{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

My zombies still die against higher map bosses, such as crematorium boss and academy boss. And they die to some rouge exiles like igna or the ek guy. I have 20/20 zombie, all the minions nodes and snapshot gears already. I don't see a good way to remedy this besides spending a fortune to get lvl 3 empower.

So here's an idea: necro aegis and the 6% block chance behind it + titucius's span. 24% block chance, 49% block against projectiles seems really powerful. It enables me to use flesh offering instead of bone offering with rathpith globe since most spells in this game are projectiles anyway. The +50 life and 500 armor are not too shabby either.

I think I am going to test this a bunch in higher maps. See how it goes.
Academy is actually easy and very doable.(I'll make a video of it if I ever get that map again) Crematorium is something I still have trouble with, takes more than one portal to resummon. Prob going to need that higher zombie gem level.

Trick is to abuse seething/minion flasks and have your army under the Iduration evangelist shield at all times and to have your character stay as far back as possible.

Spell block should definitely help here.

Anyways, Am going to take a break from poe for a bit, playing some ROS =). I'll come on this thread occasionally to answer questions.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Mar 25, 2014, 6:49:28 PM
Hey man,

Id like to start by saying very nice guide! I play on Invasion, and was having a lot of trouble as melee with these new invasion bosses. Couldn't decide what to re-roll too until I saw your guide. I just have a few questions, I really want lots of survivabilty for myself. So what would you recommend as a summoner? I was thinking Rise of the Phoenix for the extra max fire res or should I stick with just getting a high armor/es shield like yours? I still want to be viable with my auras, at least 5. Also would Rainbow-stride be a good replacement for the Boots of Uldur? Or are those a necessity. I've already obtained the cloak of defiance. Any other really good items to get to help with my survivabilty? Or is all of this really unnecessary, when having a bunch of minions?

I like your build a lot, and want to make sure I'm going the right path in terms of gear.

Thanks again for the great guide and help!
I run 460/130(or about that) mf, and all I get is tons of rares. Uniques still drop like 1 in 3-4 maps. For chaos recipe it's pretty nice, but I'm too lazy to do that...

I really enjoyed MFing with BMs, it was so easy and nice, i didn't even need zombies, just 2 BMs and AG sometimes. Now, with zombies and 2 sentinels clearing speed is quite the same(maybe even better) but i have to use flesh offering from time to time and sometimes they are targeting not at those mobs who i want to be killed first, so flask charges are wasted.
Last edited by alfapf#5389 on Mar 26, 2014, 5:05:13 AM
Btw, I may also try making some vids with end-game bosses with sentinels\evangelists if anyone wants...
alfapf wrote:
Btw, I may also try making some vids with end-game bosses with sentinels\evangelists if anyone wants...

Sure, I'd appreciate that alot. :)
AnjovisFilet wrote:
alfapf wrote:
Btw, I may also try making some vids with end-game bosses with sentinels\evangelists if anyone wants...

Sure, I'd appreciate that alot. :)

Yeah me too :)
its kind of sad that necro aegis is not really viable on invasion since we need it even more with all the overpowered aoe invasion bosses that instant wipe zombies with 50% spell block 80+% allresist and 6k life. don't use fire +8 max resist shield. that is only for people who are trying specifically to resist fire damage so righteous fire builds or any direct damage fire build to help negate reflect mobs. if you want more resists get saffrels or armor get lioneye's.

I respected out of all my nodes down to IR i did lose like 5k armor since atm my chest is evasion/es but was able to pick up 2 or 3 more auras with those points and AA although it doesnt seem like it does a whole lot right now.

I have been thinking about how tanky could you be if you got lightning coil saffrels frame and used all the purity auras could get around 86 or more all resist with greatly reduced physical damage taken but then also take MoM u would be crazy resilient to all types of damage.

what does more damage titty bitches or sentinals?
Last edited by mayainverse#1488 on Mar 26, 2014, 7:24:07 AM
mayainverse wrote:
its kind of sad that necro aegis is not really viable on invasion since we need it even more with all the overpowered aoe invasion bosses that instant wipe zombies with 50% spell block 80+% allresist and 6k life. don't use fire +8 max resist shield. that is only for people who are trying specifically to resist fire damage so righteous fire builds or any direct damage fire build to help negate reflect mobs. if you want more resists get saffrels or armor get lioneye's.

I respected out of all my nodes down to IR i did lose like 5k armor since atm my chest is evasion/es but was able to pick up 2 or 3 more auras with those points and AA although it doesnt seem like it does a whole lot right now.

I have been thinking about how tanky could you be if you got lightning coil saffrels frame and used all the purity auras could get around 86 or more all resist with greatly reduced physical damage taken but then also take MoM u would be crazy resilient to all types of damage.

what does more damage titty bitches or sentinals?

Thanks for the reply! I was also thinking of getting Saffrels, good choice. I want to be as tanky as I can, but not enough where I cant do anything with my minions. What boots do you use?
Boots of Uldur? Or Hp+res boots?
i only have 4.4k life with 500 armor at the moment as im still using an evasion chest from when i was speced into IR. I prefer the life and resists. alot of my gear actually has no resists. i am getting most resist from arumvorax and the purity auras. i have no resists on rings i dont think any on neck and non on helm ether lol. reason no resist on rings is because i wanted both a high roll of life and a high roll of mana regen on rings and for cheap (i am poor). but I can sustain high level arctic armor with only a level 13 clarity( its like 110 mana reserved) without discipline(massive waste of a aura slot). I am able to run all 3 purity auras pluse hatred(u can go grace too) and haste. I could go like vitality and grace instead but im 81 running 68-70maps at the moment.

im not really sure what would end up being more tanky though getting cloak dropping 3 whole auras witch is not really a small thing so you can not only pick up discipline but also have over 1500 mana unreserved. or have a lightning coil to deal with physical damage and a saffrels frame witch will greatly increase elemental(and physical) damage reduction yea not 40% but you get alot more auras with it.

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