[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds
Just got one-hit-KO'd (literally, not exaggerating) by a unique boss in a corrupted area in act 3 tower. The boss looks like a reskin of Piety when she's in the "fire" form (moves insanely fast, attacks with claws). 2.4k life and 1.2k ES, so basically one hit from that claw did more than 3.6k damage. This is really depressing... makes me wonder if I have to get used to dying very often with this build when in maps since right now I'm only in act 3 merciless, and already getting one-hit KO'd. All my resists are maxed except chaos, and I try to hide behind some obstacle when using SRS, but for super quick melee bosses like these (including that spider boss that uses flicker strike) I don't know how I'm supposed to survive them with 0 armour and 0 evasion.
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are you using some kind of Zombie/ Skeleton in your setup? I was doing ok but now that I added a Zombie/ Golem setup I can clear maps much more safely and even run some maps level 78+ in full magic-find gear. (Much less health/ Energy Shield) It really helps to have something standing in front of you when you open a door/ walk into a room. Positioning is still really important. Also test out carrying an armour flask or a Quicksilver flask to run if something gets to you. Find what flask is good for you. Rumi's Concotion is good for me and I would test Taste of Hate if I could get one but a boost of armour/ run speed definitely helps you get away. Also thx to Ghazzy for this guide its helped me and he is a cool guy! He sold me a nice gem in Standard for a good price and his stream is really good check it out if you havent watched!!! Last edited by ShirosLullaby#4041 on Aug 31, 2015, 12:06:01 AM
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" Regarding what to expect in maps: your gems will level up and you will get better gear. Once your SRS start dealing serious dps things will usually die before they are a threat to you. On top of that there's the zombies that occasionally distract enemies. All in all, I can tell you I just did a double boss+vulnerability jungle valley yesterday (the spider you are referring to, I think) without taking much damage. Also I agree 100% with the post above regarding skeleton totem and flasks. Last but not least, your playstyle is important too. 3.6k eHP in late merciless isn't a lot, so you need to play with extra care until you level up/upgrade your gear. Use convocation if your zombies are behind you, skeleton totem to "scout" dagerous areas (like the corrupted boss zone), etc. Sometimes it does happen that an enemy ignores all of your minions and goes straight after you, you can try to run around your minions if that happens, hopefully they will draw the aggro eventually. Just giving you a few ideas, and also let me assure you that SRS has one of the strongest late games I've ever played. |
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I'm at level 73 atm following the 3keystone guide and i am wondering when i should go for eldrich battery and mind over matter..
Currently at 2900 life and 1250 ES with all resistance capped and 18% chaos.. Since this is on tempest i'm afraid that if i switch over to early i might get one shot if i get distracted at any point.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! |
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Hello Ghazzy!
Is there any specific uniques, except Pledge of Hands, that you would reccomend to use in endgame for srs build? |
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Hey guys,
I see a lot of people responding for me to questions, thank you all for helping me keeping this thread well mannered and properly informed. I usually answer every day or every second day. Regarding earlier mentioned problems with survivability, the latest changes in patch: 2.0 enemies are slightly less likely (compared to earlier) to attack your minions and actually go for you instead. I have sent information to the GGG Dev. "Rory" about this and will forward the information about that specific boss "Piety" in a corrupted area as well. How to tackle said issue: Use Spell Totem with Skeletons to provide fresh decoys and perhaps avoid corrupted zones till later. SRS is extremely strong but needs to level up before it starts skyrocketing! Also, the usage of a Granite Flask is vital to survive quick physical damage dealing enemies + the use of a Quicksilver Flask allows you to outrun / kite enemies for increased safety!
" Hey, I usually change over around lvl 70ish and when i do i usually make sure to purchase the gear i want for the change and go with lvling gear all the way up to that point. You want to have roughly 3500-4000 HP with 1500-2000 ES on that with that specific build. See if you can reach that with the gear you have before changing! " Hey hey, Uniques for SRS build, no not really no. Shavronne's Wrappings when you want to upgrade to higher budget build but besides that you wanna go full rare items for optmized playstyle. Thats my 2 cents at least on uniques for the SRS build. Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Improved the gear as advised... Now I have 2.5k life and 5.3k ES at lvl 80 (in game, with all auras). Upgraded gloves (not so cheap~10c, 169 ES), body armour ~ 7c (i know, very cheap :P, 710 ES) and amulet (2c, 42 +es, 14% ES).All of these upgrades with the cost of life and some -resist, but still capped and + 44% at chaos.
Still waiting for the last 12% mana reduction to go haste...Any insight on this, what to do next... I play on hc.It is worth going for ES on helm ~ 300, but no +2 and maybe no life? Currently, not impressed by zombies, but i hope @lvl 20 they will make some difference with their life and be moar tanky. Also, it' worth goin for that point life regen to ES regen? Last edited by joint77#1400 on Aug 31, 2015, 6:18:54 PM
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Thanks Ghazzy, your timely and friendly responses are really appreciated. I forgot about granite flasks, guess I'll carry at least one of those for corrupted areas and bosses from now on.
A few more Qs: - In your guide you recommend the "defiler" necromancer enemy to raise as spectre. But I never see any other summoners use this as their spectre. 90% of the timer I see them raising the spiders in act 4 Belly of Beast (that shoots blue needles or w/e they are), and 10% of the time I see people using the huge coliseum statues. Any reason why you prefer the defiler? - My spectres are having very hard time surviving more than 1-2 screens. I noticed you didn't spec any points into minion life regen in the tree, maybe this is why? I doubt minions benefit much from life leech because the necromancers rarely if ever attack, and zombies usually die before they do much damage. Are you using flasks with minion mod to keep your spectres alive? - Have you tried using added chaos damage instead of melee physical damage? If you did how good is ACD? - Is there any need for "+X maximum # of minion" mods on equipment? On uniques or crafted rares? Last edited by melodia1#6446 on Aug 31, 2015, 10:23:20 PM
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Where did you get so much energy shield? On video you have almost 10k. Any hint on this matter?
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" Zealot's Oath is a matter of taste, thats your call in the end what you feel more comfortable with. The zombies survivability is not super impressive, they are there to act as the first seconds of safety to allow you to cast the needed SRS vs harder fights. They become a lot more resilient with the +2 min roll but again, they are not mandatory to make the build work but are recommended for increased safety in general. Again, using them or switchin for something else is up to you :) " Hey, My pleasure, like i've mentioned before it is my dream goal to do fulltime streaming to provide this community with higher quality and more of these guides! The spectres used in this build is not there to do damage, they are there to increase your already insane damage output. Usually spectres are not even bothered at all with when it comes to this build, sadly the Defilers also have a tendacy of dying making them a pain in the ass to run with. However, this can be solved by using the Defilers you find in maps when you're leveling they are much more resilient. The reason for the usage of these is as stated in the guide: They curse the enemies with Elemental Weakness increasing our clear speed significantly. We lose DPS by manually cursing or curse on hit casting instead of continuesly cast spirits these guys will solve that for us. Added damage on SRS is nerfed by 30% less so having any sort of added gems there are usually avoided. +15% minion damage is recommended the rest is if you have the possibilty (such as +1 zombies on rare chest piece, but again, more ES is more preferable) And having +2 Minion mod on helmet is crucial for increased safety of the zombies. " The DPS video displayed in the guide is a troll video made back in 1.3 (we do even more damage these days...LOL!) The gear and build used there goes under the section of my high budget build. The character on screen is the heaviest geared summoner in the game at the time. Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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