Anu's Self Found Gang.
No longer maintained legacy original post within this spoiler. I'll keep adding to the thread but not the OP. See link below or Profile for anything currently in play.
lvl 100 Templar ~Anuhart
Back Story
This was my first character. I played a Templar in closed beta and knew exactly what I was going to play in open beta. The good old Kripp Templar Ele Wander.
It was rough, dead fucking rough, if you know that build, you'll know it relied on good rare items to work, was life and accuracy starved and walked a fine line between gimp and god. With hindsight, it was probably the worst build to start off as self found, even some of the more expensive builds using several unique items at least had that, that the unique items were ready made, fitting and in time would drop while using stand in rares. Dropping ele wander gear, however, not quite as easy. Life starved, accuracy starved, multi-gem/link, crit build, not a good basis for gearing from what drops or what you can craft. I levelled as a heavy strike melee -> lightning strike 'melee', as you did then, until ~50 when wander transition is made. My god was I gimped but could feel the potential. I used this wand which saw me well until a lucky drop in Docks this wand I just could not replace, no matter how I tried. I used this chest which I was so proud of (been chromed it seems since). I remember getting a series of decent (or so they seemed) helms, belts, boots and gloves. That I was forever replacing them with better items would rather tell that they were not really very good at all. Not at least until several upgrades later. I tried a few times to map but always ended up with no maps. I decided I needed a map pool of 66s to ride the RNG. I set the number at 12 and began farming Docks. Back then 66s were really fucking rare to drop. I farmed Docks for several levels in the 70's and eventually had my 12 maps. The first map I ran of the 12, a 24% quantity blue tropical island did the weirdest thing. On entering the first island I met the biggest pack ever and dropped 5 maps. On entering the second island the exact same thing happened and another 5 maps dropped. 5x66 and 5x67. The cushion map pool of 12 maps (11 -this one I was running) was now 21 and it didn't take long for my map pool to be 50+ maps from 66-69. 70's were a bit illusive and a bit out of my league, too. I ran 66-69s for a long time.The build was kinda working now, but I really needed a 6 link. I watched Nugi drop a 6 link in a week race, thinking to myself 'if only I could drop a 6 link glorious plate' what should appear in front of me in that spider lair map, but a fucking white 6 link glorious plate. It was around this time that I found my last gem, if I remember correctly, it was life leech. The build was coming together but I was still very gimp. I died a fuck ton. I was starting to get frustrated now, really bad. I'm around 500 hours on this one character at this point and struggling, I have a 6 link I can't wear, my gear isn't cutting it, I'm good in 66 maps, OK in 67-68, dodgy in 69s and get destroyed if I ever get a 70. I caved and put a few items I had collected up on the forums, bits and pieces that might net me a few orbs, and they did, a bit. I found a 6 soc karui maul in a marketplace, I was kinda running them at the time thinking it was good for currency as my first ever exalt dropped there, and in fact, I still think it was pretty good. I had 3 chance orbs in my stash, decided to throw them on the karui before vending for jeweller's, the 3rd chance and I have a 6 soc Marohi. I link it in global and am instantly bombarded with offers. Now I'd normally wan't to keep this and make a character with it. Fuck it, I'm gonna sell this and craft me some gear. I put it on the forums and sold it for 10 exalt (or 11, can't remember) this was when 1 ex = 5 GCP or 15 chaos. Pretty much the next day I have nothing, the chest still isn't rolled and I have a few items with troll mods on them. I need more currency, I need more orbs, I'm gonna chance a Lioneye's and be rich. I sold an axe for a few chaos, a wand for a few and the odd item for an alch. There was this ~3-4 week period from early February of 2013 (like 2-5 weeks into OB, that I was selling, not much and not for long and I never bought anything. But I did receive orbs for gear. So I start throwing chances on every imperial bow I find, I get nothing but while running a thicket map an LG drops. Up on the forums, 20 exalts. 