1.3 LL BM Summoner - Atziri viable on a budget (142k - 282k Single dps - 4link only - MF viable)


your Build Weekly Recommended

Last edited by namei#1728 on Sep 26, 2014, 7:27:35 AM
xMike wrote:
can your take an ss of your zombies stats?

Ill try, but it wont give damage stats
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
xMike wrote:
can your take an ss of your zombies stats?

Uploaded. Also updated my current gear. hit 4.6k today with vertex.
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
@leary Are you using shavs already?

Take a look on mine:

Im using this right now:

I didnt took the keystone for the shield because ES is my priority for now.
Im also not using the purity of fire/ice/lightning. With zombies on vertex, they cost only 50 hp to cast, and i have 137 unreserved hp.
As soon as i get a shavs (which might take a long long time lol) im going to put the generosity link on the silk slippers, and pass the spectres link to shavs.
I know the spectres link isnt optmized, but skeletons helps a lot with tanking as a meat shield, and casting them near an enemy makes the zombies aim for that enemy, which is pretty useful too.

Also, flasks:
Last edited by anakkk#7492 on Sep 26, 2014, 9:40:05 PM
anakkk wrote:
Are you using shavs already?

Im using this right now:

I didnt took the keystone for the shield because ES is my priority for now.
Im also not using the purity of fire/ice/lightning. With zombies on vertex, they cost only 50 hp to cast, and i have 137 unreserved hp.
As soon as i get a shavs (which might take a long long time lol) im going to put the generosity link on the silk slippers, and pass the spectres link to shavs.
I know the spectres link isnt optmized, but skeletons helps a lot with tanking as a meat shield, and casting them near an enemy makes the zombies aim for that enemy, which is pretty useful too.

Also, flasks:

I dont have shavs yet.

As for the flasks, i would really get at least 1 animation flask, preferably 2. put some alterations in upgrading those. Get an staunching too btw, trust me on that one.

For your links, it looks horribly organized and I dont believe you fully understood the purpose of all minions and gem links.

Zombies: First purpose is to be tanky, really tanky, and blind minions. Hence blind, minion life/empower are used, multistrike serves double purpose of both blinding more, and doing a lot more dmg. Conclusion: replace Minion damage with minion life/empower (btw, minion damage, does jack anyways, and i would take melee phys/splash over it if going for dmg)

Spectres: Shield you, and AoE big packs down. Hence increased duration, spell echo. Rest of the links serve for damage increase. If you dont have them linked, why even use them at all. please at least 3 link them.

Skeletons: They first of all take time to cast, which you shouldnt even have, because if you'd have proper links, the mobs are dead before you can set up an army of skellies, because you always start of casting flesh offering. Second of all, they neither do significant damage nor have significant amount of life. If you want to have something close to you for tanking, convocate your zombies to you instead. You may have seen ghazzy use this on his build, but he explained it was solely for specific bosses, and hence, i would rather put it in the zombie link (having 3link zombies and skellies basically) than taking up slots from your spectres

V-skellies is different, but it should still not interfere with 4linking your spectres

On your aura setup: it is neither necessary nor really beneficial to run all 3 purities in your links. It takes up your precious link slots, as you may have noticed since you cant 4link your spectres... Its the reason Im putting my purities in my shield, so i can swap for the specific situations. or. Just dont swap shields at all. Its enough to have all Po-x in your inv and just put em in the right colorred slots: Ice goes into grace slot, Lightning into PoE or offering, fire into vitality/reduced mana slot. or the leftover red slot in your lorica, which is being useless currently.

On the necro aegis case, I dont think you need to pick it up yet, considering your gloves and rings arent gg yet (for rings, the %es mod works wonders) but i also dont think its needed as much if you would put minion life to your zombies and 4link the spectres

Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
leary93 wrote:
anakkk wrote:
Are you using shavs already?

