{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

Damn, 8secs is still too long for atziri/other bosses. Still need NA to kill them. Hope they will solve the crematorium aoe problem...
Crematorium boss lags too much for me, and too much RNG oriented. Sometimes half my zombies die, sometimes none. And the firestorm continues even when the boss is dead.
This is basically what I do when I fight Maligra. Kill her than GTFO lol.


If the fight takes longer than 10 seconds. Your minions will die NA or not, as u can see on a map with no mods buffing her I already lost 1 zombie and some zombies with half hp by the time I tp'ed out.

I was using minion life instead of Msplash, my zombies had 9k hp, max spell block, and 80% fire resist.

She is an insane boss and would not recommend fighting her. Without a shield one mistake aka your character being hit by the raining fire ball will result in instant death,
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Apr 18, 2014, 1:39:16 AM
If the new skill is linked with reduced duration, the cool down should be around 5 secs, which is okay for bosses like atziri. In other cases, 8 sec cooldown is theoritically good enough because your minions aint gonna stuck every sec.
Last edited by babai_witch_here_always#7498 on Apr 18, 2014, 1:48:54 AM
babai_witch_here_always wrote:
If the new skill is linked with reduced duration, the cool down should be around 5 secs, which is okay for bosses like atziri. In other cases, 8 sec cooldown is theoritically good enough because your minions aint gonna stuck every sec.

Reduce Duration shouldn't reduce cooldown of a skill, it can reduce duration of a skill tho.
mattc3303 wrote:
This is basically what I do when I fight Maligra. Kill her than GTFO lol.


If the fight takes longer than 10 seconds. Your minions will die NA or not, as u can see on a map with no mods buffing her I already lost 1 zombie and some zombies with half hp by the time I tp'ed out.

I was using minion life instead of Msplash, my zombies had 9k hp, max spell block, and 80% fire resist.

She is an insane boss and would not recommend fighting her. Without a shield one mistake aka your character being hit by the raining fire ball will result in instant death,

Killing her wasn't a problem for us, but the firestorm killed my zombies after the boss was dead[as i couldn't drag them to me :|]. Also the Firestorm severely lags my pc sometimes, tho that's my fault of not upgrading the GPU XD.
Well, I kill her in 2 seconds, always run her with purity of fire, and with aa26 she deals about 100 or less damage to my char with each fireball falling. With ruby flask I gain 97 fire res, so there's no damage at all. The main problem is fighting her in party of 3+. She usually casts her first firestorm pretty far from herself, so my minions don't get hit. But if she casts 2 other storms... All I can do is to stay with my army providing them vitality+heal totem+purity auras and hoping no one will die. I think with 75 spellblock+NA I won't have such a problem.
BoswerLK wrote:
depends on what you plan on mfing. with AA+cloak, you can definitely afford to drop a bit of hp for piety runs

mf mapping is a completely different story. I wouldn't even use your current gear for mf mapping. I'd go for 4.5k total effective hp minimum (hp+remaining mana) in case of some bs invader/exile crit. I'd look to drop aurseize for life+res before goldwyrm though. the res is comparable, but 60 mana regen is a lot. that 18 IIQ also translates to ~50 mf at your IIR, so the total mf is comparable even before taking into account IIQ giving you more currency and 6s/5ls

total effective mf = [1+IIR] * [1+IIQ]

IIR and iiq have a diminish return.
So if you want to run the chaos vendor rec. aim for 300iir and as much iiq as possible.

Take a look at the data gathered in this thread:

Based on it i made an approximation for the average number of Dominus drop with www.wolframalpha.com

A google shortened url: http://goo.gl/DSPttQ

Full link: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=((1%2B(q*(3*a%2F(a%2Bq))%2F100)*(1%2Br*(2*b%2F(b%2Br)))%2F100))*6.3%2C+q%3D89%2Cr%3D235%2C+a%3D45%2C+b%3D225

Change the q=89,r=235 to your quantity and rarity.

The results are good enough to be used as guidelines,on average +/-1.

minion stats: http://goo.gl/gQxs0w
Modifiers: http://goo.gl/jGIr8b
Zombie dps calculator: http://goo.gl/XIStJV
Last edited by Galax201#1110 on Apr 18, 2014, 3:42:04 AM
alfapf wrote:
Well, I kill her in 2 seconds, always run her with purity of fire, and with aa26 she deals about 100 or less damage to my char with each fireball falling. With ruby flask I gain 97 fire res, so there's no damage at all. The main problem is fighting her in party of 3+. She usually casts her first firestorm pretty far from herself, so my minions don't get hit. But if she casts 2 other storms... All I can do is to stay with my army providing them vitality+heal totem+purity auras and hoping no one will die. I think with 75 spellblock+NA I won't have such a problem.

Well I can't kill that fast, my zombies just dun have that kind of dps atm. Weird thing was they tanked double boss fine, but died on the single one[on the next rotation]. Definately have to do the boss a few times more, maybe it was a fluke last time.
mattc3303 wrote:
This is basically what I do when I fight Maligra. Kill her than GTFO lol.


Wathed your vid. You said you have max spellblock on your minions. How?? Saffel+skullhead give you only 43% block(with perfect 120% saffel), and you didn't use bone offering. Anohter thing-you went too far from your minions-the most mistake of mine on this boss. I think with 2 purities+bone offering+NA she'll be very simple. Can't check that by myself yet because I don't have gear for NA yet...

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