1.3 LL BM Summoner - Atziri viable on a budget (142k - 282k Single dps - 4link only - MF viable)

Hey all, Thought I would share my thoughts on the build and the journey to level 72 currently.

first my gear currently.

I was glad to already have the uniqes needed but....

This by far was the most frustrating toon to level by far 41 deaths and counting.

Once I got to merciless all zombie nodes were in and I was positioning myself for the BM transition.

at 70 I was able to get the BM Keystones and 1/4 of the aura nodes. It does make a difference but one thing I was unaware of not sure if most know.. the low life///low light vision Is really annoying.. and makes running most dark maps a pain. But def adds a lot of tension.

Overall it was fun to play summoner, haven't played one since Beta. But in my opinion Minions need to be strengthened without the dependence on so many auras.

anyway just thought I would share my impressions with any checking this out wanting to try it.. THIS IS DEFINATELY NOT A BEGINNER BUILD.. But for those looking for a change its fun, hopefully will be more enjoyable once I get all aura nodes.

here is my current build



Last edited by Ghostredneck#7619 on Sep 27, 2014, 1:22:55 PM
Ghostredneck wrote:
Hey all, Thought I would share my thoughts on the build and the journey to level 72 currently.

first my gear currently.

I was glad to already have the uniqes needed but....

This by far was the most frustrating toon to level by far 41 deaths and counting.

Once I got to merciless all zombie nodes were in and I was positioning myself for the BM transition.

at 70 I was able to get the BM Keystones and 1/4 of the aura nodes. It does make a difference but one thing I was unaware of not sure if most know.. the low life///low light vision Is really annoying.. and makes running most dark maps a pain. But def adds a lot of tension.

Overall it was fun to play summoner, haven't played one since Beta. But in my opinion Minions need to be strengthened without the dependence on so many auras.

anyway just thought I would share my impressions with any checking this out wanting to try it.. THIS IS DEFINATELY NOT A BEGINNER BUILD.. But for those looking for a change its fun, hopefully will be more enjoyable once I get all aura nodes.

here is my current build



Im sorry to hear, but maybe it would be a good disclaimer to post that it indeed is not a beginnersbuild, seeing you made a couple essential mistakes and are missing a couple essential things in gear:

1. You started as a shadow, while doing a witch build. You literally waste 5 points, so where you say lvl 70, it actually (literally, since you dont benefit from levels apart from skillpoints and better gear unlocked) lvl 65. To get to the final build youd need to reach 94

2. You picked up 4 non-essential nodes besides that: 1 10% minion life node next to the 3% leech node, 1 7% life and 1% regen node, and 2 10int nodes that lead up to no-where. Lower the actual level by 4 more. Now your lvl 63 currently.

3. You got a banditreward (reason I know, is because youre lvl 72, while having 27 skillpoints left, 100-27=73, but your lvl 72. Lower the lvl by 1. Lvl 62

These 3 above are a huge thing. With 10 more points, you couldve gotten charisma, champion of the cause and the 2 6% aura effect nodes at sovereignity and go in for leadership.

4. You specced into Necromantic aegis before you even got good survivability yourself. If you die over and over again yourself, you'd want a high es shield yourself.

5. Wrong priority in picking nodes while leveling:
Grave consequences is totally unneeded apart from doing high end maps (74+) and atziri
Charisma is a BIG node investment. Dont go for it (you dont need it, just dont run grace yet), until youve picked up everything apart from Grave consequences, necromantic aegis and lose non-essential nodes like the following:
The 15% damage node below lord of the dead is not beneficial at all before going for the bigger nodes

And now where your deaths are most likely coming from:

6. Your gear is flat out horrible. Im sorry to say, but you can get something better than a 100es +2 helmet for 5chaos, and im looking in the 200 range in that case. Same is for your gloves, for 5c you can get 150es gloves ez. The general skillset spoiler clearly stated that gearing up properly is important. Im not going to touch the matter of your rings tho, but even those can be better. And try to get intelligence if you can on gear.

7. For goodness sake. Your links arent what they should be. Generosity - Reduced mana - HATRED - haste. Hatred almost doubles dps, unlike wrath and anger, which do close to zill. And you're using spell echo arc for what? EE that isnt specced in. Ohh and WHERE THE HELL IS PURITY OF ELEMENTS. If there is one thing I would never try to even run this build without, its that. Damn, how do you keep your minions alive for even a brief moment.


