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zeto wrote:
With computers entering an age where memory and speed are not really factors, high level development will take precedent and C++ will slowly die off.

Haha. This is one of the more blatantly wrong things I've heard in a while.

Anyway. If you want to be cool, go learn Fortran.
Forum Sheriff
Well as computers progress so do the applications. More and more power and memory is required by the user. Therefore it does indeed make a difference.

The level of computing your talking about quantum computers or computers that do everything faster than us is still quite a few years away.
Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
tpapp157 wrote:
zeto wrote:
With computers entering an age where memory and speed are not really factors, high level development will take precedent and C++ will slowly die off.

Haha. This is one of the more blatantly wrong things I've heard in a while.

Anyway. If you want to be cool, go learn Fortran.

Fortran? Nah learn Assembly. That's a mans program language.
Insanity is overrated unless you join me in mine.
I agree C++ is powerful, but I disagree on the rest essentially.

Something eventually has to replace C++, which was my ultimate point. I do not care to argue the points again, because arguing with someone who is in love with C++ vs. someone who dislikes C++ is like arguing religion. There are a zillion articles backing up both positions. I can fluently program in both, however I think C++ is needlessly convoluted and MUCH more difficult to read.

High level programming and managed code is the future, no matter what. The biggest hangups are the efficiency translations at compile time, which some genius will eventually crack.

Anyway I was not hating on C++ just to do so. There are a vast array of reasons why a higher level language is advantageous for a hobbyist.
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Don't worry Zeto, most people don't actually read what others post. They just look for a sentence or two that they can disagree with.
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."

Happy hunting/fishing
They just look for a sentence or two that they can disagree with.

I am sorry, but i will have to disagree with you there. Many people read the post thoroughly then try to come up with a insightful rebuttal backing their own viewpoint.
Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
Wittgenstein with a zillion cocks up his butt as normal.
Cheaper than free... Speedtree
I guess we can just agree to disagree Zid. Although, I only said "most" people, not "all". I wouldn't count you in the majority.

Now Rusty, he's a prime example of the most.
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."

Happy hunting/fishing
No new screenshot this week? What's up Chris? Are things just delayed or are we not getting anything this week?
Forum Sheriff
Sorry i should have added a lol. I was actually agreeing with you by using sarcasm. See this is why this should be implemented.

Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.

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