 on Sep 24, 2014, 1:34:09 PM
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" Its not only staves that need to be buffed, its all 2h weapons, the lack of defense is the same with all of them, you pretty much need IC, but most of the stuff that kills you is obviously spells cause you dont have high resist caps and no spellbock, just some spelldodge if you go really far. And with staffs again you cant get high block chance unless you use stuff like BoR and anvil, even then youre block chance still wont be capped and you sacrifice a ton of dps, spellblock is stupidly hard to get, since you cant get any block. I just hope they buff all 2h weapons, they said something about that staff circle, but i hope they add some new nodes and buff other 2h weapons as well.. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral |
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