1.3 LL BM Summoner - Atziri viable on a budget (142k - 282k Single dps - 4link only - MF viable)

royvisser1990 wrote:
Never played a summoner build so this might be a stupid question.

How often does a Spectre die? And if one dies you need to go back to the sceptre of gods to get new one? Or is there a faster way?


Can anyone explain to my why a shav is worth like 40-60ex and a Solaris Lorica Copper Plate only worth like 1c? its basicly the same only the shavs got a few 100 ES. and some lightning res.

My spectres die, like, not ever anymore. After lvl 80 they 3x tankier than you are...

for the shavs vs solaris: its 400+ es. This base ES gets enhanced to about 1.5-2k ES with nodes from the tree if you do it right. That difference will be about 20-40% of your es depending on how good the other gear is. Also, Solaris drops as a lower tier unique, while shavs is uber rarity. Take the fact that there are 100x more shavs than solaris with the fact that shavs is 100x better > voila

@neurik I cant see anything, so you're doing something wrong yourself maybe?

Some recommendations on coloring items with shavs btw:
Color bones of ulr 4off (RRGG) for hatred - haste - reduced mana - generosity
Color gloves 2off (RRBB) for reduced mana - vitality - discipline - purity of elements
Color shield to take grace - reduced mana - Purity of x

Only reason I got 3off on gloves was because i got that before 2-off...

Also, on the link recommendations:

Spectres: You link in added fire for the red gem slot, acting like you want more dps, but then you have minion damage in there with increased AoE? If you use increased AoE you have to use concentrated effect instead of minion damage. Its multiplicative, meaning more boost, and it at least keeps the AoE of the prox shields in check (trust me, You DONT want huge bubbles. It only takes away the purpose of being PROXIMITY shields). Then on the added fire gem, this gem is a really small dmg increase (1/4~ only on just the spectres which only do 1/2 of your dmg), compared to other dmg increased (you have a huge ass hatred aura), meaning it is WAY more valuable to have increased duration with Q in there. The lenght of the shields becomes soo much more significant they will keep you much much safer.

Zombies: Please take out life leech... Put in empower or minion life. They will die otherwise. Life leech doesnt mean jack when they already have huge life regen, life leech from tree and such. moreover, you have flasks you want to use for them, and if they have less life, you will have less time to react to the damage that is going to kill them.

Considering you have 1 unset and 1 leftover slot on the shavs, put desecrate and convocation in there, and then link increased duration - vhaste - flesh offering in the wand.

Last but not least:

How can you have shavs but have the rest of your gear be utter crap. A minion helm which is worse than geofris crest in terms of ES, gloves the same and shield is legacy but still not good. You can easily get a 200es shield with the same res as that shield for cheap ... +with shavs you should be able to cap your res on other gear and use necromantic aegis. (im sorry to be so rude btw, but its not really the way to fully exploit shavs if your other gear is worse, for example, with the vertex and 150 ES gloves you would have way more ES than shavs can give you, also, put a divine into that thing. or 2. you should at least hit in the range of 180-200%, preferably closer to 200% of course)

Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
Neurik wrote:

So I love the build, after hitting 68 and slotting my 20/20 gems in the damage is just silly. One downside of Shaves worth mentioning is what a pain it is to get RRGG ES gloves and RRGB ES bones of ullr. Obviously I'm still going to use the shaves but it did make it tough to gear out my auras and the gear I have for gloves just sucks.

I'm only able to run 4 auras currently so I was hoping you would be willing to take a quick peek at my tree and advise me as to what I'm missing. Oh yeah and can I just say puncture sucks and it took me some getting used to the desecrated ground with -60 chaos resist after playing CI for so long 😜


Passive tree:


let me get it right: you do not use discipline?
Last edited by anakkk#7492 on Sep 28, 2014, 6:59:54 PM
anakkk wrote:

let me get it right: you do not use discipline?

Discipline is in shaves
leary93 wrote:

@neurik I cant see anything, so you're doing something wrong yourself maybe?

Some recommendations on coloring items with shavs btw:
Color bones of ulr 4off (RRGG) for hatred - haste - reduced mana - generosity
Color gloves 2off (RRBB) for reduced mana - vitality - discipline - purity of elements
Color shield to take grace - reduced mana - Purity of x

Only reason I got 3off on gloves was because i got that before 2-off...

Also, on the link recommendations:

Spectres: You link in added fire for the red gem slot, acting like you want more dps, but then you have minion damage in there with increased AoE? If you use increased AoE you have to use concentrated effect instead of minion damage. Its multiplicative, meaning more boost, and it at least keeps the AoE of the prox shields in check (trust me, You DONT want huge bubbles. It only takes away the purpose of being PROXIMITY shields). Then on the added fire gem, this gem is a really small dmg increase (1/4~ only on just the spectres which only do 1/2 of your dmg), compared to other dmg increased (you have a huge ass hatred aura), meaning it is WAY more valuable to have increased duration with Q in there. The lenght of the shields becomes soo much more significant they will keep you much much safer.

Zombies: Please take out life leech... Put in empower or minion life. They will die otherwise. Life leech doesnt mean jack when they already have huge life regen, life leech from tree and such. moreover, you have flasks you want to use for them, and if they have less life, you will have less time to react to the damage that is going to kill them.

Considering you have 1 unset and 1 leftover slot on the shavs, put desecrate and convocation in there, and then link increased duration - vhaste - flesh offering in the wand.