Im using this right now:

I didnt took the keystone for the shield because ES is my priority for now.
Im also not using the purity of fire/ice/lightning. With zombies on vertex, they cost only 50 hp to cast, and i have 137 unreserved hp.
As soon as i get a shavs (which might take a long long time lol) im going to put the generosity link on the silk slippers, and pass the spectres link to shavs.
I know the spectres link isnt optmized, but skeletons helps a lot with tanking as a meat shield, and casting them near an enemy makes the zombies aim for that enemy, which is pretty useful too.

Also, flasks:

I dont have shavs yet.

As for the flasks, i would really get at least 1 animation flask, preferably 2. put some alterations in upgrading those. Get an staunching too btw, trust me on that one.

For your links, it looks horribly organized and I dont believe you fully understood the purpose of all minions and gem links.

Zombies: First purpose is to be tanky, really tanky, and blind minions. Hence blind, minion life/empower are used, multistrike serves double purpose of both blinding more, and doing a lot more dmg. Conclusion: replace Minion damage with minion life/empower (btw, minion damage, does jack anyways, and i would take melee phys/splash over it if going for dmg)

Spectres: Shield you, and AoE big packs down. Hence increased duration, spell echo. Rest of the links serve for damage increase. If you dont have them linked, why even use them at all. please at least 3 link them.

Skeletons: They first of all take time to cast, which you shouldnt even have, because if you'd have proper links, the mobs are dead before you can set up an army of skellies, because you always start of casting flesh offering. Second of all, they neither do significant damage nor have significant amount of life. If you want to have something close to you for tanking, convocate your zombies to you instead. You may have seen ghazzy use this on his build, but he explained it was solely for specific bosses, and hence, i would rather put it in the zombie link (having 3link zombies and skellies basically) than taking up slots from your spectres

V-skellies is different, but it should still not interfere with 4linking your spectres

On your aura setup: it is neither necessary nor really beneficial to run all 3 purities in your links. It takes up your precious link slots, as you may have noticed since you cant 4link your spectres... Its the reason Im putting my purities in my shield, so i can swap for the specific situations. or. Just dont swap shields at all. Its enough to have all Po-x in your inv and just put em in the right colorred slots: Ice goes into grace slot, Lightning into PoE or offering, fire into vitality/reduced mana slot. or the leftover red slot in your lorica, which is being useless currently.

On the necro aegis case, I dont think you need to pick it up yet, considering your gloves and rings arent gg yet (for rings, the %es mod works wonders) but i also dont think its needed as much if you would put minion life to your zombies and 4link the spectres

Thansk for the highlight!

About zombies: i though that they were the mass killers of the build, thats why i put that minion damage there. But they kinda die easy, so thats why i asked you before about the other summoner unique wand. But, luckily, i just bough a empower and swap the minion damage for it.

About spectres: my idea was to "keep it going" until i get shavs, because its realy easy to get good colors for it on shavs. But since u think its so terrible, ill end up putting spectres on my gloves and get rid of summon skel.

About the flasks: i didnt payed much attention to them yet, i guess its time to look for better ones.

Thanks again for the advices :P
anakkk wrote:

Thansk for the highlight!

About zombies: i though that they were the mass killers of the build, thats why i put that minion damage there. But they kinda die easy, so thats why i asked you before about the other summoner unique wand. But, luckily, i just bough a empower and swap the minion damage for it.

About spectres: my idea was to "keep it going" until i get shavs, because its realy easy to get good colors for it on shavs. But since u think its so terrible, ill end up putting spectres on my gloves and get rid of summon skel.

About the flasks: i didnt payed much attention to them yet, i guess its time to look for better ones.

Thanks again for the advices :P

youre welcome. For shavs, its just such a long-term goal that its not reasonable to wait for it unless you have insane rng, rmt, or flip fulltime
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
playing beyond righ now, my current gear (im lv 51)
im just leveling gems, having no problems with monsters, when my minions take dmg i pop a animation flask and they are full hp again, running purity of ele, vitaly and hatred right now
This world is an illusion, exile!
Totems for life!
What are the bandit choices? 3 skillpoints?
Increasing Field of View in PoE: /1236921
Araycan wrote:
What are the bandit choices? 3 skillpoints?

Yep. Nothing else is even remotely useful towards your damage output or survivability
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ

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