{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

summoner PoE 2014 ( even 2013 but .. ) :

- 20 min to snapshot all things, capture spectre etc
- 3 min gameplay

Would be awesome that GGG fix snapshot exploit.
IGN TylordRampage
Last edited by Malone#6946 on Apr 16, 2014, 5:03:48 AM
Malone wrote:
summoner PoE 2014 ( even 2013 but .. ) :

- 20 min to snapshot all things, capture spectre etc
- 3 min gameplay

Would be awesome that GGG fix snapshot exploit.

I suppose u fall asleep somewhr in the middle of the summoning. 20mins is a reaaallly long time.

By 3min gameplay, if u mean, they die.... well they dont. My RZ isnt 20/20 yet, well it's not even 20 yet lol, I have no zombie deaths today[5 hrs played, then game thought to log me out :|]. If ur zombies are dying, u should check their health, what defenses they have and use seething flasks more. I sacrificed my survivability for my zombies, and it's really nice now.

And u can play summoner even without snapshotting. Sure, the zombies wont do much dmg or be tanky, but it's still viable.
RXXQ wrote:
Guys what curses and auras do you run and which minions to pair them with?

Like for Zombies + Tentacles, is Hatred the best choice for attacking?

Also, I've noticed Enfeeble + blind Totem renders most physical enemies useless.

Zombies do physical dmg, but tentacles are half physical and half fire. So hatred benefit the tentacles by 50%. You can run single or dual curses or Enfeeble, Vulnerability[tho vulnerability benefits from all physical]. The Aura's are pretty standard with Purity of Elements+Discipline+Haste+Hatred+Clarity and Artic Armour. I stopped running Vitality long time ago, doesn't help my zombies much. Discipline do provide Energy Shield to Zombies,it's even visible[but it's mainly for my EB/MOM].

In general, I take Zombies+Evangelist. Since I took Necromancer Aegis, I prefer to have some defensive utility from the proximity shield. For anyone who haven't tried the keystone, do give it a try. Ur defenses will fall, but if u can manage that, you'll love to what will happen to ur zombies. They will faceroll anything, like it's nobody's business[I do mean faceroll].

Edit: I forgot to mention the Enhance gem, at lvl4 it provides a 24%Q bonus. Which means arc can reach 32% chance to shock and shock nova will reach 66% chance to shock with the effective 44%Q gem[20%Q from gem+24%Q from Enhance]. Pair that up with the easily available 20% from tree[even if u cant get the other 5%] and u get 86% chance to shock. I dun think the damage will even matter with that kind of Shock Chance, everything is bound to get shocked.
Last edited by ScarS#6572 on Apr 16, 2014, 3:34:09 PM
BoswerLK wrote:
alfapf wrote:

very nice. gear/tree? =O


Snap Gear

Honestly, I thought I'll have to resummon twice on 2nd bosses, but vaal skeletons saved my main army.

Since I took Necromancer Aegis, I prefer to have some defensive utility from the proximity shield. For anyone who haven't tried the keystone, do give it a try. Ur defenses will fall, but if u can manage that, you'll love to what will happen to ur zombies. They will faceroll anything, like it's nobody's business[I do mean faceroll].

I really want to try out NA, especially on Atziri, but the point that I'll have to drop 2 auras makes me like "NNNOOOOOOO". But honestly, 75% phys\spellblock+87 fire\light res will make everything doable. Maybe I'll try NA when I'm 93, and I also have to solve some problems with resists I have from prism guardian now(49 allres, aurum isnt viable).
Last edited by alfapf#5389 on Apr 16, 2014, 6:47:51 AM
BoswerLK wrote:
it doesn't. mark himself has said so. it doesn't boost the support gem, only abilities tagged as trap. it will give your spectre the boost if your spectre is using trap attacks (alchemist grenades maybe?)

like how multistrike affects abilities tagged as melee attacks, and will therefore work with spectres using melee attacks, even though the RS gem itself isn't a melee attack

trap+gem will tag the gem itself as trap, but it won't tag the abilities used by the spectre as trap. cuz if it worked that way, nothing they do would be tagged as attack either, and melee gems wouldn't work

and yeah, it's a really confusing and finicky distinction, and I hate it too

I guess that makes sense. But now I find it interesting that minions wreck stuff with 35% less damage than I thought they have.
cMarivs wrote:
BoswerLK wrote:
it doesn't. mark himself has said so. it doesn't boost the support gem, only abilities tagged as trap. it will give your spectre the boost if your spectre is using trap attacks (alchemist grenades maybe?)

like how multistrike affects abilities tagged as melee attacks, and will therefore work with spectres using melee attacks, even though the RS gem itself isn't a melee attack

trap+gem will tag the gem itself as trap, but it won't tag the abilities used by the spectre as trap. cuz if it worked that way, nothing they do would be tagged as attack either, and melee gems wouldn't work

and yeah, it's a really confusing and finicky distinction, and I hate it too

I guess that makes sense. But now I find it interesting that minions wreck stuff with 35% less damage than I thought they have.

