{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

So I have a quick question.. I'm fairly new to summoner. Got one at 83 atm in Ambush.. My question is: Since I can snapshot Zombies or Spectres on a tabula.. could I snapshot Zombies in 1 tabula.. then Spectres in another tabula.. then put RZ and RS in my real 6L.. to basically have 6L Zombies and 6L Spectres AND still have a 4L available? Can this be done with 1 tabula instead of needing 2?
This won't work because you need to have the minion gem inside your equip while your out of town. Switching to your other tabula would destroy the minion in the other chest.

I found this tactic to work quite nicely on harder content.

6-L spectre, than on your 6link chest have a 5l zombie that you can keep spamming as they die.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
Ah okay yes makes sense. ty!
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for your guide. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing a summoner with this as a guide. I am starting a second one based off of it in the new league now and you have updated everything already. Really appreciate it.
if you use trap support and the trapper belt the bonus trap damage does not work on the zombies correct? only the self detonating traps is reason you get it?
Quick question regarding summoners.
At what point do you really need to snapshot ?

I'm kinda reluctant to playing summoners due to that :(
BuNNy124 wrote:
Ah okay yes makes sense. ty!

one way around the problem is to have a 6L weapon since I think you can swap to a 3L weapon and keep the spectres *if* you have the right socket layout.

It gets complicated though. your summoning would go something like:

summon spectres from 6L weapon
back to town equip grasp, put spectre gem in right spot then go summon 4 super zombies
back to town, switch, off you go with 6L spectres 4 super zombies and summon your remaining 6L zombies normally.

I can't even be bothered with sidebreath amulet (I corrupted it to a rare) so doing that much swapping is way to much hassle (and expense) for me.

Matts comment got me thinking as well. why stop at 4-5 evangelists? might as well go the whole way, get the armor for 6 spectres. I'm sure with faster cast etc that would cause some major pain.

you could even relegate zombies to flesh wall with a spell totem and use desecrate to basically treat them like skeletons. Heck get a dual totem and spam zombies + skeletons from out of a 6 evangelist super bubble. Or just go nuts, drop back to 5 evangelists and use the extra totem armor and have zombies+skels+desecrate all on spell totems. probably completely impractical but would be funny to see.
Last edited by Asmosis#7365 on Mar 17, 2014, 8:06:33 AM
Asmosis wrote:

Matts comment got me thinking as well. why stop at 4-5 evangelists? might as well go the whole way, get the armor for 6 spectres. I'm sure with faster cast etc that would cause some major pain.

Major ear pain from the ungodly noise that's for sure.
Last edited by Allnamestaken#7661 on Mar 17, 2014, 8:36:34 AM
Allnamestaken wrote:
Asmosis wrote:

Matts comment got me thinking as well. why stop at 4-5 evangelists? might as well go the whole way, get the armor for 6 spectres. I'm sure with faster cast etc that would cause some major pain.

Major ear pain from the ungodly noise that's for sure.

Im assuming that if you dual wield midnight bargain, youre using a shavronnes, and theres no way iim giving up my shavronnes.
Btw about the new summoner unique, does anyone know if it is all the minions that gain unholy might or just the specific minion that landed the killing blow?
It makes a hell of a difference in dps. I'm considering 6 linking the new unique and swapping back to my shavronne so my evanvelist gets a huge dps boost. The reduced life doesnt matter as they dont get hit often.

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