1.3 LL BM Summoner - Atziri viable on a budget (142k - 282k Single dps - 4link only - MF viable)
" I'm handling this for now (still leveling and don't have BM yet) by using some Desecrate on the ground, a Spell Totem for Skeletons and keep spamming raise zombies. I just can't keep zombies alive in boss fights, even with Grave Consequences (I know this is should be avoided for leveling, but I can't do without it, and I have refund for later) |
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" Just get the lvls and the poe lvls. Once they reach max rs cap (75) it should not be that much of a problem. My kinions dont die at palace dominus or atziri, so if yours do at temple piety or a random storm herald, there.is either something wrong with your potting behaviour (you really have to have the ones i recommended) or you dont have them at capped res yet. Saffells shouldnt make the difference between them dieying at piety or living at atizir/dominus... Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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Zombie gem is lvl 19 and poe is lvl 17, would those 3 lvl make that much of a difference? Not gonna lie was super excited to play the build and had tons of fun leveling. But once I went bm/ll and even having 4.7k es I've racked up 10 total deaths and it's getting frusgrating. Having no way to pot or leach seems like a deal breaker to me. (99% of the builds I've played since beta are life based)
Edit: gear/passive http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMAAW8GSQ18DY0OPBFQFHEXLxmKGmwajxslHNwdFB1PHaoi9CW8KPoqmDW5RnFLrk25VdZXyVnzWpFca2TnZp5qrGvbbAttGW-ecLtyqX0Yfll_xoCkgseDCYRIhWCIQI9GkDOQVZMnm6GbtZ2upqynCKcrqH2qxKyqtAy4k7-XwBrBxcM6w23JPcpKzLzT-9kL2RPZW9rd3rDfit-_4Yji9-cL6QLqGOq66-7sGPIe87722vcy99f46_qA-tL7CQ== Last edited by beardedmagician#5923 on Oct 1, 2014, 9:14:53 PM
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So, i reached lv64 and bought equip for around 2ex. This is my gear:
I was wondering if the time to put Blood Magic and Mortal Conviction has come. What do you think about that? Also, i have haste, grace and vaal haste at lv20 on another char so Im gonna use them as soon as i reach lv68. And of course im gonna make better colours to chest and gloves (a bit harder). |
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Just to double-check: we want Rathpith Globe as our main shield because its increased spell damage applies to Evangelists? (I'm guessing their AOE attack is a physical spell). Or am I totally wrong here?
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots. "You want my sockets?" |
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" Do you have all reduced mana nodes in the tree? With your reduced mana gems this low you will not be able to run 7 auras, maybe not even 6. I'd level the low reduced manas to 14-15 before switching. Remember that you need to have enough life to cast convocation (essential) and possibly flesh offering (very strong). Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots. "You want my sockets?" |
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" Well, first of all, youve picked wrong order of picking nodes: Grave consequences is a pretty late-game pickup: Aura nodes go first. Influence, Champion of the cause and the ones at sovereignity. Your PoE can be the right lvl, but without all aura nodes it wont have the same effect. Second of all, Post your flasks, I keep being annoyed by the fact people dont think they are important. They are Last but not least, being summoner and ES based, is a 100% different playstyle from lifebased. You dont tank, you dont try to tank, you dont want to tank. If you take damage, go back, asap. Only stuff that kills me really are one-shots (or well, quick kills, being under 0.5sec response time kills) and if you die to other stuff its really your own fault. @Serge: just to make sure, dont use necromantic aegis till you can hit 4k es without a shield, meaning most of the times, 80+ because else youve prioritized nodes the wrong way. Blood magic + Mortal conviction comes as soon as you have most of highway stuff. Sovereignity, death attunement, gravepact, grave intentions etc etc, the important stuff. Then pick up Bm + mc and powerlevel, its really when it starts. just dont expect all auras to be on directly from the start. Use disc, PoE, hatred and haste. then vit, then grace, then anything else (other purities that is) @Jadran: wrong. Its the overall utility rathpith gives. To sum it up: 10% life (good bonus) 200~ ES (good bonus, it works together with our disc really well, to give a free buffer) 30% block + Spellblock (the total block here is insane. both spells and attacks get blocked, which both crest and saffells cant say) The spell dmg is mostly creaming on top. The main reason of necro aegis is to provide defensive utility, offensive utility thereby is the last to come past our minds. That is why in most cases saffells will suffice Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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" Yeah atm im running only 5 auras: Vitality, PoE, Discipline, Hatred & Haste. Im goin in low maps to reach faster lv75 while leveling my gems (i have a lv20reduced mana forgot to mention). Im missing the aura branch near CI, i'll take it as soon as I can. But honestly with only 2,7k ES (saffel included) Im almost oneshot by everything (especially without grace to help), so Im gonna take the node with es and +1%max light res first. Then i'll take the last branch of auras and the last branch of zombie (the one near templar). " Sure, i'll take it when i reach 80-85. I need to get now ES nodes coz it's almost unplayable with 2,6k es in maps, especially with fire/desacrated ground. Not to mention, if i spam Flesh Offering/Desacrate, the delay of recharge restart (and thats fuckin stupid, since im BM, its not a "damage" i take from monster". Well i've done a couple of maps and I went fine. The fact is im not used to play with a type of build like this so I need also to learn how do I should move in every situation. And need to get more ES from gear: more maximum ES from crafted rings should be op, need to buy a good ring with a slot to put it. Just sayin': i think Vertex is a great solution. Since i've got Emp lv2, that becomes lv3 and now my zombies have like 4,5k. And raise zombie is far from bein lv20 XD The main problem of this build though, was to levelin it until lv60. Never find it so hard to get to it, done lots of deaths rotfl XD Maybe Ive chosen the wrong order to put points but.. Last edited by Serge91#5363 on Oct 3, 2014, 1:57:54 AM
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" My advice is drop :) saffels/necro aegis and run with an ES shield. You need at least 3.5k ES i had it on level 58 with weaker gear. You can resummon your zombies. Evangelist will survive low level maps without a shield. minion stats: http://goo.gl/gQxs0w
Modifiers: http://goo.gl/jGIr8b Zombie dps calculator: http://goo.gl/XIStJV |
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yeah. my point for no necromantic aegis was to be able to use a high es shield. I used a 400 es shield before picking necro aegis. lvling until lvl 60 is indeed hard if you level as the build. Its not a leveling build tho, you level with a leveling skill like flameblast/storm call or anything up till lvl 60.
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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