2 days later and I've gone through the lot. I can't remember if they produced the final result of the chest or not, but it ate the lot and this is the best it ever was and is to this day, lol Fuck this, I'm done with trading, I hated it, it wasn't how I wanted to play and didn't enjoy it one bit, even just as receiving orbs and not buying. And I still couldn't use the chest, because it wasn't chromed, I needing 4 off and remember specifically requiring that the buyer of the LG paid at least with 200 chromes as part payment, which they did but that wasn't enough. I farmed and farmed, chromed and chromed, if ever I got the colours all but 1, I'd use the chest with an IIQ or IIR gem, farm up another batch and go at it again. If I was left with it unusable, I returned to the old chest and farmed. I was around 1300 chromes into the chest when I thought I'd resort to selling. I made a thread, 5 links for chromes. Posted the few 5 link chests I'd found and asked for 100 chromes per. I got a sale, sold 1 chest for 100 chromes and of course, didn't get the colours. Back to farming, the chest is in the stash, unusable, so I throw chromes on it as and when I find them. Finally, I throw a chrome on after visiting vendor and hit the colours. I close the thread with the 5 links in and never sold a single item since, never bought anything, never exchanged currency and never will. So yeah, during February of 2013, with my gimped wander, I actually traded some, got shit to show for it and regretted it like fuck months later on when I actually wanted a 2nd LG for my Ranger who used 1 LG and a thicket on swap. So the wander was now 6 linked but still pretty gimp, just when I felt powerful, I'd get shown how squishy I was. I was getting bored with maps, at least with 66-69 maps and 70+, even if I could get to them, were out of my league. That's when I started spending more and more time farming Lunaris and Pietits. But what I really needed was an ilvl 75 imbued. So alongside the Lunaris farming, I pushed maps and died a lot, I needed to access a minimum of lvl 73 maps to land an ilvl 75 imbued from a rare or unique mob. That was when I acquired a real hatred of the unique wand Moonsorrow. On more than one occasion, I got this and of course couldn't even scour it. Eventually I got an ilvl 75 imbued. So now to roll the wand. I farmed Lunaris and I farmed Lunaris and I farmed Lunaris and I farmed Lunaris and I farmed Lunaris, I rolled electrocuting of incision a few times but regal and exalt always ended up bad. Those 2 mods alone were actually on par with my wand once I was fully charged, but not the improvement I needed nor the awesome I craved. I'd throw some chaos on bad exalts before scouring. It was a chaos that produced this less the last 2 mods which are eternaled Not exactly what I was after but a real nice phys wand that could still get 2 of the suffixes CC, CM, IAS. It was at this point that the Templar's daughter, Ahunart the witch was born, not in body as such, yet. But her seed was definitely sewn (oh, god, what a picture). So I needed another ilvl 75 base. I farmed more Lunaris to stock up on orbs, then it happened... ...Pietits, Lunaris, with 0 IIQ and 0 IIR, Orange letters, GLORIOUS FUCKING PLATE. What does this instil in my mind? To someone who has only a wander who can't use Kaom's; This will fetch a fortune? No, fuck that, let's not be taken again by the economy bastardisation, let's get real aRPG, let's get back to the reason I play the genre, what this instils is: What can I build with this? Time to roll a pulser. Anuhart was pretty much put on hold at this point. The pulser was gonna reach those high level maps and get them gears. Including another wand base for Anuhart. Anuhart, as a wander was shelved later when a patch pretty much screwed the build, the ele wand craft never happened, not for the lack of trying. He was respecced as a discharger when Anuh the LA ranger dropped a perfect searing touch and 6 linked it. How gorgeous is that? And crafted an 874 Vaal And a rather nice Hubris It was fun, but not really me. Anuhart was shelved again until 1.0 and the twist that came with the aura 'nerf'. He lived once more, as an ele wander. Still using the wand found back in Jan/Feb 2013, until dropped with 4 mods. Cold, Light, CC, CM. Exed the att red and then the fire. Nice upgrade, then within a week, Piscator's, lol. In Forsaken Masters I respeced Anuhart as a pseudo low life blood magic thrower as per Fyndel's build. Being a Templar meant a wasted 4 starting points, lack of gear, Acuity, etc, means we have poor ES and a fraction of the damage. But it's fun.
lvl 100 Shadow ~Anunart
Back Story
This was my second character. Anunart was created 2 weeks into open beta and left as a lvl 1 until Anuhart the Templar dropped a Kaom's Heart which prompted me to level Anunart as a pulser.
