[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds

So how much HP and ES do I need if I play this build?
xxanderr wrote:
So how much HP and ES do I need if I play this build?

Should have answered that 1-2 pages back!
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Hey ghazzy...

not much to say here. Just appreciate the dedication u put in making summoner builds and sharing em in depth with us.

Keep that coming man!
Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]
Summoner Raging Spirits:
Summon Raging Spirit + Echo + Minion Damage + Melee Physical Damage + Culling Strike + *Empower(3) + (If Pledge:) Melee Damage On Full Life

The wiki here: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Summon_Raging_Spirit

states the optimal SRS link setup is Spell Echo, Minion Damage, Added Chaos Damage, Multistrike, Empower, with melee splash tossed in for empower i you lack empower, or in addition if using pledge.

You mention multistrike > culling strike if affordable as well, so that's not overly weird, but I do wonder about added chaos damage as it's not something your guide ever references. Is there a reason to not use it?

Also, if using a 5link, what would you leave out?

Same with the spectres, which gem would you consider least important and the one to drop if you only have a 5L?
Your guide is really useful but I am having a lot of difficulty clearing act 4 + 68 maps with my level 67 witch. I have about 1.6k life with 700 ES. I seem to be get oneshotted fairly often.

How can I upgrade or improve my gear at this stage? I have about 2 exalts of currency.

Earthslug wrote:
Hey ghazzy...

not much to say here. Just appreciate the dedication u put in making summoner builds and sharing em in depth with us.

Keep that coming man!


Cheers man! Glad to hear <3!

Nauzhror wrote:
Summoner Raging Spirits:
Summon Raging Spirit + Echo + Minion Damage + Melee Physical Damage + Culling Strike + *Empower(3) + (If Pledge:) Melee Damage On Full Life

The wiki here: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Summon_Raging_Spirit

states the optimal SRS link setup is Spell Echo, Minion Damage, Added Chaos Damage, Multistrike, Empower, with melee splash tossed in for empower i you lack empower, or in addition if using pledge.

You mention multistrike > culling strike if affordable as well, so that's not overly weird, but I do wonder about added chaos damage as it's not something your guide ever references. Is there a reason to not use it?

Also, if using a 5link, what would you leave out?

Same with the spectres, which gem would you consider least important and the one to drop if you only have a 5L?

No DPS calculation done outside the wiki displays the added chaos to be close to the links displayed in my guide.
Melee Physical adds dmg to your spirits which is then scaled up further by the Hatred aura, individually it might be better but with the addition of Hatred on top of EE being applied your damage is significantly higher with Melee Physical compared to any of the added damage gems, specially considering how it is dropped by 30% less from the last nerf.

Hence why added chaos is not mentioned! :)

In a 5L i'd remove the Empower and/or culling strike if Empower is low lvl. If its high lvl id remove culling strike.

Which spectres are you refering to, flame sentinels or revenant build?

wraithseeker wrote:
Your guide is really useful but I am having a lot of difficulty clearing act 4 + 68 maps with my level 67 witch. I have about 1.6k life with 700 ES. I seem to be get oneshotted fairly often.

How can I upgrade or improve my gear at this stage? I have about 2 exalts of currency.


That sounds problematic and the problem lies within your gear, you have extremely poor effective HP with your build!
First of, playing the 3 Keystone Zoomancer you should replace the Bones of Ullr if you can (resistance & eHP wise). The Sidhebreath amulet is a complete waste and you should get yourself a dexterity amulet to cover your dexterity stat requirements and make sure it has LIFE roll on it on top of resistances that is required.
Your rings are both lacking life rolls but seems fairly alright if you exclude the most important stat. You really must look through the stat prio list that I've posted in the guide!
Chest piece has a VERY low ES ammount but has an OK life roll at least.
The helmet is completely completely wasted for you, you MUST get LIFE!
The belt i would replace with a rare Heavy Belt to help you with your strength requirements and make sure that Heavy Belt not only has resistances that you need, but also LIFE!
Gloves are lacking LIFE again! but looks fairly alright, but, you are lacking the MOST important stat!
Staff should be benmchcrafted with +cast speed from Catarina for increased DPS! :)

2 Exalts of currency should be plenty to get a LOT better gear than you have! I hope it helped!
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
It was the sentinels I as referring to. I'm using the build on Tempest. I'm currently level 70.

I have 3,166 HP and 1,780 ES. Currently trying to improve that a bit more so I can think about making the switch to EB/MOM soon.

Using this:


I desperately need a better chest, but I'm reluctant to give up the 6L setup (real 6L's are much less in my budget than cheap corrupted ones dropped from Corrupting Tempests).

I used sidhebreath and ullr's boots till Merciless but recently disposed of both, only two uniques I am tempted to wear currently are Pledge of Hands and Vis Mortis, but not sure if Vi'd be a good idea, it's more ES than my current chest, but much less than a rare chest. How viable would you consider Vis Mortis to be at end game? It'd make spectres die easier (zombies too I guess, but those never die), but it'd ramp up the damage of them and SRS.

Meginord's Girdle is another unique I could see being useful, primarily due to it's +10% HP.
Last edited by Nauzhror#4523 on Sep 4, 2015, 9:22:36 AM
Hey Ghazzy,

About your pure SRS build, which class is the most optimal in your opinion, Scion or Witch?

Changed some gear (actually everything but boots, chest, and staff):


3,209 HP
2,549 ES

I think it's time that chest goes, but I can't afford a better 6link, is why I'm insure whether to downgrade to a 5link, and if I do, what gem to remove.
Last edited by Nauzhror#4523 on Sep 4, 2015, 1:00:40 PM
Will try it again I think, but not really sure the build's nearly as hc-viable as proclaimed. ES without evade or armor just can't handle phys damage very well. Died at level 73 in like 2 hits on a 68 map.

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