About shrines and altars

Shrines have a place in this game for sure. But I would rather see them implemented in the expansion.
RIP Bolto
hmm, i forgot to write that the altar actually is in town.

The theology is my main problem, if wreaclast was designed without gods in mind this could be hard to integrate.
On the other side, praying to Mr. Expierience just doesn´t sound right.

@Shrine of the Erratic God
Like it was in D1, "shrine of "not translateable text" god, would force me to make a list of what it does. These names often get translatet to german 1by1, so its hard for me to sort a chaos-god to this shrine.
Thats the reason why i wanted to show the god-liked-shrines as a list in the altar-interface.
And remembering those 1-3 liked-shrines-with-stupid-name should be easier.
Thats why its a random effect. The shrine is only ever called the same shrine but each time you use the shrine, it rolls 2 effects. (example name:shrine of random effects)
And it doesnt have to be called anything like Shrine of the Erattic God. I only used that name as an example.

A cult or some random wizard could've enchanted the shrines and put them all over wraeclast.
I like the idea of having random effects on shrines, perhaps splitting them into certain types would be a good idea. That way you have some idea what it will affect, like attack, defense, magic, etc.

The randomness should be skewed towards the positive effects however, or people would tend to stay away from them. If there are some good effects but also a chance to get a bad one, the cautious may avoid them but those willing to take a risk can go for it.
Shrine concept is totally overdone. Get over it, and think in other directions.
"I am The Banisher, the ill will that snuffs the final candle." - Seal of Doom (MTG)
i wouldn´t have posted it without finding it simple and intuitive myself.
And im open to every other upgradeable shrine-system.
But somehow suggesting a simple currency item with "upgrades shrine" i found, wouldnt have provided a working concept.

i like the idea of mortals beeing able to create shrines, and making it visible what direction a randoom shrine goes.

But somehow i felt i have to minimize the availible shrines with this gods, in order to provide much stronger effects of player-behaivor-change. (The main reason why shrines should be there)

Another god example
The great Mage of Jester (a chaos wizard)
Bloodred: You enter the void and your body becomes etheral. Immune to physical attacks expect ghosts/spectrals. As an sideeffect a Mirror of you is created which tricks teammembers into wrong directions (making you invisible and creating a npc which runs around awkwardy in any direction, only visible by your teammates)

Indigo: Summons another shrine. As an sideeffect you will get this shrines buff without touching it.
(good for groupplay, dont try to get lucky and spawn a alabaster shrine)

Alabaster: Your body explodes instantly. Muhahaha

Gold: Steals 10% - 90% of your max manapool. The amount of stolen mana is directly added to your physical attack strenght

Glimmering: Adds 50 - 4k points of experience for every killed enemy. Attacks you with 1k dmg for every killed enemy.

-while he may be the best wizard according to buffstrenghts he may be the first wizard which enjoyes to kill you and your group^^
-As you can see, i try to really change the way you want to play your class ^^
-providing such buffs could cause chaos, thats the reason why i want both, controllable and unknown shrines
-the effect of game-changing multyplies by allowing more players to use the same shrine
We really don't need "thats stupid but I have nothing better to offer" attitude here. Don't discourage people to bring their ideas, its suggestions forum after all ;)

As for the shrines, I do agree that they didnt add much to D2, where pretty much only pleasent surprise was an XP shrine, but a system that adds some gambling factor and a variety of effects that actually matter would be welcome.
p0rt wrote:
I really liked how in diablo 1 you had shrines that felt random. You were actually sometimes scared to use them because of the risk of a negative effect. The risk was good.
Only problem was you could lookup the effects of shrines based on their name.

i still own a copy fo pc gamer with that listing in it :)
proud member of clanDA
A picture about how i think Altars could be

1: Current God/wizard/person + description
2: current expierience or grade of shrineupgrades / maxlvl10
3: Current values of shrinebuffs or debuffs
4: Sacrifice items here to get godexpierience
(around 200 low currency items or 10 high currency items ? nothing big)
5: Retire/leave/dismiss/politly leave a religion. No clue whats the fitting word.

After klicking on 5, you can klick on 1 again.
If no god is selected there could be a simple +20% runspeed buff for the persons that dont like shrineleveling.

Rob will eat your currencyitems trice as fast.
Robs obsidian can be deadly when you get Jesters Alabaster or Draculs Alabaster
There could also be a lockedmode for Robs bloodred, eg. you need Roblvl7 as prerequsite, but i prefer scaling 1-4 .
ok, 1 last port-inspired one:

Altar of the Bonecult
Leader: Woron
You need to be a member of the cult.

Bloodred: None (insufficient powerpoints)
Indigo: None (same)
Obsidian: Summon-Zombie spellcosts reduced by 10-100% (powerrating 40)
Gold: Summons two Skeletals which help in combat (powerrating 10)
Alabaster: 1% - 30% Lifeleech (powerrating 50)

Picking spells untill powerlevel100 is reached.

Now this is the point where it goes complex, supporting all clans with their own customizeable shrinesetup.

I hope you have all understood the reasoning behind the idea of this tripple system (shrine+merc+gambler), i´m off to gaming, i got a game again ^^ , hf all

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