Freezing Pulse was strong, I levelled with ease, having use of some accumulated levelling uniques and other gear that was worth keeping. I'd also been keeping 2 of every gem so much of the tedium which comes with self found was gone. This is how self-found-account plays out. We start with nothing, we slowly but surely become stronger. To the point that thousands of hours down the road we might actually be, in some ways, even stronger than our peers. It's also one of the reasons why new leagues don't appeal to me. Economy? Meh! Competition and ladders? /shrug! Doing it all again? While it is enjoyable, it's enjoyable once and there is very little want or need to repeat those first several hundred / thousand + hours. There is plenty of road ahead and there always will be, without fresh starts. I used a wand and kite shield early to mid level, then sceptre and spirit shield. I still have a stash tab full of these weird spirit shields where the stat priority was Life, Spell Damage, Resists, Spell Crit. ES? what's that shit? For a short time I also tried Divinarius but the lack of cast speed kinda hurt. I used the Crusader Plate 5Link from my Wander for a while. I couldn't use the Kaom's, I needed a good staff. I was prepared to take a damage hit when going to staff, which I expected as I had some not too bad 1H and shield combos going on. Chaos was hurting a bit, I landed a decent Glorious Plate which was an upgrade to the Crusader in Life and resists, ~equal armour and had 30 chaos res. I 5 Linked it and set about chroming for my RRBBG, 3 off easy combo. This was when the weirdest shit ever happened. ![]() I hit 5 off, 4 times within 63 chromes, before getting the stubborn 3 off I needed. Check out the thread and the un-cropped screenshots here. I believe I gave this chest to Corpse (Davros70) a bit later as I landed a staff that allowed me to use Kaom's. The staff was a godsend, exalting phys leech and LoH, not so much -_-. So there we were, propelled from ~4k life to ~8k life, and the leech rate was great. Now we were at 'em. But what I really wanted, was a Taryn's Shiver. I chanced so many Maelstrom Staves but it wasn't to be, not in the life of this build, anyway. Anunart did quite well, pushed maps to ~75 but struggled with map rolling, of course. As a self found player, challenging content came at the cost of farming faceroll easy content for a ratio of something like 50:1. 50 hours squashing bugs in Lunaris to attempt to roll content that could be challenging, with the addition that it could even roll too challenging and need rerolled. In PoE (back then far more than now), fitting challenge, EXP and the best mods to counter the RNG to possibly let you repeat it, came at a heavy cost in orbs. Which for self found meant a fuck ton of farming low shit. Economy!!!! So it was while farming Lunaris that Kole decided to drop another Lioneye's Glare. I have a Kaom's, I have an LG, I may not have the Kaom's-Taryn's partership, but there's a match made in heaven that I do have. You just KNOW what's coming next :) I played Anuhart the wander casually, Anunart the pulser a bit more and no-lifed Anuh the LA ranger for a good while at this point. Up to, I think 1.0, the wander possibly 'broke' prior to 1.0, but the pulser build definitely ended with 1.0. The Shadow lay unspecced for a few months. It wasn't until like 2 months into SotV expac (when I returned after a ~3 month break) that I asked Kamro, my trusty build guy, to come up with something for Anunart who'd been sat sulking and dreaming about a Taryn's for far too many months now. Kamro was tasked with making a build to utilise gear in my stash. Notably unused/underused gear *cough* Searing Touch *cough* but not to forget OP shit *cough* Kaom's *cough*. Kam came up with the Searing Ancestral Bond, Trapper, Staff Shadow. Let's not be put off by the fact Searing Bond doesn't use spell dmg. Let's not be phased by how cast speed isn't really much use outside of cursing. Let's look at the strong points. Fire Damage Burn Damage +2 Fire Gems And 6 Fucking Link. Behold, the 6 Link searing bond build that actually uses 6 sockets, and not for MF (but I can swap out for IIQ and IIR, if I want. It's quite cool, uses lightning multiple-traps for Ele Equalibrium. Almost instant pop trap searing bonds, Ancestral Bonds for dual SBs and Ele Weakness Empowered and Enhanced. SB damage is currently >19k per sec tooltip. I dropped another Kaom's which is great for this guy with the fire damage, 6.6k life, decent armour, nice resists and reduced duration lightning warp to GTFO if it goes titsup. But, I dunno, totems aren't really me. I play the build sometimes, I can have fun with it, but not the fun I get from self-cast. Any way, this fucking happened now. FML ~4000 hours late, but you know what? I'd take that belated moment it dropped over just buying it when it was wanted, any day.
