Anu's Self Found Gang.

Been trying to craft a 900+ ES regalia.

A couple went back into rerolling after bad exalts, can't link them.

Exalted the Int, then bricked with Life.

Are ones that may get exalted if there isn't a better candidate when an exalt drops.

Exalted T5 Hybrid FML!!!!

Casually casual.

Casually casual.

Thank you Anu. Saw your post on regalias, decided why not, let's do some gambling... dayum!:

alted Resplendent
auged Of Haast
regaled Seraphim's
exalted 11% fire
exalted Impregnable

Bricked one before that. In total 4 exa used.


exalted first lightning, then life

Good luck with yor crafting!
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness

Grats, morbo. And still cleanable should you wish.
Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Jan 8, 2017, 1:45:48 PM

Alted T1 56% hybrid + suffix
Regaled T1 130%
Exed attribute or fire res (can't remember)
Exed T1 145 flat after a looooooong exalt farm.

Dirty fucker just ate all my jews fuses and alts. Prolly over 3k fuses in :(
Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Jan 19, 2017, 5:09:27 PM
GG on that exalting! :D

Tho, 3k fuse, damn... That's 2x Vorici. Since I'm a hoarder (always saving orbs for "later"), I keep a floor of 1.5k fus in Std. Insurance against Las Vegas crooks :)
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Soon 6 L Vaal regalia? :)
IGN: | Default : ConnardLeBarbant
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drubael wrote:
Soon 6 L Vaal regalia? :)

It's being stubborn. Sunk what I had and liquidated alts for ~3k fuses and just in full farm-liquidate-fuse mode now. It will go soon but I guess it's over 4k now :(.

I'm still rerolling suffixes anyway. Crafted my atlas for exalt farming (vaults) which is working out well.

First reroll hit regen on the first ex so just stopped there

Another reroll inc soon
Casually casual.

Cleaned again, hit stun recovery on first ex.
Casually casual.

What am I currently doing?

Two main objectives.

1) Slowly level CoC character to 100, no rush, never was. Two or three hours a day just running blue maps and saving currency. 3-5% of level per day.

2) Minmaxing SR Occultist. First is to link and suffix craft this 979 regalia. Then reroll the suffixes on gloves. Chest has been rolled 3 times, gloves a fuck load of times. This, of course requires a lot of exalts. Fuses dealt me a bad hand on this one, cleaned me out of stocks and over 4k in now. 1 fuse at a time when they drop, alts to jews to fuses, master deals, we will get there.

For exalts I crafted my atlas for Vaults. While I'm totally against removing content and limiting the game to a 'Shaped Strand Spam', exalt drop rate just sux. I removed only T12s that were not Vault, unshaped the T7 which was a T12 and unshaped my Arsenal.

While playing on the CoC character I'll increase my chaos, scours, alchs, chisels and sextants while also dropping some vaults. When I have 4 red sextants I'll swap to the SR Occultist. Use 4 sextants on Vault, roll 3 Vaults with crazy pack size, 3 frags, beyond, attempt to get prophecies that may work. After running these 3 I then just run well rolled, 3 frags, beyond. After a few maps I'll just run well rolled beyond. The Vault pool generally increases then slowly decreases over a few hours, which brings me to the next day, repeat.

I have a plan for this build using a +1 curse Chayula and Heretic's Veil, so I'm chancing those. It's something that probably won't happen but is an ongoing thing in the background.

Oh, and still working on the last 2 gems. Still no 21/20 Ele Focus and the Chayula/Heretic's version wants a 21/20 Enfeeble.

A good lab day would help for currency. Keeping an eye open for a good 5 key day, but may just settle for a good 4 key rather than an aids 5 key. Aids being layout rather than mods, she no fear mods.

4th try at suffixes, not too bad so far. But I admit I'm half hoping it bricks, :P
Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Jan 30, 2017, 2:39:18 PM

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