[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds
" 1.6k life and 700ES in merciless is way too low. Also you're not supposed to clear level 68 content with a level 67, especially maps. I was already level 70 or 71 when I reached level 68 content. You need at least 2k ES to be safe in act 4 merciless. But as a summoner, it's pretty much impossible to not die on Malachai anyways no matter how much life/ES you have so that's one place you're supposed to die at. All your gear could use an improvement. - Staff should have +cast speed - You don't need +max minions, instead focus on movement speed, ES and resists on your boots. Aim for at least 100ES on boots - You need more life/resists on gloves - You need +dex/str and chaos resist on rings, not rarity - You need cast speed/mana regen/ES on amulet - You should use spell totem + summon skeletons as a distraction - You need more ES on the chest, 170 is not good enough. Try to aim for at least 300, with some chaos resist - You need a belt with lots of resist, some chaos resist and HP. That belt is for MF Last edited by melodia1#6446 on Sep 5, 2015, 4:17:12 PM
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I don't really agree with malachai being somewhere you simply "should" die. or that you need to be level 71+ for 68 maps.
Yes, I was level 73 when I died in a 68 map, but it was a double player Dungeon Brutus fight, I had recently killed him just fine when he had 1 player HP. Gorge, Tropical Valley, and Dunes all gave me little fuss as low as level 66. I however had much better gear. |
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Need some help, really confused here! Few questions regarding the 'Pure SRS hybrid'.
- You mention 'effective HP', what does this mean exactly? - You also mention life roll on gear till you reach the stage of mapping then focus on the priorities. Yet stated that you do not need any life rolls on gear at endgame stage. Confused by what this means exactly, do we entirely not get life on gear at all? Or do we still need to get some life. As I've been flicking through the pages and seeing others recommend people having gear problems to get more life. Apoligies beforehand if none of this makes sense or I'm simply just not getting it, currently half asleep XD Last edited by OneZeroNine#0936 on Sep 6, 2015, 7:43:28 AM
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" Hey, I am not a big fan at all of the Vis Mortis, it gives you some ES sure, 0 life, and then it gives you +1 spectre. All the other mods are more or less 99% useless. The buff is useless and spread only to the single minion who delivers a killing blow and is unable to be scaled in duration unless using increased duration gem but still being a useless buff. Then the lack of HP, but yeah zombies rarely die anyways with that build. It gives you increased damage sure, but mainly via +1 spectre and you are losing out on quiet a big increase defensively from using a rare chest. " Pure SRS Hybrid = Witch > Scion " The build lives on the HP gain, you must make sure your life is focused on getting as much as possible. I would recommend having a minimum life pool of 4k+ which means with ZO/MoM/EB you'll have an eHP of 5200+ as long as your ES is at least 40-50% of your HP pool. Now you should be able to get more if you focus on HP gear pieces mainly, changing the 6L to a chest with much higher life gain will increase your resilience but you would obviously drop damage, so its a tough choice. But playing Hardcore i wouldnt even think twice about it, unless i had insane HP gear on all the other pieces, as well as changing a bit in my spec to get more life to meet the required stats for a comfortable end game stat. " Malachai is an annoying fight for summoners that do not use SRS. But no, you are not "suppose" to die there, absolutely not. These builds are all hardcore viable, tested and confirmed with rather bad gear worth under 1ex in HC-Templeague. That includes the currency to get a 5L by average. I personally recommend being careful vs hardhitting bosses in maps and outLvL the maps before daring to go in. Dying vs Brutus can be done by a lot of builds if you get unlucky and critted. The arena map is very annoying if you cant clear the spawns fast enough as well, you'll get overrun and die for that reason alone. Certain maps as you are describing are piss-easy specially for summoners. :) " Hey, Effective HP = It is the "life" you have that is what damage is taking from you. When I am refering to eHP it is usually consisting of the build(s) using EB/ZO/MoM making 30% of the damage you take hit your ES instead of life pool. So as long as you keep enough ES as I am recommending to have a minimum of 40-50%+ compared to your life pool it can look like this: 4000 HP + 2000 ES = 4000 x 1.30 = 5200 eHP that is how much effective life you have with 4000 life as long as your Energy Shield is enough, but then you need some to cast spells with as well, on top of the fact that you can use flasks to regain life back you want even more energy shield above the additional 1200 "life". Which is why im recommending to have a minimum of 40-50% of your life pool as energy shield! The Pure SRS Hybrid build does not use EB/ZO/MoM it is relying on your ES as your eHP however, you want to have an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of 800+ actual life pool with high chaos resistance to survive the incoming chaos damage taken. In this specific build your eHP is your life pool + ES pool. Lvling up a character with only ES as your focus can be very hard to survive with and to handle chaos damage with that focus whilst lvling is VERY hard and can be rather expensive if you really are trying to make it work. Due to that fact you want to level as shown in the skilltree as well, with the use of life rolls on gear and nodes in the tree to make sure you can survive reaching lvl 65-70+ where you want to start considering to do maps if not later. At that point you can regear your character entirely and skip the life roll and respec out of the life providing nodes in the tree which decreases the cost of almost all gear pieces and leaves room for your skilltree to other more useful nodes. And do not worry about asking questions, any question is more than welcome. I love what I do and I'm just glad people are enjoying my work in here! Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv Last edited by Ghazzy#0404 on Sep 6, 2015, 10:07:11 AM
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So this is my gear so far, currently lvl 78 using my witch I had pre 2.0 and I'm struggling. Everyone keeps saying the damage is insane, I'm just not seeing it. Mines mediocre,takes me forever to clear trash packs and my so called 'meat shield' doesn't help at all since mobs completely ignore them and go for me. Help me out here guys XD . |
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" Your gems are only Lvl 15 . give it some time and grind those things up. Zombies are there to tank for a few seconds to allow you to spam srs. The defense of this build is being op in dmg. Also try a Summon skellie on spell totem to add more distractions. Last edited by LillyAnn#3233 on Sep 7, 2015, 1:54:53 PM
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Change Melee Physical for Melee Splash when doing maps if you don't already! Are you following the tree Ive posted? Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Hello, just a question. Is there any way to transition from the low budget Pure SRS Summoner into the high budget low life summoner? Or is it better to start a new witch from the high budget summoner?
Reason I'm asking is because I have about 20 exalts on Warbands right now and I'm unsure what the build will cost me. My aim is to kill Uber Atziri without much trouble and if the low budget Pure SRS Summoner can transition into that eventually, maybe I should start with that because 20ex isn't enough? Thanks! Last edited by dokidokidango#1768 on Sep 7, 2015, 8:59:10 PM
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" 20ex is not enough for the high budget version but yes of course you can transition the build, it uses more or less the same gems its just modification towards gear and skilltree which is solved by currency :) Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Hi !
I'm quite new to the game and wanted to start a necromancer (as a scion) in Tempest League. I chose to follow your guide for a 3 keystone one (thanks a lot by the way !) but what I cannot understand is why you would pick up increase skill effect duration with it and not running a curse. Did I miss something ? |
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