lvl 95 Ranger ~Anuh
Back Story
This was my third character, again made as a name holder just after OB launch and sat as a lvl 1 until called on. This time because of a Lioneye's Glare drop. My son, Tom, wanted to level a character with me. He plays either solo or with a few friends of his, I play almost exclusively solo, but I don't mind, even can enjoy, levelling with a friend or my boy.
I had pretty much everything set aside for Anuh. Flasks all crafted to use as soon as I could, OP starter levelling uniques and some nice gear in my stash to use throughout the levelling process. Tom? Not so organised (OK, let's call a spade a spade, not so twinked). I helped Tom out where I could with gear but the repeating situation was Tom getting slaughtered while I tanked, 1 shot, screen cleared and all the rest of it. I had two conflicting events going on here, playing dangerously and staying at 0 deaths. Let me explain... Ventiman (gotta love him) our resident (and at the time very active) forum terrier was in full flow in his HC v Std forum war era. He'd somewhere picked up on the crazy amount of deaths that the wander had. That I played solo, self-found-account and picked probably the worst build ever to play this way as my first character, was irrelevant. Scrubcore players were all the baddest baddie bads ever that got past every boss by corpse running 50 times. While I won't deny I've corpse ran, the time I first encountered Temple Piety at 95% of my level and ended up with no portals left to the map, Piety still alive and me now on 5% of the level (was 15% penalty then); I didn't gain anything and even if I had killed her, trading 90% of my level for the loot she would drop, was not a trade I'd willingly take with hindsight. It's just sometimes you get the bit between your teeth and you just gotta try. Standard allows this. So I told our little yapping jack-russel, I'd level my next character higher than his highest HC character (84 at the time) without ever alt-F4ing, without lvl farming ledgefelldocks and without trading. Granted, using twinked gear I'd found, but I'm sure that is less than equivalent to hand picking from trading. But I wanted to have fun, push things, be risky, but still powerful. I think I found the balance pretty well. The character was a lot of fun to level. I levelled with poison arrow at first, then went to LA and Frenzy. I had a 5 link chest ready for lvl 32, I was Blood Magic, 5 link LA at lvl 32 with less than 1k life. What this meant, was, I emptied my full life pool almost instantly if not hitting enemies. This with LoH was a shit load of fun. I had pretty sick damage, the only real time I was in danger, was if I used my own life up and got low before being swarmed by monsters. But the threat was real and I had some sketchy moments. I played Anuh only when Tom was on, if he wasn't on, I messed around on the pulser or wander. It was while farming on the pulser for fuses/jews/alts to try to 5 link the LG that I hit my first ever 6 link from fuses. So now Anuh was really set. 6 linked LG ready for lvl 66 and Kaom's Heart ready for 68. I levelled with Tom until we'd cleared A3M, did a few lvl 66 maps with him, then we went back to our usual separate playing. Once in the high 70's, I'd periodically check the forums to find Venti running back and forward along a fence yapping at some innocent by-passers. I'd hit him with a screen shot I'd taken last ding and shut him the fuck up. The similarity to the situation where you suddenly "Graaaaaahhhh" to a small yapping dog who'd then run underneath the nearest shelter it can find, was hilarious. Venti saw the humour, too. "Noooooo! Not the pictures" :) Soon I'd hit him with the last one, though. ![]() Of all places, Lunaris. I'd done some crazy mapping on this character but died in Lunaris when an unfortunate event happened. I dropped 2 uniques together, this was shortly after they introduced the graphic effect on unique drop and it would lag out my game something terrible. Anyhow, I approach the biggest pack ever outside Pietits' room, engage them in an LA facetanking stylie but it all goes wrong and I meet my first death, at lvl 88. It turns out, when