About shrines and altars
" Kinda like Darkwatch for the PS2 o; "...You know the difference between arrogance and confidence?
Confidence can back its shit up." -Charan |
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Never played it... or at least I don't remember it, but if it works... sure!
I love virtual brutality so save it for the Mobs...
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there where quite a lot interesting ideas so far in this thread so i will add mine as well:
first instead of having shrines with fixed effects we got random positive and/or negative effects (i like the idea of giving shrines multiple effects :D; probably giving shrines some basic types on which player get boni/penalties depending on the god they follow) second we got altars (for choosing gods in the citys) while each god gives more or less maybe even negative adds to the shrines for example: we got a shrine of the death (i take a random name here!) which would convert 20% dmg to life while reducing armor a bit but we are praying to a light-type god that doesnt like shrine of this type (here death) result: when we activate the shrine we might get the shrines buffs but a penalty of our god (maybe reduced health) a well in addition i would recommend to turn the shrines buff into an aoe-effect instead of a single person buff while the effect is lower the further a player stands away from the shrine and vise versa as well as adding the state of a tainted shrine providing boni to the mobs while tainted making them a harder challange those shrines would need to be cleansed (maybe with a currency item ???; maybe even making all shrines tainted to begin with :D ) but cleansing the shrine would taunt all mobs in the aoe of the it forcing players to defend the shrine for a little while as it would become tainted again if any of the taunted mobs reachs it/ stays close to it long enough (taunted mobs are stronger then normal mobs; maybe cleansing takes a while making teamplay important; the cleansing player is needed to stay close to the shrine all other players defend ???) it would also be interessting to have shrines go into some kind of synergie-state with other shrine in aoe-range, making mobs inbetween of those shrines even stronger IGN - SunChaos, Syldra
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I refer having inhuman Gods:
This is a dark world, they aren't humanoid and they are cruel. Some are Snake-like and some are purely alien not literally but strange in appearance, some are lion-like and some have no Earthly look at all, some are in between these in all variations. Each God should have a shrine set, each God should resent those on this island that had forsaken them. Offerings: You NEED an offering of a certain type in order to get a + or - result from the shrine, praying without one will basically roll a die to decide the outcome, offerings will increase your benefits, the Gods themselves should be a mystery and religion "R" on the keyboard will show no pictures of the Gods until you find their alter, like in Castle Age on Facebook you will have a rating with them and when you do certain things you will gain their favor/disapproval. The best method is to discover all of the Gods, don't pass up any shrines (that is just rude), once you discover all of the Gods you choose the 1 you wish to keep as your chosen deity. You can pray for 3 Things: Protection (buffs), Blessings (items), or wisdom (slight EXP boost), If the God is neutral towards you nothing happens but may give you positive marks. If the God is Offended by your request then it will do the opposite: Protection (debuff), Blessings (Remove random item, wisdom (you lose a very small amount of EXP). I love virtual brutality so save it for the Mobs...
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