Last but not least:

How can you have shavs but have the rest of your gear be utter crap. A minion helm which is worse than geofris crest in terms of ES, gloves the same and shield is legacy but still not good. You can easily get a 200es shield with the same res as that shield for cheap ... +with shavs you should be able to cap your res on other gear and use necromantic aegis. (im sorry to be so rude btw, but its not really the way to fully exploit shavs if your other gear is worse, for example, with the vertex and 150 ES gloves you would have way more ES than shavs can give you, also, put a divine into that thing. or 2. you should at least hit in the range of 180-200%, preferably closer to 200% of course)

Thank you for taking the time to look and the thoughtful reply and I dont think you are being rude as I would rather have you "tell it like it is", yes I know I need to divine the shaves, it was a bit of an impulse buy, I have mainly played a MF summoner so I had the currency saved up. I can flip the shaves if I wanted to but I wanted to run my spectres in it so I figured what the hell.

I am sitting close to 4k ES which I think is fine, I do not have an issue with survivability so my plan was to level her up and slowly work on gear upgrades as I build out the tree I will definitely change my gems around based on your feedback and give it a whirl.

Thanks again
Neurik wrote:
leary93 wrote:

@neurik I cant see anything, so you're doing something wrong yourself maybe?

Some recommendations on coloring items with shavs btw:
Color bones of ulr 4off (RRGG) for hatred - haste - reduced mana - generosity
Color gloves 2off (RRBB) for reduced mana - vitality - discipline - purity of elements
Color shield to take grace - reduced mana - Purity of x

Only reason I got 3off on gloves was because i got that before 2-off...

Also, on the link recommendations:

Spectres: You link in added fire for the red gem slot, acting like you want more dps, but then you have minion damage in there with increased AoE? If you use increased AoE you have to use concentrated effect instead of minion damage. Its multiplicative, meaning more boost, and it at least keeps the AoE of the prox shields in check (trust me, You DONT want huge bubbles. It only takes away the purpose of being PROXIMITY shields). Then on the added fire gem, this gem is a really small dmg increase (1/4~ only on just the spectres which only do 1/2 of your dmg), compared to other dmg increased (you have a huge ass hatred aura), meaning it is WAY more valuable to have increased duration with Q in there. The lenght of the shields becomes soo much more significant they will keep you much much safer.

Zombies: Please take out life leech... Put in empower or minion life. They will die otherwise. Life leech doesnt mean jack when they already have huge life regen, life leech from tree and such. moreover, you have flasks you want to use for them, and if they have less life, you will have less time to react to the damage that is going to kill them.

Considering you have 1 unset and 1 leftover slot on the shavs, put desecrate and convocation in there, and then link increased duration - vhaste - flesh offering in the wand.

Last but not least:

How can you have shavs but have the rest of your gear be utter crap. A minion helm which is worse than geofris crest in terms of ES, gloves the same and shield is legacy but still not good. You can easily get a 200es shield with the same res as that shield for cheap ... +with shavs you should be able to cap your res on other gear and use necromantic aegis. (im sorry to be so rude btw, but its not really the way to fully exploit shavs if your other gear is worse, for example, with the vertex and 150 ES gloves you would have way more ES than shavs can give you, also, put a divine into that thing. or 2. you should at least hit in the range of 180-200%, preferably closer to 200% of course)

Thank you for taking the time to look and the thoughtful reply and I dont think you are being rude as I would rather have you "tell it like it is", yes I know I need to divine the shaves, it was a bit of an impulse buy, I have mainly played a MF summoner so I had the currency saved up. I can flip the shaves if I wanted to but I wanted to run my spectres in it so I figured what the hell.

I am sitting close to 4k ES which I think is fine, I do not have an issue with survivability so my plan was to level her up and slowly work on gear upgrades as I build out the tree I will definitely change my gems around based on your feedback and give it a whirl.

Thanks again

you're welcome, of course. 4k es is good for now, but if you want to properly level past lvl 90 i would recommend getting 6k (and trust me, its not that hard, I would hit 7k es with my current gear if I'd have shavs)
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
Hey leary, can you post your gear so i can see where can/should i get more ES?
Btw, just saw your tree again... whats the point of elemental equilibrium?
anakkk wrote:
Hey leary, can you post your gear so i can see where can/should i get more ES?
Btw, just saw your tree again... whats the point of elemental equilibrium?

My current gear is on my current gear header, in the gear header (where it should be). EE is because I figured out a way to put in arc and get some EE triggering (it roughly increases damage by 20% on non-res mobs, ~30% on res mobs)
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
Is better empower lv2 or minion life 19-20?


Ok, i guess im ready to let my shield go :'(
the shield will make me lose some cold res, but as you can see i got it already planned
im gonna lose a ton of ES too, im gonna see how this works because my zombies are tanky enough for now, although i havent played on maps lvl 75+ yet
what you think about the links?
Serge91 wrote:
Is better empower lv2 or minion life 19-20?

Nope. Thats why I specifically mention lvl 3+ empower

@Anakkk, badass man, everything looks in place and witht the amount of ES you should end up fine. The links of the spectres are somewhat out of the box, but I like that. They will do significants amount more damage now for the price of shield duration. See how it works out and if you really find yourself without shelter all the time I would go back to minion damage - inc duration instead of conc- inc aoe but keep it for now and let me hear. Im curious
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ

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