Anu's Self Found Gang.

I've one more character to add, who I don't really play. He has a working build, quite an interesting one possibly. I'll add him when I can be bothered to sort out his gems and gear which are atm scattered.

I decided to add a 'back story', not of the RP type, but of each character, when it was created and why. It's the 'why' which is the core of my play style. Also, the variations they have been through in their lives.

Where better to start than with my first character, the Templar.

I'll do the first instalment tonight.
Casually casual.

Do people really doubt your authenticity enough you felt you needed to plaster "I'M REALLY SELF FOUND" all over the original post?
-Official Forum Dweller-
-I started the hoho movement-
-Exploit Early - Exploit Often-
-Moderators are absurd and OP-
-Heist Enjoyer-
Last edited by xPiranha#4678 on Jun 19, 2014, 4:58:22 PM
DunkMaster wrote:
Do people really doubt your authenticity enough you felt you needed to plaster "I'M REALLY SELF FOUND" all over the original post?

I answered the questions, or rather the fly by comments that I see every day.

I left out some of the more, hmmm, puzzling ones, such as.. 'you found zodiac, yeah right, BS'.
Honestly, I had this. I think it was referring to the pretty common unique Zodiac Leather, Hyrri's Ire that I have skinned onto Kaom's.

So, yeah. I felt the need to address these as much as link the gear and builds, for reference for people who come by my stream. All in one thread.

For people who find it easier to throw abuse at me and call BS rather than think just how this is possible and in fact probable in the circumstances, the tone is meant, directed at them and I think justified.

For people not fitting that category, well you can have a laugh at the things they say and rest assured the tone is not meant towards you.
Casually casual.

First back story added.

Anuhart Templar.

*controversy* :)
Casually casual.

I call BS!

Believable Story

was a fun read. liked the eternal part <.o


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Added final character, Searing Ancestral Bond, Trapper, Staff Shadow.
Casually casual.

Second back story added. Shadow.
Casually casual.

Third back story up, Bow Ranger.
Casually casual.

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