{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

Can you guys help me in deciding if I should spec CI or Life/EB as a summoner? I am in HC I have CI and Life gear. However, I can't afford a shavronne's. I don't have a cloak of defiance. Currently lvl 73 (Kill Allx3). I want to able to map with my summoner and have the potential to MF farm bosses. Help!
According to the creator of this build (Matt) Life build for summoner is more safe and flexible.However I don't know how you can handle mf with this spec.

For the cloak, its not costly. no way near a shav, not even an exalt. You are get it in 10-20 chaos usually in any league.
Last edited by babai_witch_here#3835 on Mar 25, 2014, 6:22:53 AM
EB/Life is better for solo mfing than CI, but for both you'll need good snapshoting gear
As my little experience matt build seem the most tanky..low life without any of the gear would mean a direct ticket to standard. Differing a bit from the build and using the cloak wity 77 all res and max chaos res i could tank some spike damage as vaal map laser or up to 1k chaos damage with 397/12 mf...but that was in domination and with BM.

Im nearing 76 in ambush and i think seing the vidéo that AA EEb cloak will be the most tanky currently and you could use flask for both you minions and you! Going CI will prevent you to uses more aura thus reducing both you and your minions survivability and you ll have to run and wait for your shield to replenish. ..to have a half quarter decent LL you have to spend a few passif in damage, tthat you could only afford past near lv 92/ or 5/L attacks or at the cost of your aura or minions.

Cloak currently range from 10 chaos to 2 ex
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"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Tried going CI with my summoner when the 1.0 reset came, but hated it and now my summoner sits on his ass waiting till I get the regrets needed to go back to the good ol life.

Tried life/es with Prism too - even worse if you don't have shavs. Mana is where it's at, nothing gets you as much as life/eb.
Last edited by Allnamestaken#7661 on Mar 25, 2014, 7:38:57 AM
mattc3303 wrote:
Its actually 40% mom

The chest states: gives MoM and 10% damage taken to mana.

You can get one for less than 20chaos for sure.

Yep I got this for 10 chaos on standard:

Also purchased a Skullhead for 20chaos.

Respecced my passive tree to the cloak build. Needed to pick up 2 +30DEX nodes though. I dont really have any dex on gear right now.

I was really sceptical about making evangelists work properly to clear content fast, and now that I've checked its amazing.

To an extent that I think its much safer than the BM build was and also I am able to do Dominus easily without losing anything. Even with BMs I was unable to achieve this.

Really good for MF also. This is what I use for that if anyone is interested:

Yeah I dont have Andavarius or fancy MF gear yet.
NiNcsszaM wrote:

Really good for MF also. This is what I use for that if anyone is interested:

Yeah I dont have Andavarius or fancy MF gear yet.

Hi, I find you have 100 ish IIR and 40 ish IIQ in your gear, how does that help? I mean I also dont have currency o buy andvarius and other good mf gears but certainly can buy the gears you have. Are you doing only Piety runs and use 2 chaos recipe? How good is your drop with that low mf gears?
I'd just like to thank everyone for replying and giving their opinions. I'm gonna stick with Matt's build for my first summoner and hopefully sometime in the future I will be bothered to make a second summoner which I can try Rathik's build with. :) thanks
babai_witch_here wrote:

Hi, I find you have 100 ish IIR and 40 ish IIQ in your gear, how does that help? I mean I also dont have currency o buy andvarius and other good mf gears but certainly can buy the gears you have. Are you doing only Piety runs and use 2 chaos recipe? How good is your drop with that low mf gears?

hey I'm currently doing MF-Runs with mats build in Ambush (mainly due to super bad map drop luck ;)). My zombies and spectres got 27 iiq and 229 iir and I am running anything to not get bored from piety to dominus up to lvl 71 maps.

My stats are:

2.6k HP
77% allress
700 left over mana with 4 auras (Discipline, hatred, purity and clarity)
lvl 18 AA (absolutely fine for maps up to lvl 70-71...for me at least)

I am id'ing everything since the league is relatively "fresh" and anything might be sellable for a few chaos. In the long run I guess I am getting more currency by selling some rares every day for a few chaos than selling it unid'd for the 2 chaos recipe.

so long
babai_witch_here wrote:
NiNcsszaM wrote:

Really good for MF also. This is what I use for that if anyone is interested:

Yeah I dont have Andavarius or fancy MF gear yet.

Hi, I find you have 100 ish IIR and 40 ish IIQ in your gear, how does that help? I mean I also dont have currency o buy andvarius and other good mf gears but certainly can buy the gears you have. Are you doing only Piety runs and use 2 chaos recipe? How good is your drop with that low mf gears?

I use IIR gem also so that bumps it up above 160 IIR.
But as you said I mostly just go for Piety to get chaos orbs and the occasional good rare. Still there is a way better chance to find rares than if you have 0IIR, 0IIQ. I should say though I don't play that often to farm that much, so anything good I find is great for me.

Since I never had really good MF stats I cant really compare though. These MF gears are all what I've found. But if I would really want to go down the heavy MF route and invest in it heavily with this build I think it shouldnt really be a problem. You are really getting hit if you position yourself right, so gearwise its not so restricted.

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