POE next king of RPG?; Oh yes it is, i have quited D3 and WoW even SC2 !
" Never said it was the only one. What do you have against aRPG's anyways? |
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" Nothing. I never said those factors were things that I looked for in a game. However, with games like Halo and COD being so popular, how well can games like D3 or POE do when they are essentially the polar opposite in terms of core game style? Diablo 3 was lucky. It had hype and nostalgia on its side. I don't think other releases will be as lucky. |
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" Look at how quickly PoE is picking up steam and attention, and it's only still in closed beta, and you think it won't succeed? |
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"Heh, well, The Sims is pretty unlike Halo and CoD too, and is kind of one of the world's biggest sellers. I think you're pretty right that ARPGs are comparatively niche, and also a lot has happened in the gaming world in 13 years (of relevant note, there's a lot more competition for your gaming time these days), so I wouldn't be expecting a number one hit out of this either, and you can plan for ten years but nobody really knows. But, you know, ten year plan aside, stranger things have happened than POE doing more than well enough for itself to get by. You only need to do as well as Halo and CoD if you're running on their budgets. |
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" The last one I can think of was mentioned recently on another thread; Bastion. It was made by 7 people on a tight budget and sold over half a million copies (at between $10-$20 a pop) in its first year, and continues to sell well despite not having any online/multiplayer option. There are plenty of others. It seems like you have a pretty insulated view of modern gaming and it sounds like you only take note of projects from the behemoth publishers. There are plenty of people who detest first person shooters and the crowd that is typically associated with them, and to say there is no major market for ARPGs is simply absurd. Also, I don't mean to be rude, but I have to ask: You don't seem to like arpg's, I've only ever seen you post negative things about PoE, so what exactly is keeping your here? I'm not trying to be nasty or anything, I just don't really understand. Last edited by MonstaMunch#6519 on Dec 20, 2012, 4:00:32 AM
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game is great,i play it for 14 months now,but,,trading system isn't good.for example,i offer 30 augments orbs and vendor offer me 1/5 id scroll.it is bizare.and for many other orbs,no mater of quantity,you can get same..1/5 id scroll.i suggest this trading system.i offer 30 augments and vendor offer me all possible orbs i can get for it.simple.
next..WTT,WTS,WTB,sometimes is impossible to play.cos i can't see anythging,thanks to this messages.i can't see solution for this.people coming from merciless to normal and selling items lvl 55 to 66 or higher. items with 5 sockets worth only 1/5 id scroll..should be at least 1 jeweler orb. i repeat,game is great,but trading not. greetings from bosnia-.herzegovina |
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I agree with trading system not being as good atm, but i know they will revamp it eventually. But that is not important at this stage, because they will fix UI and AI and physics in the coming months specialy after offficial release.
And i am 100% positive about this game, if we support it enough. I rather give them 200 EUR than give Blizzard for wow and D3 stupid pay to win, thats going last few years. Like Chris said, they don't want the game, which has pay to win system...we all saw what happens to the game and the community eventualy. But POE hited the sweet spot from the start and, if they will closely listen to the pro's like Kripparian things cant go wrong. If they will keep the fair politics about not to do pay to win system, they will win for sure !!! GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever. This is coming straight from the heart <3 Last edited by Farystar#1705 on Dec 20, 2012, 4:22:10 AM
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I kinda have to agree.
For a long time I defended Diablo 3, but since I switched back to POE I was positivly surprised about the game(I played the POE Beta before too but then quitted). Ofc POE has its pros and cons: -Its visual design is apealing, though not as good as D3 -the combat feels not as satisfying as D3 -Using UI, Interface and Itemmanagement is not as good as D3 -POE has a lot of great mechanics/concepts/ideas which are not polished yet and now the IMPORTANT aspects of an RPG where POE shines: +the combat stat system is more complex and thought through +a ton of customizsation +free buildchoices which are all playable +no gold and no auction house The interesting point is, that I recently thought in a different way: When I started to play D3 I was convinced that things like gold auction house and no skillsystem are fine, but actually they are not! Since I played POE again I was surprised how interesting skilling actually is! And when I looked up some guides for builds I was interesting how many possibilies you have. OK, there ARE cookycutter builds but this does not matter. BUILDING is what makes fun, even if everybody has the same. In D3 you just take your skills and thats it. The very important point of an RPG is that you HAVE TO MATCH your items with your build. This is completly missing in D3. Also there are a lot of uninspired mechanics in D3 like: Armor = Resistance. I really hate this and other straight forward mechanics. For instance: In D3 you get the weapon with the most DPS, in POE you have the choice between: 1, 1 Wand(Spelldamage) + ES Shield (Block + Spelldamage) 2, 2 Wands for even more Spelldamage 3, Dagger for critchance This is completly awesome that you can do things like this! And this fine set of choices go through a lot of other POE Game mechanics. Btw.: Not everything is perfect in POE, but its ok, since its beta :D Here are my points which I currently dislike a lot in POE and hopefully they are improved: 1, No conversion cycle in the currency. Maybe I dont know, but in my opinion EVERY orb should translate in another orb you could desire. For instance if I collect 256 Alternation Orbs I would like to get a chaosorb) It should not happen that you are stuck with one kind of orbs. Maybe trading is a solution, but if I thing about it who could need xxx Alternation orbs for alch orbs in the very lategame? They would just become useless. 2, The looting process is somehow flawed. There are a lot of interesting items which are rare, but are not usable or worthless. For instance SKILLGEMS drop but as long as they dont have Quality they are completly worthless. Either make DROPPED SG with 1-5% quality or let them sell for something interesting.(only the dropped ones) 3, The skillgem system is interesting but leveling them up is actually quite pointless. Ofc you can stop lvling to reduce mana reservation but thats all. Sorry, I dont have a better idea, but leveling up skillgems in its current state seems weird and pointless. There is no real choice or player interaction with the skillleveling And another thing I really dislike is the quality system of gems in its current state: You can have 0-20% which is actually quite nice to have but UPGRADING SG is EXTREMLY TEDIOUS. Its not the problem that the gemprisms are rare and valueable, but the problem is, that you might find a very high % skillgem you needs. For instance: You find a cleavegem with 6%. Thats nice. But what if you invest 14 gemprisms and then get a 18% skillgem? This would completly suck because you already invested(WASTED!) so many gemprisms! What I mean: The aquisition of high % Skillgems is too random. I would prefer this solution: vendor Skillgems do have 0% quality and all dropped Skillgems have a random 1-5% quality. This means you HAVE TO upgrade them but also Dropped Skillgems would be a nice drop because they are indireclty worth something(40% combined skillgems are 1 gemprism) Thats all, and also I have to admit that I am pretty noob in POE, so maybe not all suggestions are valid. But if they are not this would be another problem: The game is a little bit too difficult to INSIGHT. ->You find a lot of stuff and actually it could be possible that you do the wrong things with them. The possibilities you have should be more easily accessible. For instance I leave all amulets and rings on the ground but what if there is a good vendor reciped but I just done know? Would suck... The currency system and the vendor recipes are a good idea, but please make all possiblies more open! I could summarize my main complaint with this: "You can do things wrong, but you dont have the possibility to know how to make them right" |
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Nasabot i love youre review, +1 for you man. I had tons of fun reading your post. Thank you for your contribution :).
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.
This is coming straight from the heart <3 |
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This game needs an action house. I love auction houses.
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