Sorry to be a bitch, but there is a lot of things you havent followed from what ive said in my post. For the rest, just try to hang on, after your gems hit higher levels and you actually get everything properly set up, youll be blasting. Summoners are never known for there easy leveling, but more for there extreme powerhouse endgame. On the "minions shouldnt be dependant on aura's part": Its what this build does. Auramancing. And you're doing it the wrong way ;)
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
Got another couple of questions:

1) Im seeing ur not using minion life/damage on your zombies. With auras, passives and +2 from helmet are enough tank?
2) Youre not using even bone offerin which would make them fuckin tanks... its just a question of sockets or they dont need it?
My zombies in a +1 gems helm + 4 emp are tanky enough imo. Thinking of switching to Daresso's Courage for the 20% psih wich would benefit all minions. What are your thoughts? At this moment @work.
Serge91 wrote:
Got another couple of questions:

1) Im seeing ur not using minion life/damage on your zombies. With auras, passives and +2 from helmet are enough tank?
2) Youre not using even bone offerin which would make them fuckin tanks... its just a question of sockets or they dont need it?

Its the empower that makes the difference. It does almost the same as minion life and hence i say in the guide that its a choice between those two. Multistrike and blind would never be replaced in my opinion because they do to much

Bone offering is on swap in my inventory. Dont need it 24/7.

@painguard edit: ohh the shield. Well, maybe. Not over crest for attack block tho, because the extra block you get is way more valuable and not over rathpith because it doesnt block spells and the spell dsmg becomes slightly better after 45% (if they even go on low life, they are probably going tk die anyways) and not over saffells becae it doesnt give max-res. And considering my zombies with 9k life still can die to megara/igna phoenix in high map/palace dominus when using saffells... Choose yourself
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
Last edited by leary93#3748 on Sep 28, 2014, 7:26:52 AM
I see thanks... so i need to buy and level myself an empower coz i dont have it :(
Serge91 wrote:
I see thanks... so i need to buy and level myself an empower coz i dont have it :(

You dont need to. Minion life gives just as much life, and is the cheaper option for lvl 3+ empower. It just doesnt give dps what empower does. But unless you're aiming for a smooth atziri kill, its not needed
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ

So I love the build, after hitting 68 and slotting my 20/20 gems in the damage is just silly. One downside of Shaves worth mentioning is what a pain it is to get RRGG ES gloves and RRGB ES bones of ullr. Obviously I'm still going to use the shaves but it did make it tough to gear out my auras and the gear I have for gloves just sucks.

I'm only able to run 4 auras currently so I was hoping you would be willing to take a quick peek at my tree and advise me as to what I'm missing. Oh yeah and can I just say puncture sucks and it took me some getting used to the desecrated ground with -60 chaos resist after playing CI for so long 😜


Passive tree:


Last edited by Neurik#5484 on Sep 28, 2014, 3:18:50 PM
Never played a summoner build so this might be a stupid question.

How often does a Spectre die? And if one dies you need to go back to the sceptre of gods to get new one? Or is there a faster way?


Can anyone explain to my why a shav is worth like 40-60ex and a Solaris Lorica Copper Plate only worth like 1c? its basicly the same only the shavs got a few 100 ES. and some lightning res.
Last edited by royvisser1990#2571 on Sep 28, 2014, 4:17:22 PM

royvisser1990 wrote:
Never played a summoner build so this might be a stupid question.

How often does a Spectre die? And if one dies you need to go back to the sceptre of gods to get new one? Or is there a faster way?


Can anyone explain to my why a shav is worth like 40-60ex and a Solaris Lorica Copper Plate only worth like 1c? its basicly the same only the shavs got a few 100 ES. and some lightning res.

If you are playing the build as the author describes they should not die very often, if they do you will have to summon an alternate spectre until you can recall and re-raise at scepter of the gods, the only faster way is if the map you are doing spawns evangalists.

Shaves is much less common than Solaris, the main benefit outside of the added ES (which is very significant), is the fact that it is much easier to get the colors you need for your spectres to 5 or 6 link them

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