sunblast is increased anyways, not more
ScarS wrote:
Zombies do physical dmg, but tentacles are half physical and half fire. So hatred benefit the tentacles by 50%. You can run single or dual curses or Enfeeble, Vulnerability[tho vulnerability benefits from all physical]. The Aura's are pretty standard with Purity of Elements+Discipline+Haste+Hatred+Clarity and Artic Armour. I stopped running Vitality long time ago, doesn't help my zombies much. Discipline do provide Energy Shield to Zombies,it's even visible[but it's mainly for my EB/MOM].

In general, I take Zombies+Evangelist. Since I took Necromancer Aegis, I prefer to have some defensive utility from the proximity shield. For anyone who haven't tried the keystone, do give it a try. Ur defenses will fall, but if u can manage that, you'll love to what will happen to ur zombies. They will faceroll anything, like it's nobody's business[I do mean faceroll].

Yeah I plan on doing something like that later but right now I'm running IIR/IIQ build, gonna go full damage later on. Can't give up my shield since I need the high resists since I got andvarius and thinking of adding 1 more.

I currently run Elements, Discipline, Hatred, Clarity and Vitality, really need the last one tho, I've noticed it helps a lot.

Malone wrote:
summoner PoE 2014 ( even 2013 but .. ) :

- 20 min to snapshot all things, capture spectre etc
- 3 min gameplay

Would be awesome that GGG fix snapshot exploit.

Have you played this lately?

I actually timed myself to see how long it took me. With the way Desecrate works now, it literally took me 1:23 minutes to get all summons at Scepter of God, if using Evangelists.

If I'm using Tentacles from Lunaris it took me 3:09 minutes.

20 minutes my ass. Also gameplay of 3 min? what? Again, I summoned my minions, I was 77 (halfway to 80 as of writing this) I even summoned the Tentacles with Queen's Decree and they survived lvl 73 rare maps, alone or in 6 people party.

Learn how to play summoner son.
Last edited by BuckingFitches#0168 on Apr 16, 2014, 12:55:16 PM
I have a question regarding Shock as a summoner. Do I have any chance to shock 77-78 bosses or exiles if I have approx 1800Arc tooltip dps and EE?

Using those links on my arc and estimating 1800ish tooltip and running EE as I said, shock passives Chains/Ele weak also. I'm only concerned with 77+ bosses/exiles...is my arc just for proc buffing hatred/anger at that map level?
HeisenbergBlue wrote:
I have a question regarding Shock as a summoner. Do I have any chance to shock 77-78 bosses or exiles if I have approx 1800Arc tooltip dps and EE?

Using those links on my arc and estimating 1800ish tooltip and running EE as I said, shock passives Chains/Ele weak also. I'm only concerned with 77+ bosses/exiles...is my arc just for proc buffing hatred/anger at that map level?

I haven't tried EE/shock stacks till now. But on paper, arc has a few problems to begin with. If ur interesting in shocking boss/exiles, which are mostly solo targets, then arc is a bit useless. Because it can't jump to the same target, always need to bounce of another target.
Also, with 20Q Arc, max chance to shock u get is 20%. U can get 30% from 20Q shock nova, and it doesn't require to jump of targets to stack shock. A totem linked to the skill, should do the trick, and you can still be safe and have shocks.

But how much time do u need to kill a boss/exile? If the answer is 2-3 secs, then don't bother with shocks/EE. It's good for party sometimes, but in solo play, maybe not worth ur time. Because the Curse and Desecrate+FO/BO combo, always comes first on my list. By the time ur shocks are up, ur enemy should be dead.

If stuff stays alive for too long[I havent started 77-78 rotations yet], then by all means use shock, it's a very good dmg boost, and ur party will love u for it.
I really want to try out NA, especially on Atziri, but the point that I'll have to drop 2 auras makes me like "NNNOOOOOOO". But honestly, 75% phys\spellblock+87 fire\light res will make everything doable. Maybe I'll try NA when I'm 93, and I also have to solve some problems with resists I have from prism guardian now(49 allres, aurum isnt viable).

NA is worth using when you want to tackle hard spell casting bosses without having your minions dying. If you don't mind resummoning

I have a question regarding Shock as a summoner. Do I have any chance to shock 77-78 bosses or exiles if I have approx 1800Arc tooltip dps and EE?

As scar mentioned its a solid boost in dps if your in a party. Solo not so much since mobs are dying quickly anyways. Other than that its a skill to help re-direct your minions and add a bit of clear speed. You can try adding blind support gem to it for extra cc

am running

arc - fast cast - Elepro - blind
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon

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