the game stalled during the double unique drop, I'd somehow replaced LA with default attack. Ah well. It was getting to the point where maintaining that 0 death count was gonna be detrimental to my play experience, anyway. Just as well, too. Because this was when I developed a strange bug. I had no idea what caused it, or what was happening until months later but basically I'd lose all use of skills on my keyboard. Couldn't attack, couldn't leech and die. It turns out that the game was somehow thinking Ctrl was pressed. At the time (this has been changed now) you couldn't use a numerical bind with Ctrl pressed. Normally, with default binds, this would result in flasks not working. But I used number keys for skills, so it fucked me up quite bad. This was when I got really into tanky and regen. I rebuilt my ranger, moved away from the generic LA dps and embraced the awesome of LA tanking, Blood dance and 1100 life per sec regen. LA tanking at its finest. They say this fight needed high armour/evasion, high block, high chaos resist and high damage. So I waited for ding to see how OK armour, 0 EV rating, 0 block, -60 chaos and under 1.4k dps would do. Was a little sketch, but I tuned it a bit more for later tries and removed the sketchiness, well as much as one can, the RNG of what rare aura mobs spawn will always be there I needed another bow, as my damage was now quite low and utilised LA, LMP, Chain to tank big packs, the bigger the better, my single target frenzy wasn't great in a 4 link and I really could use the gem slots for other defences. I grabbed a 75 white base thicket from a map I was in, and like 5 jews and 3 fuses later, it was 6 linked, wtf? It never did roll good, but it rolled enough to do the job as a frenzy single target weapon swap. until I found another LG which was enough as a 5 link to replace the thicket. Mapping was tough, not tough content, tough access. I think this thread best summed up that experience. While no-lifing on Anuh, I amassed some pretty crazy gear. My stash was growing with a nice selection of gear to choose from. Synergies as self-found are so very important. These boots could be an upgrade if these gloves are swapped with these gloves, etc. Picking your items from xyz with the stats you want isn't an option, having several sub-par pieces to use for synergy is where it's at. Ultimately, a long way down the road (where I'm not even at yet, but I'm getting there) a self-found-account can make any build they want. Not to the extent and power of a shop-fitted dolly dress, far short of the mirrored clones, but good enough. Prior to this, though, there's this long period where certain items begin to shout at you and a build appears. One of these builds was the phys wander, I always knew she was gonna manifest at some point, when I crafted the phys imbued wand a while back. A nice ES chest, a nice hubris, strides, perfect Mali's, insane rolled kite shield, hmmmm, we gotta do this. I would alternatively MF with Anuh, usually 108 IIQ 318 IIR. I had some nice results I was able to full MF twinned Shrine Piety with ease, but it completely wasn't worth it, for some strange reason. Anuh took a break in SotV, the build took a nasty hit with that expac, she MFd Lunaris for currency now and again but I could do so much better on the witch to be honest. We were awaiting what the next tree reset brings and when FM hit there were some viable bow ranger builds possible. However, I'd grabbed Taryn's Shiver as my ongoing 'throw fuses until it 5 links' project and the bugger only went and 6 linked. Kamro came up with a FP EB build for Anunart the Shadow but it was a bit too glass cannon. I wanted more the tanky pulser that Anunart used to be. Kamro came up with a Marauder tree which then got reworked for ranger, so Anuh has now became the pulser that Anunart always wanted to be :).
lvl 100 Witch ~Ahunart
Back Story
Ahunart the witch was my fourth character, again made early but left dormant. She would become my favourite. Even when she was completely broken and unplayable, if asked, I'd always cite her as the character I had most enjoyed, to the point I'd make a semi-playable version of her former self.
