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I know Java and C# have their purposes, but I'm really looking into C++. It's not the best hobbyist language, that I know for sure. But I'm choosing C++ because of its powerful versatility and complexity. I really want to understand that language before I try any other language.
Happy Days Abound.
Thats true. Also it is nice to write your own programs that save time. As well as becoming more computer literate. You wouldn't believe how many people from 19-22 know next to nothing about a computer.

Actually that reminds me in class last week my professor is a real asshole to me. He teaches this TMGT 351 class. Its basically teaching people how to use word, excel, and publisher. The course is not the problem the professor however acts like a pompous ass. He thinks he knows everything about computers and while he may know his way around excel he doesn't know jack shit about anything else.

So i did the old auto correct trick on his browser. Changed blackboard to blue waffle. This got an immediate giggle out of most of the students in the class. After that he became quite flustered and skiped to the excel project. Where i proceeded to send him personal messages that pop up on the screen of any user in the network. I got a admin default account from an IT buddy.

So i started sending him messages like. "your doing it wrong" " this class blows" and "I've been watching you" after watching these messages he basically thought Satan had taken over his computer and decided to have us all work on it out of class.

Just goes to show you its always a good thing to know a little about computers.

Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
You should try learning Brazilian. Its really good for trolling.
Cheaper than free... Speedtree
How so?
Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
once the games out ill show you.
Cheaper than free... Speedtree
While I can understand some peoples disdain for their professors, and trust me, I see it all the time, I've always tried to be respectful of my professors.

The main reason I do that though is because teaching isn't easy, and sometimes these guys can get pretty damn bitter. But I feel like as the student it's my job to make their life easier and try to learn whatever they are teaching me.

Of course that doesn't mean I give them a pass. If I can't understand something I expect a good explanation. I try no to complain but when it's someone's job to teach then I sort of expect it.
Happy Days Abound.
Well now i am just intrigued. Also i speak some Spanish, but really don't know how much Portuguese and Spanish overlap.
Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
Silver wrote:
I know Java and C# have their purposes, but I'm really looking into C++. It's not the best hobbyist language, that I know for sure. But I'm choosing C++ because of its powerful versatility and complexity. I really want to understand that language before I try any other language.

There is a fundamental flaw in that logic though.

C++ is only marginally faster in some cases, and is actually slower than newer languages in some other aspects. If you look up C++ speed comparison benchmarks you'll find this to be true. (iirc, it's particularly powerful at manipulating collections as compared to C++)

C++ is only marginally more powerful and flexible than other higher languages and only in specific cases where you are dealing with extremely technical low level programming that a hobbyist will never use.

For that small benefit you have to deal with a semi-hacked together language that has stood the test of time due primarily to its legacy base, and must learn to read the dirtiest syntax I've ever learned in my history of programming. You must write about 3-5x more code to accomplish the same task. You also lose all benefits from a managed code base and must deal with memory yourself. I also believe the debug environment is different.

for a more complete metric visit: http://loyc-etc.blogspot.com/2010/05/why-c-is-better-than-c.html

Out of all the languages I've learned, I dislike C++ the most due to its heavy usage of unnecessary symbols and lack of high level support. I dislike VB.NET second most because it is almost exclusively wordy, and lacks visual cues for syntax. Do not touch VB... it's garbage. I prefer C# the most because I feel it is a good mix of both at appropriate times.

With computers entering an age where memory and speed are not really factors, high level development will take precedent and C++ will slowly die off. The benefits really shine on an application level of design as opposed to algorithm level.

Low level optimizations will always have their place, but in today's day and age there is nothing that C++ can teach you that you couldn't both learn in another language and do in a much much simpler unified fashion.

If you are hell bent on learning C/C++ I'd learn core syntax and fundamentals and move on to higher level languages that can actually serve you in the future.

I think a lot of people feel that they need to learn C/C++ because it was so big over the last 20 years. It was *the* instrumental language in bringing about contemporary computing and became essentially a legendary superstar amongst programming languages. I think that it's a misnomer at this point. I'm fairly certain sometime in the future a high level language will be developed that compiles basic code to nearly as fast as C++, and compiles complex code into faster while simultaneously reducing the coding burden by 10-100x. This was almost accomplished in java/c# but not quite.
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I know it's cool to hate on C++ at the moment, but it really isn't going anywhere any time soon.

There are just no other languages that offer what C++ offers. I really like what D is doing, but it really doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

I know that C++ can be hard to learn. There are a lot of problems that have come about due to its birth as a language backwards compatible with C. This is also, however, how it was able to become so popular.

But do not perpetuate the myth that C++ requires you to write a lot more code. Well written C++ code shouldn't be any more verbose than in another language.

The new C++ standard brings C++ right back into line with the features that we expect from a modern language.

There is a reason that we use C++. And it isn't just because we always have. Under the syntax quirks and cruft there is an amazing language that has unrivaled expressiveness, flexibility and speed.

It's a language that is high level when you need it, and low level when you need it. It is also one of the hardest languages to learn to an expert level that exists.
Path of Exile II - Game Director
Lol I know so many noob programmers from unis that think there smarter than every game dev because they use c#.

Noob got rolled by jonathan
Cheaper than free... Speedtree

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