Anu's Self Found Gang.

I don't believe how elder trolls me.

There's 3 awesome discipline eye mods for my Xirgil's SR Occultist.

(5-8)% chance to Block Spells while affected by Discipline
(20-30)% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline
(1.5-2.5)% of Maximum Energy Shield Regenerated per Second while affected by Discipline

and there's 2 bad ones
Casually casual.

Did you vaal your leg kaoms’s
Bring back minion damage values please
NomadGSF wrote:

Some men just wana watch the world burn
Casually casual.

What's happening in the world of the anuhart?

I really enjoy reading these posts and seeing someone minmaxing everything they can. I would also love the atmosphere of your stream, but I can never catch you streaming, if you still do at all.

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