She had to happen, I had sat in my stash a ready made phys wander, all I needed was a body. Levelling this girl was hilarious. I can't remember exact figures, but she had like 300 int and 500 dps at like lvl 12 or something. Resists? Christ she one shot entire screens her entire journey. I remember early on her only non-unique was her wand. She levelled with something like.. and a tabula, which I can't link. I have a deal with Hargan, I give him TRs, he gives me Divines. I usually hang on to one at all times but let the last one go recently for a well needed divine. She went CI quite early, maybe late 30s. But she started to shine at 68/69. I had a lot of her gems already 20/20 where needed and 20/x where not, others she levelled and GCPd herself. At 69 she could use all pre levelled gems and all the ready gear. Damn, she was OP. 8.5k ES Auras galore 50% evasion shit for armour but wtf 81 all resists 35k single 16k LMP Her chest soaked up so many fuses, never did 6 link, 5 linked like 30+ times. Ahunart was on 0 deaths, but she was a real crazy. This girl wasn't the sort to have any fun avoiding death, this girl wanted danger, the last thing she wanted was to be in the situation that Anuh almost was in, real high level with a 0 death count to protect. So.. we started having fun, pushing it. One of the most memorable was a graveyard. Double Merveil Extra damage as cold Fleet Chilled Ground Temp chains -max So I decided to do this map with no chayula and no dream frags. No stun, freeze or chill immunity whatsoever. It was comical, I have 2 hasted Merveils throwing ice spears at me and doing the funky ground thing, I'm temp chained, I'm on chilled ground, I'm getting swarmed by zombies (who, with fleet mod, are almost up to a brisk walk) and if I try to attack to leech my ES back, the fucking zombies die and spread tar. FUUUUUU. This was the first (of only two times to date, the other being when Kole drags you into terrain and you are just stuck there, well I couldn't even attack him where I was, he's just pounding on me) time I actually logged out. It was just so silly, I wasn't going to avoid death long term, but I wasn't going like this. It was, ultimately, watching yourself die in uber -slow motion. I went back and cleared the map. Not long after, I entered a Bog map in the same don't-give-a-fuck-gear and was instantly set upon, stun and freeze locked by god knows what, but there was shit loads of them. So now I embraced the chayula and the frags and got to business. There will be deaths, but not as frequent as without this pair (or other stun/freeze mitigation). Now, we needed an eternal for her wand. Well, we found one, I couldn't believe it. Open a chest in an Arach nest map and out it pops. I had 2 exalts set aside for this very moment. Well we didn't hit any of the 3 suffixes she wanted (but was limited to only 2 of). So it's back to farming eternals, still waiting to this day for eternal number 2 to drop. I had the most fun I've ever had, probably in any game, playing my CI phys wander. That had to stop. 1.0 landed and she was irreparable. So I played the LA ranger again in 1.0. She was able to survive the aura changes and ended up possibly even stronger than before 1.0 but I think that was due more to me going full in with the regen tank idea. Then, in another Arach nest, from the boss, Auxium. I think I can revive the witch, at least to a playable degree. I rebuilt her, but the aura changes had really fucked her. 1.0 really pissed me off, I hated Act3 X and didn't do leagues. All I got was a big fat solo nerf. I'd previously been looking forward to release as "our core goal is to make party and solo equally viable" was there in the manifesto by CW himself. Well, 1.0 landed, the manifesto magically disappeared and I was left with.... Let's assign a power value to each of these three. Life (ES) - Mitigation - Damage Pre 1.0 my witch was at, say, 5 - 5 - 5 In a party, she may well have been 5 - 5 - 6, or not even any different. Post 1.0 she was unplayable until I found an Auxium. With the Aux I could play her but could achieve only something like 4 - 2 - 2, or 1 - 3 - 3 etc. Getting any one up to an acceptable level for mapping, left the other 2 short. The balanced way was not enough of any. So all I could do was to resign myself to Lunaris and at least have fun as 1 - 1 - 5. And this was only possible because I found a certain T1 unique. What was really annoying, if I joined a party, hello, 7 - 7 - 8. Yeah, just a slight improvement everywhere, in a party. Where, the monsters do the exact same damage, have less hit points per monster per person and the player is 1/6th less likely to even be targeted. Versus EVERY SINGLE monster instantly targeting the solo player. What was that (now lost) manifesto line again? Oh yes, "our core goal is to make party and solo equally viable". GG I had a Shav's in my stash that I found back in beta. I always wondered about low life, could I do it? I was always put off by the gear requirements. That kinda changed when Crown of Eyes dropped (then another one, 2 days later, wtf?). I had no excuse now. What did I have to lose? At the very worst, I could have slightly more ES and a lot more damage and mitigation. Let's do this. