[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds

Hello, as always great work on your summoner guides!

I just have a question: How do you mitigate physical damage with this build? This build seems to have very little armor and with the Awakening, it seems monsters are dealing much more physical bursts. I lost a 65 witch not so long ago on Tempest. I had 4K HP, 35% physical mitigation and max resists and was one shot by Merciless Kole in Lunaris.

Also, the new patch nerfed the Revenents by quite a bit which is what the 6 Keystone Summoner is built around. What are your thoughts on this?

I'm making a new 6-Keystone Summoner and wanted to know your thoughts/advice. Thanks!

Last edited by dokidokidango#1768 on Jul 23, 2015, 2:33:44 AM
DackBradshaw wrote:
Mahero18 wrote:
Hi Guys,

Is there a way to play the srs build without having to bring along spectres/zombies etc? (Not used to play with other minions than vaal skeletons... plus they die quite fast against Atziri)

I understand that they serve as targets so that we don't get hit since this build can't regen ES really fast, is that correct? If it is i'd rather like strenghening my def some other way so that i don't need to play with spectres/zombies etc... if anyone know how let me know.

Thanks to anyone answering this.

And thank you Ghazzy for your SRS builds, made me start farming Atziri and was really nice... before 2.0 lol!

Check this build:

Thanks for your answer but that's not what I'm looking for at all... I'm ok playing with ES i just wanna be able to hold myself against Atziri and such, without having to rely on minions as def.
Chris wrote:

Stygian Revenants now fire three lightning projectiles (down from five), and deal 30% less damage with them. Their revived minions now explode for 20% less damage. These monsters were extremely efficient at killing players. This purpose of this change is to prevent mass extinction of exiles, rather than to nerf them as spectres.

Any plans Ghazzy?

Need to test some more maybe the links have to be adjusted. Sire of Shards could also prove to be a very good option for revenants now.

Last edited by smurfpatrol#1131 on Jul 23, 2015, 8:04:06 AM
They were NOT nerfed, they were balanced. We are still a go on those.

Thread Answers
SheldorArmy wrote:
ty for answering me
and for a beginner like me, your guide is a blessing

I am very happy the guide pleases you!
The thread will be updated on a frequent basis with changes and/or new builds. I am also remaking the entire thread for each big update to make sure anyone can follow this thread alone without looking for new threads per build!

Mahero18 wrote:
Hi Guys,

Is there a way to play the srs build without having to bring along spectres/zombies etc? (Not used to play with other minions than vaal skeletons... plus they die quite fast against Atziri)

I understand that they serve as targets so that we don't get hit since this build can't regen ES really fast, is that correct? If it is i'd rather like strenghening my def some other way so that i don't need to play with spectres/zombies etc... if anyone know how let me know.

Thanks to anyone answering this.

And thank you Ghazzy for your SRS builds, made me start farming Atziri and was really nice... before 2.0 lol!

Yes that is correct, and yes it is doable but not as safe as running with them.
The only other way i can see is to play around with some CWDT setup + Spell Totem Skellies (changing out the Arc(EE) at least for mapping).

Outside of that i don't think you could even come remotely close to the defensiveness you gain from the permanent minions... :/

shadowstride wrote:
Thanks for the reply Ghazzy, got a-few more questions now that I've started the build if that's ok

Where would you suggest putting the 3 Vaal Hastes + Inc. Duration, as in what armour slot gives the less es so wouldn't matter if I had to buy a gggr ev piece or something?

What kind of ES pool would you recommend to have before specing out of the mentioned life nodes on the tree?

At what gem level on the SRS would Minion Instability become obsolete or is it simply once you've made it past most storyline Bosses?

Actually I think that's it for now, might come back with more questions later. Thanks for the guide! Pretty helpful for people like myself that haven't played SRS Summoners before

Its always ok to answer questions, just fire away!

I would probably only have 1 Vaal Haste with Increased Duration for mapping and the other 2 could be put anywhere tbh, seeing as you dont really need the duration increaser vs Atziri.

Probably around 3k'ish but make sure you have Chaos Resistance to make it comfortable at that point!

Once you begin doing maps MI loses its value quiet significantly, it is mainly used to easen up the leveling process for you.

I'm very glad to hear that you're enjoying it! Stay rocky and don't forget to name your minions! ;)

supermax38 wrote:
Hi ghazzy, i can see you only use one 6L for the srs so i was wondering if a srs build could be viable with a 1h+shield gear ? If yes, what type of weapon do i need ?
I would like to know if i need any unique item among my jewellery, helmet, gloves or boots (like atziri's foible for exemple)
Thanks for the build

You don't need any other uniques no :)
I strongly would advice NOT to play srs without pledge or a "+" staff. It is the main source of the DMG gain the SRS skill gets. I've tried puting them in a chest piece to increase personal defence but it resulted in horrible, horrible, DMG ouput.

Again, nice to hear that you're enjoying it so far at least! :)

kanadehsu wrote:
Hello, as always great work on your summoner guides!

I just have a question: How do you mitigate physical damage with this build? This build seems to have very little armor and with the Awakening, it seems monsters are dealing much more physical bursts. I lost a 65 witch not so long ago on Tempest. I had 4K HP, 35% physical mitigation and max resists and was one shot by Merciless Kole in Lunaris.

