{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

Has anyone thought of doing something like putting Increased Duration on one Evangelists, Decreased Duration on another, and nothing on the other. To make their bubbles have different times and maybe you'll have 1 bubble 24/7 with that?
sebaper wrote:
We need more micro-control over the minions, like attack and hold commands or a skill to really heal them to mitigate the aoe damage, the flask are useless, ~250hp instant heal are ridiculous for a minion with high HP and low defences and in a boss fight cant replenish them.
Maybe the flask need to heal 100% to the minions.

Game isn't balanced around snap shotting. Just make another minion when you lose one like it's meant to be done.

Krux wrote:
Attack, Hold and similar commands would be great, but minion pathfinding is the problem. I realize that GGG doesn't have the muscle to create a good engine in that respect, but there are other workarounds like the Smoke Mine. To take that ESSENTIAL part away literally cuts off the legs from any summoner.

For anyone that respecced to whatever build in order to combat GGG's retarded 'fixing' policy, good on you. But for me, playing a summoner is minion-based necro-way or no way :( I got so attached to playing the summoner, as it seemed so brilliant how GGG tried to find ways to make the class functional and diverse, but that apparently was only a fluke judging from this patch.

I wanted to eventually start other classes as well, but that required a massive expansion of Stash tabs that I was planning, which I now certainly won't throw my money at as I'm very pessimistic about GGG's patching methods. I mean, they themselves are aware that their engine is ancient, I'd rate minion AI 2/10 at best, and instead of being glad that they found a workaround (in the form of Smoke mine) which pretty much solves all of the clunkiness, they take it away...

All in all, PoE uninstalled and hopefully I can get over my lovely summoner sometime soon :(

You really uninstalled game because of smoke mine? Sorry but i lol.
I'm playing my summoner as usual here. Not a problem at all.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Apr 8, 2014, 4:08:02 PM
kompaniet wrote:
Game isn't balanced around snap shotting. Just make another minion when you lose one like it's meant to be done.

I don't think you quite understand where the anger is coming from, as it is not centered on snapshotting at all, honestly. It is a build quality of life thing.
Making another minion is fine (unless your build is completely built upon a certain spectre and you lose it in any area where you cannot replace it with the same), replacing your entire army because they are all stuck on the opposite side of a wall (which would be a really crappy fix to their AI pathing) or they all ran full-force into an AoE attack is another thing altogether. Smoke mine helped alleviate both of those scenarios. Like I said in another post, melee characters don't drop their weapon and forget to pick it up and casters don't purposefully cast spells into walls and not enemies, so why is it okay for a summoner to lose all their DPS and have to rebuild it one minion at a time or lose their minions when they get stuck in another room and ignore mobs attacking them?

kompaniet wrote:
You really uninstalled game because of smoke mine? Sorry but i lol.
I'm playing my summoner as usual here. Not a problem at all.

Have you seen the amount of summoner-specific nerfs these last few patches alone have included? It's frustrating and ridiculous. Furthermore, if they uninstalled the game because it is no longer any fun to them then good on 'em for knowing when enough is enough for themselves. You still enjoy playing your summoner, good on you, too. Not everyone feels that way, though and some of us are only interested in playing a summoner build we like (and some feel is being destroyed patch by patch).
Last edited by GoatEatingToilet#3170 on Apr 8, 2014, 4:24:53 PM
You guys are really going overboard. Summoner is still strong. I only need 2 minions and 8 zombies and I can kill merciless dominus in less than 2 minutes without taking hardly any damage. Using 3 specters and 9 zombies I can do it even faster. I can still run 78 maps without any problems and none of my gems are level 20 yet or quality.

I've never snapshotted my zombies cause they die easier than specters so it's easy just putting your zombie gem and 3 supports in a +2 minion helmet and resummon new ones when they die. I can still kill shrine piety easily without needing to snapshot zombies.

I never used smoke mine with my minions either and I was doing 77 and 78 maps perfectly fine and continue to do so now even after evangelists nerf. It's really not that bad, you get used to the new way their bubbles behave and then change the way you act and react to different situations accordingly.

