POE next king of RPG?; Oh yes it is, i have quited D3 and WoW even SC2 !

Because i loved Blizz, but they became to greedy they stepped away from the Hardcore base players. If the POE will threat their base core players as they are now, they could become the next big thing. They don't have to be greedy, if they gonna keep this kind of hardcore playing base type people will always donate, if they need more money i will give them as much as i can.

And all other supporters out there and those who are still to become one. Peace :) ^^
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
Last edited by Farystar#1705 on Dec 22, 2012, 9:08:36 AM
Could someone please tell me who the hell this "Kripp" person is? I have no clue. I go and play games and don't keep up with the latest gossip tabloids... thanks.
The Pope quit, a meteor fell on Russia, an
asteroid came close to the earth, there's snow
in Arizona, star wars and star trek have the
same director! Who the hell is playing jumanji?
Oh lord where do you live ;P.

Kripparian Official youtube channel:


Kripparian Official Stream Channel:


He is superb peronality, funny and very smart human :). ANd he just loves gaming like most of us :P.
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
Udja wrote:
Could someone please tell me who the hell this "Kripp" person is? I have no clue. I go and play games and don't keep up with the latest gossip tabloids... thanks.

And if you need some additional info about his guides and ForceStartegy channel and such things let me know :).
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
Don't bump your own topic please..
If GGG chickens made an action RPG, what would it be called? Path of Eggxile, a Peck 'n' Slash RPG.
Why was the helmet spluttering? It was a coif.
It has to be seen as a title to the most of the community and should not be forgoten. So the Devs see the title and get even more motivated, that is the purpose. Thank you for understanding,
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help.
Blizzard has gone down the toilet ever since the Activision merger. What happens when you become a multi billion dollar company because of WoW? You become even greedier. 60 dollar box sales don't cut it for that company anymore, they have to make long term profit off their player base. This is where the RMAH idea comes in for D3, and even with SC2 they gain long term profit off "esports". Not only do they have their own show, but any tournament that offers over a couple thousand dollars in prizes has to give Blizzard a cut of the money.

There is nothing wrong with a company making money, after all that IS the entire point. The problem comes in when you start sacrificing gameplay at the expense of greed. I felt they purposefully held back with Diablo 3 because they were scared of losing WoW subs to a game that has no 15 dollar monthly subscription. If the RMAH was a booming success, then the D3 xpac probably would have added a ton of great content and mechanics, but they just didn't want to risk losing potential money by making a truly great ARPG.

With SC2, the reason it was completely void of anything remotely considered "fun" was because it was built from the ground up to be this accessible "esport". They totally forgot to make a game that was actually fun to play, and this is why all of these Brood War legends have all quit SC2 and gone back to playing BW even though Blizzard killed that game's scene.

Point is, businessmen aren't fit to make great games. To GGG, please don't ever lose your passion for making great games and I foresee PoE living a long and healthy live. RIP Old Blizzard, welcome to the potential new king GGG!

PS: I also just want to bring this potential issue to this forum's attention. Blizzard employees have been rumored to harass their players in game if you're critical of their games on forums. There are plenty of conspiracies of D3 players being "flagged" to not receive any drops after having been vocal about the problems with that game. Similarly, in SC2 the players that were critical of David Kim's ability to design a truly compelling sequel to the greatest RTS of all time, Starcraft BW, have been suspicious that they suddenly found their ladder experience to much harder (unfavorable spawn positions, vsing loads of maphackers, and possibly blizzard employees themselves sniping them, which they DO have a balance team whos entire job is to play with the pros all day every day so this is technically possible). Not saying I completely believe this, but lets just hope GGG doesn't take up such a shady business tactics themselves.
Last edited by belowthelights#5148 on Dec 23, 2012, 10:50:16 AM

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