{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

BoswerLK wrote:
poppawheelie wrote:
Hey all, i am an MF summoner running this build. I am worried about my survivability in invasion at this point. I am just getting into lvl 72 maps (I am level 79) and am at 3100HP with about 780mana avail for the 40% mom. I am running a high lvl AA as well. Here is my gear, I recently sold a nice taryn's shiver and have 4ex saved up. can anyone suggest what my next big MF purchase should be? Including my IIR gem im at about 220IIR/18IIQ right now... afraid to sacrifice my survivability anywhere else to get more IIR. andvarius? divination?


i am thinking of dropping the goldwrym for more resist/HP boots, and then potentially dropping my aurumovorax for a +2 to cold 1h for higher AA, and then go for divination distill if i can get one.

perandus belt. upgrade hat and jewelry. put stormsail on weapon switch for rare/uni culling and wear a res shield. don't lose goldwyrm

sadima is a nice sidegrade to aurseize. better mf, but no res. IIQ > IIR

divination after that. andy rings last

is it really worth dropping +99HP to have that small amount of quantity from perandus? If i do all the things you say my HP is going to absolutely plummet. If i weaponswap the stormsail i am going to have to equip/buy another aurumovorax so that i dont go instantly to shit resists when i switch to cull. It justs seems so risky with this build as my HP will easily be in the "one shot by physical roa" zone.

i would upgrade my rings/ammy in a heartbeat but can't find anything on invasion that is much better on poexyz whenever I am on.
Last edited by poppawheelie#2346 on Apr 17, 2014, 4:25:08 PM
BoswerLK wrote:
HunterxXx wrote:
lol i still confused for mf summoner :(

you can snapshot IIR gem
you cannot snapshot IIR gear

k thats really help
depends on what you plan on mfing. with AA+cloak, you can definitely afford to drop a bit of hp for piety runs

mf mapping is a completely different story. I wouldn't even use your current gear for mf mapping. I'd go for 4.5k total effective hp minimum (hp+remaining mana) in case of some bs invader/exile crit. I'd look to drop aurseize for life+res before goldwyrm though. the res is comparable, but 60 mana regen is a lot. that 18 IIQ also translates to ~50 mf at your IIR, so the total mf is comparable even before taking into account IIQ giving you more currency and 6s/5ls

total effective mf = [1+IIR] * [1+IIQ]
I'd agree, MF mapping gear is much more expensive than Dominus run gear. You have to think of exiles/bosses etc, and then various map mods. I have seen some people do MF at really hp[not low life build], it maybe possible, but in invasion, that's a big risk, if ur character cant take a hit or two due to lag/desync.
This question is for matt - In ur cloak build, I saw u avoided the Leadership[notable passive skill, opposite to NA]. Was it bcoz ur auras' were already 20/20? and would u recommend to any new summoner, who dun wanna lvl up their gems back from lvl1 again or dump a lot of GCP into them. For anyone who's wondering what this does, is, it increases the radius of ur auras' to another 30%[20Q on ur auras' will get u max at 20%].
Ah that. I found the aura radius to be big enough even at 20/0 auras, With my play style am usually in the middle of all my minions anyways. You can of course pick that up if you wanted to.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
We're working on a couple of new skills for the 1.1.3 content update. One of them is called Convocation and is designed to teleport all of your minions to you and apply a heal-over-time buff to them. Click through for more information.

When designing this skill, we had the following goals:
To provide another way to heal minions, in addition to the current flask mod and totems that people use.
To allow situational recall of minions when it's strategically useful (for example, as a meat shield, or when you benefit from them being nearby).
As a solution for people to recover minions that are stuck behind terrain. While running a certain distance away from them will recall them, it's useful to have an on-demand way to do this.
To limit abuse cases by putting the skill on an eight-second cooldown. It's useful for the above reasons but doesn't allow you to teleport your minions to you every second.
To introduce this skill as soon as we could after the recent functional change to Smoke Mine.

1.1.3 will be ready for deployment in a couple of weeks. We'll post a more accurate timeframe and information about its other contents in the news between now and then.

Better than I thought. A teleport and a heal! Once they put this in summoners will really be in a good place now.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
mattc3303 wrote:
...summoners will really be in a good place now.

Just curious if you would say the same if snapshotting was removed or if you are taking that into account when saying they will really be in a good place.
Summoner is still strong even without snapshotting. It will just take a bit more effort to get a 6L chest.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
Since 1.1.2, the fabulous brainstorming in this topic, regarding zombie/spectre+gem combinations, shows just how immensely diverse summoner builds can be, and this is in no small part thanks to snapshotting imo. Even though re-summoning in combat would have a better feel to it when it comes to gameplay, snapshotting feels like an 'extension' to possibilities offered by the passive tree when it comes to summoners. And as things stand players can opt to either snapshot or not, without being gimped or overpowered when mapping. Imo, don't fix it if it isn't broken.

I've asked previously here what are the 'rumors' about its' removal based on. Does anyone know which way is GGG leaning on this matter? Is snapshotting really a thorn in their eye? Is an averagely geared snapshotting summoner OP compared to other averagely geared classes when it comes to running maps?
IGN: Bootfish, Bootcharge, Krux ☆ PoE YouTube Channel: http://tinyurl.com/bootfish
2.0 Uber Atziri Video guide for "Mjolner Armor Life MoM/EB": http://tinyurl.com/malmomeb
2.0 Videos: 82 Core ☆ Uber Atziri: http://tinyurl.com/bootfish
Build guide thread: http://tinyurl.com/liferainbownuke
Last edited by Krux#5388 on Apr 18, 2014, 1:43:57 AM

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