Also, the new patch nerfed the Revenents by quite a bit which is what the 6 Keystone Summoner is built around. What are your thoughts on this?

I'm making a new 6-Keystone Summoner and wanted to know your thoughts/advice. Thanks!

We are going with pure ES build for many reasons, being a summoner means you should never be in the front line, i'd recommend using a Granite Flask (preferably the Rumi's Concoction if possible) to mitigate accidental incoming physical hits (and spells with Rumi's).

Regarding Kole in Lunaris, you should never ever be in a situation where you get hit by him. If he hooks you in, you get out or you will die. The build survives on making enemies hit your meatshields, not you. So stay safe!

Stygian Revenants was not nerfed, they were balanced. We are still good to go!

Mahero18 wrote:

Thanks for your answer but that's not what I'm looking for at all... I'm ok playing with ES i just wanna be able to hold myself against Atziri and such, without having to rely on minions as def.

VS Atziri herself she will die so fast you dont have to even consider getting any type of extra mitigation outside the resistance flasks and blee remover. And I'm personally using a Granite Flask for her spears.

Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Hi everyone,

What is the best form of defense(s) for a pure SRS summoner? Although I am at the moment, I don't really like the idea of having zombies and a golem following me around everywhere, I was wondering what the best form of defense on my own character suited SRS summoners and would allow me to clear high tier endgame content without dying too much.

Hello guys i want to make this build but i don't have any idea how to make my leveling progression .

what are the best option to deal with ? ( flame totem ? minion ? )
Hi Vulcan88,

This guide is designed to start from the very beginning with nothing, and yet you will be able to level without any issue even until reaching end game content.
But at the end it would depend on your play style anyway, what you would consider as the most convenient way to play.

I made some changes to this build to fit my play style, since i also prefer to have some kind of defense.

This is low life spec in Warband (5K ES with solaris lorica and other 1-2c gear pieces) using 3 link reverberation wand + AR/ES shield
With my current setup, i can run following auras:
- Haste+Clarity on Life
- Hatred+Anger+Generosity on Mana
- Discipline on Mana

Based on poe.mikelat, it is now possible to run Haste+Vitality on Life with Enlighten level 3
Using Enlighten will also allow you to run Anger+Hatred+Discipline+Clarity on Mana

I respecced and took back those 9/10 points to exceptional performance node in total for +45% more skill duration (i went through reflex node). I think this is not worth for the 45% duration, considering you can also use increase duration support gem, giving you like almost double effect.
Increase duration also only matters in killing boss.
Also SRS is never about lack of damage (now even better with all those jewels and + minion damage glove), but more about lack of reliable defense mechanism.

My planned endgame tree is like this:

This setup will have around 10% ES regen per sec (with 1x fragile bloom + vitality)
As we reach high ES over 10K (using a high ES shield will make this possible, even with shavs), life regen will become more significant and will allow us to regen faster than the incoming damage.
Another thing comes with high ES is that we will be able to utilize CWDT with max molten shell to give physical damage mitigation (and we have increased armor nodes and armor from shield!)

CONS: we can't use 7 Link staff (PoH) or +3 staff, so of course the dps is lower (but not much lower than pure life-based SRS, because we can run both Anger and Hatred. Having a shield can also give 8% more cast speed)

Sorry for the wall of text. Hope this helps!

Last edited by laburnum#4754 on Jul 23, 2015, 2:27:16 PM
Ghazzy wrote:

Yes that is correct, and yes it is doable but not as safe as running with them.
The only other way i can see is to play around with some CWDT setup + Spell Totem Skellies (changing out the Arc(EE) at least for mapping).

Outside of that i don't think you could even come remotely close to the defensiveness you gain from the permanent minions... :/

Alright Thanks man I guess i just have to get used to how to fight with the perma minions around.

Ghazzy wrote:

VS Atziri herself she will die so fast you dont have to even consider getting any type of extra mitigation outside the resistance flasks and blee remover. And I'm personally using a Granite Flask for her spears.

That is what I like to hear ! I'll go try that as soon as I get my hands on some nice accessories.
Thanks again for the great work, keep it going.
Mahero18 wrote:
Ghazzy wrote:

Yes that is correct, and yes it is doable but not as safe as running with them.
The only other way i can see is to play around with some CWDT setup + Spell Totem Skellies (changing out the Arc(EE) at least for mapping).

Outside of that i don't think you could even come remotely close to the defensiveness you gain from the permanent minions... :/

Alright Thanks man I guess i just have to get used to how to fight with the perma minions around.

Ghazzy wrote:

VS Atziri herself she will die so fast you dont have to even consider getting any type of extra mitigation outside the resistance flasks and blee remover. And I'm personally using a Granite Flask for her spears.

That is what I like to hear ! I'll go try that as soon as I get my hands on some nice accessories.
Thanks again for the great work, keep it going.


zharef wrote:
Hello guys i want to make this build but i don't have any idea how to make my leveling progression .

what are the best option to deal with ? ( flame totem ? minion ? )

Flame Totem is a very popular spell to use, i personally enjoyed having a Lightning Trap + MultiTrap + Trap & Mine Damage gems linked in a +1 lightning wand. It was hilarious yet effective with minions around.
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
hi guys
i have a question of quality priority for gems
can you add or answer me
which gems have we to quality 20

ty for all

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