I do understand the usefulness of smoke mine for people to teleport minions to you especially in small spaces, but people were playing summoner builds long before anyone realized that smoke mine would teleport your minions, so just gotta do it the original way and run foraward until they teleport to you, or if that is too dangerous, run back to meet your minions and let them catch up to you or use curses to help direct where they go. Maybe sometime in the future ggg will even create a skill gem made specifically for teleporting minions and not be a gem that had an unintended action of teleporting minions.
"Come along fool, a direct hit to the senses will leave you disconnected."
Last edited by KimchiGirlx3#1331 on Apr 8, 2014, 5:24:59 PM

Corrupted this self found and I got "Grants Lvl 7 Wrath"

Do you think this will work with Snapshotting? any way to see if it does?
GoatEatingToilet wrote:
kompaniet wrote:
You really uninstalled game because of smoke mine? Sorry but i lol.
I'm playing my summoner as usual here. Not a problem at all.

Have you seen the amount of summoner-specific nerfs these last few patches alone have included? It's frustrating and ridiculous. Furthermore, if they uninstalled the game because it is no longer any fun to them then good on 'em for knowing when enough is enough for themselves. You still enjoy playing your summoner, good on you, too. Not everyone feels that way, though and some of us are only interested in playing a summoner build we like (and some feel is being destroyed patch by patch).

Yes, I uninstalled the game. It's not so much because of the Smoke Mine, but because of the trend that seems to be taking place here. I can chew on some of the retarded and illogical nerfs, but not something that breaks the game. See, it's simple: Minion AI is broken > Smoke Mine fixed it > GGG killed the Smoke Mine > Minion-Necro-Style summoner is dead. Have you tried mapping, only to have your Spectres/Zombies die in another room while not even defending themselves, and then you gotta waste one... two... or more portals to go and resummon them? So in short:

1. Instead of finding work-arounds on the game's ancient engine, GGG breaks the game even further, starting from the most basic of things: MOVEMENT.
2. After playing for 2 months, my fiance and I loved the game and the freedoms in character creation it seemed to offer, so to proceed further we planned on expanding our stashes substantially. Had we already spent on our accounts I'd literally feel cheated out of my money for a game marketed as a sandbox-like ARPG of sort, only to be denied the ability to use my minions properly without having to run 5 rooms back so that they all get on top of me, or keep counting them as sheep throughout the session and casting curses so they don't wander off, instead of focusing on the game itself.
3. I won't play any game just for the sake of playing it, free or not. The little frustrations due to grittiness of PoE is ok and I like that. But frustration over the most basic of things such as simply moving around is not how I plan to spend what little free time I have. So yes uninstall, rather than watch GGG ruin the experience and play a game which cannot execute the simplest of things.
IGN: Bootfish, Bootcharge, Krux ☆ PoE YouTube Channel: http://tinyurl.com/bootfish
2.0 Uber Atziri Video guide for "Mjolner Armor Life MoM/EB": http://tinyurl.com/malmomeb
2.0 Videos: 82 Core ☆ Uber Atziri: http://tinyurl.com/bootfish
Build guide thread: http://tinyurl.com/liferainbownuke
Last edited by Krux#5388 on Apr 8, 2014, 6:30:33 PM
RXXQ wrote:

Corrupted this self found and I got "Grants Lvl 7 Wrath"

Do you think this will work with Snapshotting? any way to see if it does?

auras dont get snapshotted on minions
merp merp
Krux wrote:
GoatEatingToilet wrote:
kompaniet wrote:
You really uninstalled game because of smoke mine? Sorry but i lol.
I'm playing my summoner as usual here. Not a problem at all.

Have you seen the amount of summoner-specific nerfs these last few patches alone have included? It's frustrating and ridiculous. Furthermore, if they uninstalled the game because it is no longer any fun to them then good on 'em for knowing when enough is enough for themselves. You still enjoy playing your summoner, good on you, too. Not everyone feels that way, though and some of us are only interested in playing a summoner build we like (and some feel is being destroyed patch by patch).