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!! I'm still well from optimised, I am in dire need of exalts, so many pieces begging for exalts that just might make all the difference and my gems still need work. But.. 6k+ ES 104k single target 38k LMP 11k armour Yeah, just a little improvement. Damn, I love this girl, we ARE going places, again. Hopefully, one of these days, the Shav's will 6 link and I'll find 2 eternals and get CC and CM on her wand (lol, who am I kidding?), then we will be something. Funny thing, the last linking session 5 linked the Shav's upside down. Which meant I couldn't use it with my colours. What I really needed was to re-chrome so that I have my colours but with a green at either end, so the chest is usable as 6 link and as both permutations of 5 link. That's the good thing about being a chrome whore, sitting on over 5000 chromes (and still picking up tricolours), I'm not afraid to do this. So, RIP my colours and low and behold, only 105 chromes later... Bingo!! Aaaaaaaaaand We got the witch working, kinda, in Forsaken Masters. But without Vaal Pact and no chance of Acuity it's a bit rough. We started with her at ~170k single and ~70k LMP with only 4.4k ES. I nibbled at the damage and upped the ES. She has 2 'uses'. She has 5.4k ES and ~140k single. Firstly I'll use her to kill map bosses when I can't risk a death on my lvl 99 thrower, and there shouldn't be any reflect to deal with, for this we have LMP at ~60k. Secondly to just have some fun and gather orbs mapping, for this I swap LMP for GMP and WED for LL. With this set up and the use of 3 ele pots and a granite, we can manage. In a RIP every so often kinda way -_- Hmmm, we need an intro to character number 5. I can't remember who dropped it, probably Anuh while the witch was completely borked. But... Incoming thrower.
lvl 100 Ranger ~AnuharST
lvl 100 Scion ~PlasticZana
lvl 98 Marauder ~AnuClone
lvl 100 Scion ~WTBsixLofferThirtyHours
Response to common questions/comments (warning: I bite back)
You found a Shav's, self found? I call BS.
Why? When stuff drops, the game doesn't check to see if you trade before allowing/disallowing the drop. But anyway I highlighted the Shav's drop. Legacy Kaom's Heart, self found? Not possible. Lunaris Pietits gave me that, before I started streaming, believe me, or don't, I don't give a shit. I highlighted the 2nd Kaom's. Wait!!!! Crown of Eyes? You can't have a CoE, self found, or a fucking Auxium. No? Well I have 2 CoE and 3 Auxium. Just because I was asked to, I highlighted the 2nd CoE, 3 days after the first. Your bow ranger uses 2 Lioneye's and one of them is 6 Linked? Not adding up at all. Anu's 6 Link Showcase. How can you exalt items? Exalts never drop!! Au contraire, my lord Blackadder. OK, I don't drop them at this rate usually. I can go 3 weeks without seeing one, and that's 250-300 hours for me. But I've picked up well over 100, I'd say. How can you eternal items? Eternals are like twice as rare as exes!!! I can't, if you only knew how rare those things were. I've found one, ONE, 1, uno.. in ~6000 hours playing PoE. Eternals suck, it was the worst idea GGG ever had, at least implemented how it was, amazing. Edit, holy cow, eternal #2 dropped. Aaaand eternal #3 drops @ ~7600 hours. Eternal #4 @ >8k hours.
A look at the eternal orb
Using what could be considered a 'tame' example of eternal use in the playground of the rich which is PoE 'crafting', posted on reddit.. I broke the craft down for a self found player as such. " I'm still calling BS, RMTer is RMTer Please yourself. Or, have a think about it. Think of the items you've found in the past. Imagine you stored them all (of a certain quality), never sold them. Imagine you never played 4 month leagues. Imagine you played for ~6000 hours. Imagine that time was spent slaying beasties, not stood in town, not spamming trade, not browsing xyz. Yeah, there would be something wrong if I didn't have this gear, kinda eternal level wrong, huh? It's worth pointing out, there are rather obvious signs, flaws in my accessories and synergies, easily remedied from, yet they remain.
