Oro's Righteous Fire Marauder [1.2.0]
since flameblast can proc EE wouldnt searing bond be a better totem killing skill?
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" Not necessarily. Searing Bond totems can be destroyed, which makes killing some totems very difficult. |
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" Ha ! Thanks man, this was driving me crazy. " That idea has some potential. I'll have to take a look at my skill tree. I never thought of that. If I'm willing to give up 1.6% life regen from vitality, that means I could keep using vitality but I could put those 4 points into better nodes. My life is a little low at the moment (6.6k) I bet I could get pretty close to 7k if I added 4 more % life nodes. Interesting... thanks for the suggestion |
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" Freaking hard, but achievable |
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Hey man,
Tried this build out with some changes according to gear. Is anyone using nonlegacy Kaoms and is able to run Atziri? Perhaps im just not playing well enough for that atm (build is still new to me) Lvl 85 atm, running this setup:
I did not change any things about that skilltree and stuck to the nodes you took, but atziri is still hard as hell... Anybody got some advices on how to run her more safeley? Thx, MephistosRevenge Last edited by xXxMaaTaDoRxXx#7432 on May 12, 2014, 4:21:23 AM
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elemental damage leech from doryani catalys work with RF?
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I could be wrong, but I don't think anything at all from that Doryani's works with RF. It looks great on first glance, but none of those things affect RF so it's basically like you're not holding a weapon of any kind is it not?
I'm also struggling with Atziri. I think half my problem is lag, but even with a great ping I still am having trouble doing enough damage... I personally went with Aurumvorax for the resists, which frees up the rest of my gear for str/life/iir/iiq. If you're interested in a higher Magic Find set up, here's mine. FYI: That set up is my map set up, with both CWDT's on. For Atziri, I take out CWDT and self cast lvl 20 enduring and immortal. It makes the army of blue monsters getting to her a breeze, and it helps a lot vs the 3 bosses, but doesn't help at all vs Atziri so I'm still wondering how people get that final kill... Last edited by VixTrader#2228 on May 12, 2014, 5:27:02 AM
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" To be honest I have no idea if Doryani is affecting RF at all, im lvl 86 now and did 6 lvls in two days, even in courtyad map i just run around and burn things, perhaps thats not even due to Doryiani, and if t gives lifeleech or not is also not easy to tell. As i said, im really new to RF, would Divinarius help with RF? So, are modifiers to spelldmg affecting RF? Im also thinking about to exchange alphas for my which gives additional resis/life/armour/eva and i could have more freedom to also choose rings and stuff according to other needs such as IIR/IIQ/increased firedmg So basicly, using cyclone with LGoH is allready a nice idea, which would add additional survivability, but still im asking if ppl only use diviniarius on RF if they use EK or if it is affecting RF as well. Will try out some different things soon, also might try to use searing touch offhand nad compare to 2xRedbeak. |
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Tested and confirmed, Doriany is bullshit... as well as alphas. You can easily run grace,vit and PoF without alphas and still have fireres at 92%.
New Setup:
Will try Atziri again in 4lvls, should not take too long, will post how it works then, also life got to 7k with after exchanging helmet, and Armour got increased as well up to 10k Last edited by xXxMaaTaDoRxXx#7432 on May 12, 2014, 6:47:29 AM
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Yeah you definitely don't need alpha's for 92%, it's just if you want to spec out of some life regen and maybe take on another skill like you said, EK or something. I can't imagine RF needs a backup skill, but maybe people do it for the challenge.
And I'm pretty sure people use divinarius just for the increased radius. Personally I like the resists on aurum because I'm not super rich and can't afford str/life/iir/ and resist gear. If I don't need resists, it makes life easier. |
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