[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds

Ninj wrote:
hey here is my current gear can u advice what should i get next and how to link and colour the chest the 5l is from spectres i used before pledge i was running your 3zoomancer

still need to drop some dex on gear got 209 thats a bit much :D


Excluding the overkill ammount of dexterity which you are already aware of, I dont think i fully understand your question?
How to color/link the chest for spectres? If you plan on using SRS with the build then Flame Sentinels will be the way to go and their links are shown in the thread to be:

Spectre + Echo + Minion Damage + Fire Penetration + Concentrated effect or GMP (change em depending on single target boss fight or AoE trash maps.
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
oh so i asked the question wrong i was playing your 3zoomancer before but i switched to your hybrid pure srs build and want to know what colours and links i should aim for on chest
Yop! so I went to try atziri today with the build and it went just as you said, 0 death, atziri died easily (didnt even notice her hp droping so fast). Both trio and vaals were lols.

I dropped the raise spectre gem for vaal discipline though, but in the end i didn't even use
it the whole run lol didn't feel like I needed to.

Now going to spam haha
Hey Ghazzy, currently running a 5L PoH (SRS, MPD, Empower lvl.3, Melee Splash, Minion Damage) all q20 gems. I'm sure theres a better setup i'm just not sure where a lvl.3 empower falls within the priority list of gems. Also, how practical is Melee Damage on Full Life? i know its a ton of "more damage" but are you just using it under the presumption that whatever you're unleashing your skulls on is going to die so fast that they won't take any damage?
ign: atkhelicopter
Last edited by thayil#7174 on Jul 29, 2015, 1:09:58 AM
Glad to hear everyone is enjoying the builds as much!

Regarding Melee Damage on Full Life:
Raging Spirits are NEVER targeted by enemies, they are ignored by enemies. The only thing hitting them are colateral splash and/or projectiles. Which makes them take dmg rather rarely, but yes the idea is to have them kill things super fast to avoid any of that. However, I usually switch that gem in instead of Melee Splash (Trash vs single target boss fights).

The priority of gems should be in the correct order of efficiency.
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Does anger provide more dps than Hatred just wondering wouldn't you run hatred?
Ghazzy wrote:
Glad to hear everyone is enjoying the builds as much!

Regarding Melee Damage on Full Life:
Raging Spirits are NEVER targeted by enemies, they are ignored by enemies. The only thing hitting them are colateral splash and/or projectiles. Which makes them take dmg rather rarely, but yes the idea is to have them kill things super fast to avoid any of that. However, I usually switch that gem in instead of Melee Splash (Trash vs single target boss fights).

The priority of gems should be in the correct order of efficiency.

I find that in maps my SRS always get hit. Cull strike works better in most maps.
The current builds do not make use of Jewel slots... I think thats a big mistake.
IGN JimansNotSummoner
I'm working on a build modeled after the 6-keystone build- is this atziri-viable? Or will I eventually need to get 20-30 regrets and switch over to srs-hybrid if I want to do this with my group?
Wich flask would you use for Atziri?

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