{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

Asmosis wrote:
That depends on your build. most people who were using BM's have EE, so that's -50% fire resist plus a curse.

If your using flame sents, your using EE + elemental weakness at least so monsters have negative fire resist regardless of where they started, and added fire damage is stronger than most of the other direct damage increases.

You could always take minion instability + elemental proliferation and work on maximizing the exploding zombies, which are easily resummonable now that we can create corpses and can safely be sent out of a 3-4 evangelist bubble.

I'd be using flammability as well, so enemies have between -50% and -150% resist, which multiplies the added fire mod by 1.5 - 2.5x more effectiveness, so +40% more melee damage as fire damage becomes 60-120% more melee damage as fire damage.

Properly supported with curses added fire damage is a beast. Not to mention elemental weakness helps hatred as well.

And then you could just go nuts and put them in an item supported by elemental proliferation :)

ok that makes sense. the only thing left that im not sure about is my evangelist whether i should take concentrated + IAOE or Added fire and minion dmg. if i take concentrated i have to take IAOE or else the bubble is too small. so the question is whether the 69% more dmg from concentrated beats the combines dmg of added fire and minion dmg
really only use added fire damage if your using the EE+elemental weakness+flammability for flame sents, otherwise with evangelists use more defensive curses like temp chains + enfeeble/vulnerability and a generic damage incease.

Also, has anyone tried using vaal skeletons? depending on how strong they are it could be a really nice army to drop on bosses. Can you store more than the max amount of souls? i.e. could you save up 2-3 casts worth of souls to use?
The resistance thing is one part. (and at best not working with atziri, as I dunno about her resists, but with GGG's mindset... most probably +500% or so...)
But the best thing is, "added as" is as good as another multiplikator beside "increase" and "more", as it modifies the base damage.
So even without lowering resists [hatred]+[added fire dmg] means +100% elemental (fire+cold) damage-add, in conjuction with +100% "more" it boosts as +400% increased damage does. It also gains value the higher the stacking other components are ("more" and "increased") instead of loosing it.

So its far away from beeing bad.
how good is melee splash as a single target support? could i replace it with trap support? because I feel like that my spectres do good enough AOE and would rather have faster boss killing especially since im on invasion bosses can be mroe crazy.
question about the shield spectres. do all their shields when overlapped count as the same shield? or will mobs have to be inside that specific shield to damage you?
Last edited by mayainverse#1488 on Mar 14, 2014, 8:20:39 AM
You say that Mon'tregul's Grasp works just like infernal blow. Are you 100% sure about that?

Describtion on mace says "Enemies killed by Zombies explode" and on inferal blow "If the enemy dies soon after being hit, they will explode".

So If my spectres kill enemies they will not explode even if hited by zombies. Am i correct? If that so then this mace doesn't work like infernal blow at all. And it's not as good as it seems to be i think.
Be water, my friend.
Last edited by Delgar#6772 on Mar 14, 2014, 11:52:09 AM
When the zombie kills an enemy (the grasp raised one). The resulting effect will be exactly like infernal blow, melee splash and all. This is extremely effective at destroying entire packs in one zombie swipe.

This item is incredible trust me lol.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
just a question i havnt seen yet. but what is the priority on the 3 aura clusters. what one to get first/last.
My zombies are pacifists:
Blind, because blinded people have better ears
Melesplash , because they want their messages to reach most of them
Chance to flee, my zombies like freedom especially freedom of speech and they are well pleased to see their audience comming back to them...

My spectre on the othef hand are quit jealous... they always try to obliterate anybody who listen - even for a split second- to the peacefull message my zombies are trying to propagate.

Not need to argue: everybodies know that these peacefull are deaf and mute and try desperately to cummunicate and unit through the sign language but they are always being discriminated.. and due to their enourmous strenght..... sometime. .they simply break things.

Friday fever enjoy fellow sumoners
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
mayainverse wrote:
how good is melee splash as a single target support? could i replace it with trap support? because I feel like that my spectres do good enough AOE and would rather have faster boss killing especially since im on invasion bosses can be mroe crazy.
question about the shield spectres. do all their shields when overlapped count as the same shield? or will mobs have to be inside that specific shield to damage you?

They have to be in the specific shield to damage you. If you have increased aoe overlapping shields, it can be really hard for any enemy ranged attacks to hit anything.

As for single target support, they probably go roughly in this order:
remote mine = melee damage = 49% more
increased minion damage 40% - 60% more depending on passives/gear
faster attacks = ~40% - 54% more depending on atk speed minion passives & haste
added fire damage (no EE or curses) 20% - 100% or more depending on worst case (max resist/no EE/curse) to best case (10-20% resist + EE + 2 curses)

I'm actually not a fan of multistrike, with the 0.63 dmg multiplier it only works out about 1.3x damage, and thats not taking targets armor into consideration. I dont like it with dominating blow either since you often end up hitting white mobs instead of your rare target.
added fire's terrible, it's like 10% damage after resists.

Mobs shouldn't even be able to survive the time it takes to cast a curse for the most part.

Wasting so many talent points and gear power for multiple curses and EE when zombie+Evangelists will nearly 1-2 shot everything up to 78 with only rares/uniques surviving long enough for vulnerability to take effect.

Save yourself 10 talent points and 2 gear slots and just go physical with your minions.

Multistrike(if for some reason you'd prefer 6link to +2helm 4 link) is about a 145-155% pure physical increase.

You have 110% more attack speed with it, so technically it's 64x2.1 which is 135% physical damage, then factor in the +63% melee increased damage from the gem.

A zombie should have about 250-300% increased damage depending if you snapshot or are lazy, that means he gets an extra 20% overall physical damage from the "increased" physical mod.

Still, I don't like multistrike since your zombies end up 1-shotting the enemy pack and are forced to swing 2 more times against air because multistrike is a forced triple attack, what a waste of mobility/dps.
Last edited by AmbushRacer#3746 on Mar 14, 2014, 8:18:43 PM

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