BM and Auras - one of GGG's better jokes
" Upon recalculating the tree they probably did it they way they did to avoid a rather serious exploit potential. Via the blood shield if it was reduced instead of less, you could actually get the value so low that activating an aura increases your HP by 4% A scion may be born of the rich, and as such hold more opportunity...
but a scion will never be able to appreciate the finer beauty of those less fortunate. |
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Well, I would assume they can check how many players are running BM builds, and upon seeing it's 1% of total number of players, maybe they change something. Let's hope. The easiest way is to just buff the new Notable, as that will only influence BM builds.
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“ No mod action. Business as usual. |
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Well I've officially given up on running aura with BM. You sacrifice too much, just for one aura. Not even grace is worth that.
I respeced these points into more life and dmg. „I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“ „If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“ No mod action. Business as usual. Last edited by Odoakar#1827 on Nov 4, 2013, 4:21:33 PM
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I'm pretty sure that the entire point of the Nerf was that everyone doesn't run 2-3 auras and auras are actually an investment as oppose to something free that everyone uses just because.
Also builds need weaknesses and BM not being able to use auras very well is a nice weakness to balance it out. Unless you wanted another way to nerf BM, then by all means share. Last edited by RagnarokChu#4426 on Nov 4, 2013, 4:32:13 PM
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Yes, congrats.
The issue here is blood magic can not afford to even run 1. A scion may be born of the rich, and as such hold more opportunity...
but a scion will never be able to appreciate the finer beauty of those less fortunate. |
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" Many builds that don't use blood magic can't run 2-3 anymore and some can't even run 1. This wasn't a nerf just for BM. Your going to need a greater reason then to buff it back other then "my personal build is less effective" when many other builds where just as affected. Last edited by RagnarokChu#4426 on Nov 4, 2013, 4:37:04 PM
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"No, it should not. Fun fact: You can currently run every single aura on a single character. You need Alpha's Howl and Prism Guardian for their aura reservation reductions, and you're going to reserve almost all of your life, so you need Shavronne's Wrappings if you expect to actually live. But it's doable, and with maxed-out Increased Effect of Auras you Cast as well. Pretty cool build for dedicated party play; just hybridize with Culling MF and you've got quite the support build. Somewhere between 30% and 40% less mana for Mortal Conviction, the system hits a breakpoint where players can run the exact same build, but the Blood Magic version. Same required items, just all 10 reserved off of life. Really! Now somewhere between 45% and 50% less mana for Mortal Conviction, the Blood Magic version actually becomes stronger; it no longer needs Alpha's Howl, allowing it to go full ES for much improved survivability. At this point it stops being cute, and starts being a real metagame force. This should not be allowed to occur. Therefore, Mortal Conviction should be at best 45% less; because I prefer round numbers and would like to allow GGG freedom to design aura-related uniques without immediately tipping the balance, I'd go for 40% less. Still better than it is now; but seriously, you need to consider not the common application, but the most exploitative, when balancing. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Nov 4, 2013, 4:45:23 PM
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using one aura is easy, using 2 is kinda easy as well for any end game char ( one reduced mana gem and there you have your 2 auras ).
BM is lossing a LOT from a single aura atm, the nerf is really critical for BM users. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" See, I would've agreed with this. It could've been an interesting weakness for BM. Except... They added a damn node behind BM which is explicitly for auras. Meaning they want and intend you to use auras with BM. They don't want that to be it's weakness. So, with that knowledge, I must agree with the OP. It's a joke. A complete joke. It's like adding a notable behind EB which increases ES cooldown recovery or one behind RT that increases accuracy and crit chance. My vision for a better PoE:
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" I somewhat agree with you, but still feel current 30% is just not enough (and feel that balancing a game around 1-2 special items it not a good thing), especially having in mind what Chris said (because of statements like those, I find it very hard to get excited lately when he promises something great). This is my build at lvl 69. If I wanted to go for Auras, I would have to spend 16 skill points and sacrifice 19% life (!) just to run ONE aura. I've tried running grace with around 23% life reservation, and you feel the lack of health. You really do. I firmly stand behind the opinion that BM with even one aura is not viable. My build basically has to go near all the reduced reservation nodes and I still feel it's not worth to pick them up. I can' imagine how it's for other builds that actually need to go out of their way to get it. „I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“ „If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“ No mod action. Business as usual. Last edited by Odoakar#1827 on Nov 4, 2013, 5:02:05 PM
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