I'm Just Bad at This Game
I'm bad at trade chat. I'm bad at being rushed. I'm bad at buying WPs. I'm bad at getting boss kills. I'm bad at facerolling in a party. I'm bad at dressing a doll from a shop. I'm just plain bad at shopping, period. I'm bad at escaping the game. I'm bad at ignoring a challenge. I'm bad at skipping progression. I'm bad at shortening the game's longevity. I'm bad at ground-hog day reroll leagues. I'm bad at races, I don't have a competitive bone in my body. I'm bad at destination>journey. I'm bad at not being limited to that which I find. I'm bad at removing RNG. I'm bad at economy. I'm bad at pyramids. I'm bad at 3rd party sites. I'm bad at 3rd party macro programs. I'm bad at flipping. I'm bad at scamming. I'm bad at scumbagging. I'm bad at following a shopping list. I'm bad at epeen. I'm bad at profit. I don't possess any will to profit from others, IRL or IG. I'm bad at being casual. I'm bad at pretending to be more hardcore than I am. I'm bad at min/maxing efficiency, as I'm fully aware that efficiency doesn't always = fun. I'm bad at standing in A1N town. I'm bad at not killing beasties. I'm bad at seeing only currency wealth in a drop. I'm bad at coveting what others have. I'm bad at instant gratification. I'm bad at exploiting. I'm bad at piñata boss flipping. I'm bad at multi-client. I'm bad at remaking a zone every 2 seconds. I'm bad at Path of least resistance. I should git gud. Or maybe I'll stay Baddie Bad Anu from Badsville. Anu's stream. Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Jun 9, 2016, 8:47:28 PM Last bumped on Jun 13, 2018, 11:56:17 PM
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6k hours in 1 league. Most of the people that call BS are the ones who play for a hour a day and cry they dont find 100 ex.
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Really cool!
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Super chill stream.
IGN: Brain
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I think this is great. Kudos man. I have same thing but based off maces- your sword is awesome!
POE is life. POE is ♥.
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Came here to see the awesomeness of players items but shocked to see how OP so defensive.
Just don't give a F to those people, now you made your thread so messy like a culprit being investigated. I Love This Game Now, Being a Summoner Hardly Associated with Desync ♫
♥ ♥ ♥ My Shop ♥ ♥ ♥ ☻ ☻ ☻ Downfall of Zombie and Spectre in 1.2 Patch ☻ ☻ ☻ |
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" Please go for Uber Atziri man! The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300. Last edited by Daresso#3599 on Jun 16, 2014, 8:24:54 PM
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" I put my thoughts on the Atziri fights here,
" I've actually got 6 full sets for normal Atziri now, but I'm not really interested at all. Edit: Several weeks down the line and I have 17 midnights. I'll sometimes put 3 frags in the machine with a map. So there are potentially 17 goes at normal Atziri, which is most likely to not get a set for uber Atziri. I still have work to do on current builds, putting any resources into an Atziri build is many stages back in priority, to the point that it isn't even on the radar. Atziri is a lvl 70 zone, like wtf? If it had been 74, even 72, I might have had some interest. But for the highest possible map to drop be a 72, I just find this whole Atziri farce to be at best laughable but really, quite annoying. It gets pretty much ignored, boycotted, whatever, but not entertained as anything aRPG. Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Aug 9, 2014, 9:59:18 AM
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I like this post. Nice thread (っ◕ヮ◕)っ~❤
The Gemling Queen favours 'NotACuckRoach'.
Ethaereal │ Exaltreal │ Cherrubim │ Erremes │ Khainne │ Kaelous │ Balzael Powered by 2015 Alienware 17" R2 laptop · Standard League · BLÔW Guild · Bird-Day - Aug 7, 2012 人生はただのゲームだ。楽しむために生きろ。勝利をつかむため遊べ。人生に勝ち、そして喜ぶために生きろ。o(^▽^)o ♪ |
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Added more characters.
Casually casual.
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