Oro's Righteous Fire Marauder [1.2.0]
" Righteous Fire is fairly commonly used for its spell damage buff. " They both do. Burning damage is a subset of fire damage, which itself is a subset of elemental damage. |
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I built myself such an RF Mara
got a corrupted Aurseize (50%) with Vuln. curse on hit and pretty OKish gear. using cyclone for movement in groups and ice nova on dmg taken to curse on hit. i have to say: it is pretty boring. got killed twice to corrupting blood tonight because of cyclone (didnt bring a staunching I realized) and always have to take care which maps I can do and which not. so it comes down to farming Piety/Dominus really. Had I had known that mapping is so hassle-some, I would have never specced into it. But, it is only slightly more boring than my ele-buzz saw shadow, so there is that. ;-) I think I'll stick to my Incinerator/Arc Templar for now in Standard. Never going to roll a main damage RF character again. That's for sure. See my stats: http://poestatistics.com/users/wiraqucha/
Seems not updated for whatever reason: http://exilestats.com/account.php?id=265406 Discontinued profile: http://exilestats.com/account.php?id=40468 |
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" Hmmm, cant confirm that. In most groups you can just mention "Kaoms RF here, could you look for map stats a bit?" Got from lvl 80 to lvl 87 within 2days, first char i could run courtyard, acedmy, crematorium and shrine map allready with lvl 80 (my current lvl90 shadow couldnt). I really enjoy this build. |
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" Gotta disagree with you there my friend. I think you're forgetting that your RF is cast with Redbeaks. Switching to Doryani's afterwards does nothing to your RF damage while playing, it's a completely useless item. It's no different then not wearing a main hand weapon at all, just your fist. At least Aurumvorax has resists. Now yes if they nerf snapshotting with redbeaks, people will have to go back to the drawing board and figure out what's the most powerful combination of items to cast and play RF with. Maybe Doryani's would enter the mix then, I don't know. As of now, it's a non starter for an RF build. " nearly all builds have a few problem maps and a few they simply can't do. RF really only has a few. -% player max resists regenerate life/mana slow or can't regen at all blood magic vulnerability - although there are ways to still play this. I only play maps, and have no problems with 78's (given they don't have the mods listed above) What builds do you know of that have less than 3 map mods they can't do? Just curious... |
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The whole "only grace" is pretty BS. I'm sitting around 7k base (16% neck, 1000 off helm and chest, 700 off boots, 350 off gloves) so determination gives me about 5k armour, while grace would only get me 3k. Don't assume that Grace is better, but for most it is. If only I could run quad auras, le sigh. 23k armour always is awesome (or something thereabouts).
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" If you build your RF character properly, the only mods you can't run are Blood Magic, no regeneration, and -maximum resistances. Vulnerability, half regen, and Elemental Weakness maps aren't an issue. By the way, Vulnerability is a pretty terrible curse for this build. Give Elemental Weakness a shot. " We were discussing snapshotting, which shortly will not exist. We'll be casting Righteous Fire from our main-hand weapon if we want a damage bonus. " What better weapon can you think of for Righteous Fire? Doryani's has the largest applicable damage bonus. (Nice ones are better than a Redbeak for snapshotting, actually.) On top of that, it has a decent cast speed bonus - useful for Lightning Warp, since people won't be using Leap Slam with Brightbeak anymore. Last edited by SilkTopHat#6680 on May 14, 2014, 10:34:58 AM
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Uh vuln is much better than ele weakness for RF...
IGN: NickCageAsGhostRider
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" Do you have any evidence to support this claim? For your consideration: a plot of damage multiplier offered by curses against normal or special monsters and information on monsters' elemental resistances. The conclusion you should make here is that since so few enemies (read: none) have truly impenetrable resistances without a +fire resistance effect of some sort, Elemental Weakness is the superior curse. |
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One way to level it up:
I picked up blood magic key node and leveled using flameblast-faster casting-increased aoe-fire pen (swap inc aoe for chance to ignite on boss fights) You have enough life regen (cos you are building up towards RF, lol) to cover the cost at any time, you can respec out of BM node and +10 nodes that lead to it with free quest books. Why i chose flameblast and why in general i don't use ignite+proliferate - flameblast is a spell so it hits 100% of the time (you need RT or something like this if you go facebreaker/ST/molten strike); damage scales with your level (no need to upgrade weapon every 10 lvls, you can just push it and push it all the way, progress all the time, no need to trade for stuff); no need for proliferate - damage is high enough to oneshot blue packs - saves a lot of time. basic passive tree looks like this (56 points, probably around cruel act 2???): http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAxthYY1BQLv-iD18_wQTjn1W1eWgnL57NC2HvDqcweA28nxRxqW6krN-_tfLyL26qNZKoGErIiPH-Crc-QYf56ILHaHQo-tpi6-6UoLiTpwidro9GGmzQ0BmF893PZSSqVcY26frSFy-G0SSwgKQ= Alternative passive tree (if you want quick iron reflexes and 12% all res in duelist area). Notice: this way you'll have only +30 int node. you have to get INT on amulet(stone of lazhdwar?)/belt (perandus blazon? lol). you can pick up a little +10 nodes when you hit the int cap required for you in order to level up flameblast one more time each time (the top templar area route). http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAxthYY1BQLv-iD18_wQTjn1W1eWgnL57NC2HvDqcweA28nxRxqW6krN-_tfLyL26qNZKoGErIiPE_J_4KKk23PhUgQYcs6fno3Q1br5AK_MVOKhjbZ6AppXTxh3YhYEp9QKCeuQUtxFhgSyfVeu907Q== |
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" Not even close... I just bought a 100% Doryani's just to test it, and maybe prepare for the day snapshotting is fixed, and the damage reduction is VERY noticeable. I wore my Carcass Jack for casting and playing during my testing, and the only changes I made were casting it with either redbeaks on switch or Doryani's just as the main hand. I'm not saying Doryani's isn't doable, actually the damage is still enough to have fun playing the character. But monsters don't melt like they normally do. You definitely have to linger for a second or so longer then usual, and on blue packs and rares it's really quite noticable. I also didn't feel like I was leeching any life at all. I'd need to do more testing, but whoever said the life leech works, are you sure? If it was working, it wasn't really a useful stat. |
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