Yes, I uninstalled the game. It's not so much because of the Smoke Mine, but because of the trend that seems to be taking place here. I can chew on some of the retarded and illogical nerfs, but not something that breaks the game. See, it's simple: Minion AI is broken > Smoke Mine fixed it > GGG killed the Smoke Mine > Minion-Necro-Style summoner is dead. Have you tried mapping, only to have your Spectres/Zombies die in another room while not even defending themselves, and then you gotta waste one... two... or more portals to go and resummon them? So in short:

1. Instead of finding work-arounds on the game's ancient engine, GGG breaks the game even further, starting from the most basic of things: MOVEMENT.
2. After playing for 2 months, my fiance and I loved the game and the freedoms in character creation it seemed to offer, so to proceed further we planned on expanding our stashes substantially. Had we already spent on our accounts I'd literally feel cheated out of my money for a game marketed as a sandbox-like ARPG of sort, only to be denied the ability to use my minions properly without having to run 5 rooms back so that they all get on top of me, or keep counting them as sheep throughout the session and casting curses so they don't wander off, instead of focusing on the game itself.
3. I won't play any game just for the sake of playing it, free or not. The little frustrations due to grittiness of PoE is ok and I like that. But frustration over the most basic of things such as simply moving around is not how I plan to spend what little free time I have. So yes uninstall, rather than watch GGG ruin the experience and play a game which cannot execute the simplest of things.

Stop acting so entitled. ggg didn't make the game solely for you and make their decisions with you in mind. If you wanna quit, you'd do it without writing such a long post that no one will read more than the first sentence. You just seem to be drama baiting as it is cause there is no point in writing on forums about a game that you no longer play.
"Come along fool, a direct hit to the senses will leave you disconnected."
Last edited by KimchiGirlx3#1331 on Apr 8, 2014, 7:09:10 PM
KimchiGirlx3 wrote:
You guys are really going overboard. Summoner is still strong. I only need 2 minions and 8 zombies and I can kill merciless dominus in less than 2 minutes without taking hardly any damage. Using 3 specters and 9 zombies I can do it even faster. I can still run 78 maps without any problems and none of my gems are level 20 yet or quality.

I've never snapshotted my zombies cause they die easier than specters so it's easy just putting your zombie gem and 3 supports in a +2 minion helmet and resummon new ones when they die. I can still kill shrine piety easily without needing to snapshot zombies.

I never used smoke mine with my minions either and I was doing 77 and 78 maps perfectly fine and continue to do so now even after evangelists nerf. It's really not that bad, you get used to the new way their bubbles behave and then change the way you act and react to different situations accordingly.

I do understand the usefulness of smoke mine for people to teleport minions to you especially in small spaces, but people were playing summoner builds long before anyone realized that smoke mine would teleport your minions, so just gotta do it the original way and run foraward until they teleport to you, or if that is too dangerous, run back to meet your minions and let them catch up to you or use curses to help direct where they go. Maybe sometime in the future ggg will even create a skill gem made specifically for teleporting minions and not be a gem that had an unintended action of teleporting minions.

I hated summoner in those days. the passive and boring as fuck days of mindlessly throwing bodies at things like dirt. wow, what player engagement, much fun

kompaniet wrote:

You really uninstalled game because of smoke mine? Sorry but i lol.
I'm playing my summoner as usual here. Not a problem at all.

hell I'm probably gonna ragequit poe once I finish up in invasion too. it has nothing to do with summoner. it has to do with GGG suddenly feeling that active play and skill is op, and simplifying the game to just making numbers bigger

you know what other game did that? d3. I hated d3. with a passion

but yes, summoners are still strong. they were always strong. me and many others just don't care when they're unengaging and boring as fuck
KimchiGirlx3 wrote:
stop acting so entitled. if you wanna quit, you'd do it without writing such a long post that no one will read more than the first sentence. you just seem to be drama baiting as it is.

Okay, there was/is seriously no need for the above quoted text. The person said they uninstalled and were laughed at for it. When they explained why they uninstalled they are then further ridiculed? This is not the place for that, so please start posting appropriately.

Furthermore, I read the whole thing and the points were valid.

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