I am curious how many players will never come back after the new "league" launch in poe 2

Bleu42#4018 wrote:
The fact is PoE2 is here, it's abundantly clear it'l be better then poe1 in just a few leagues.

Poe1 is out yall. And just take one second to ask yourself why you don't even bother to play the 'best arpg of all time obviously goated' unless there's a new update. The answer? Because PoE just isn't that fun outside of a league launch. PoE2 might change for that awhile once it's a full game.

Pass me whatever it is you're smoking Jones...2 is a longer-term anchor to the bottom for this co.

The forever long campaign and the WTF end game...no Bro
Never come back? Probably 500k of the regular players across all platforms. It was a once in a lifetime event where PoE 2 was seen as "the" game to play even for non-ARPG players. Those people aren't going to come back unless PoE 2 fills the couch co-op console niche.

More new people will jump in over time as they add more acts and a real endgame. I still think the game is 2+ years from being ready. Nothing is in a good state.
Poe 2 early access was launched on 6th of december 2024. They game was incredibly hyped and everyone had really high hopes. Some were already calling it the best arpg ever. However from what we are seeing now many people believe its a far worse game than poe 1.

Considering steam numbers the game had 570 000 players logged in on launch. This number has plummeted to approximately 40 000 players right now. In my opinion many players and even some popular streamers have concluded that they dont like poe 2 and wont even be trying the next "league". In my opinion the game is so different and so much worse in many endgame aspects that its beyond repair and I completely lost the will to login. I am currently enjoying completely dead hc trade settlers league.

I would guess the next "league" will initially have around 400 000 players on day 1 but the numbers will plummet even faster then after launch.

What is your guess?


do people forget that they threw endgame together just to have more content?
do people forget this this is early access? and NOT the full game?
are you ok?
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do people forget that they threw endgame together just to have more content?
do people forget this this is early access? and NOT the full game?
are you ok?

"That they threw the endgame together" and are doubling down on it with 0.2 is the problem.

Magic 8 ball says, "Outlook not so good"
My guess like any other game its getting old , the campagne is repetitious , the maps pretty much the same .
But still alot better then Diablo 4 .
Once the new league drops it will be great again for a time i reckon then its same ole, rinse & repeat after awhile every games the same. Shrinking numbers are inevitable unless theyre dropping new content all the time bro lol..Thats why in tripple A games you should see new dlc drops at least 3 times a year to keep it somewhat alive and interesting and save the community...
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
Wonder what will happen when (if) certain forum warriors won't have huge numbers to back things up.

I guess they could always skew numbers, à la the original post.

It seems to have become a running trend to compare peak numbers to off-peak numbers and pass it off as a meaningful comparison. As well as to make claims that numbers are "plummeting", despite POE2—an unfinished game—having a healthier player retention than applicable three-month-old POE1 leagues (9% retention vs 6% and 4%).

But hey, what's verifiable data compared to a tasty narrative? Pooey to accuracy!

POE2 needs a lot of work. That isn't in dispute. Hopefully v0.2 brings us a much better experience, though I expect we'll have to wait until full release to allay our unrest.

As far as guessing goes, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the day 1 peak is below 400k. Numbers won't plummet though; they'll follow the exact same number trends that we're used to, within a margin.

Well see the numbers of rentention when poe2 releases their first patch... i mean the game was completly new ... of course people will ve to adept to the new game what will relate to higher numbers. I will not come back to poe2 ever but i ll see how the numbers unfold for their succesor :)
If I log in for the poe2 league (if it is a league??), it'll be a few weeks after LE's big update. Big doo doo that they are launching in two days after LE's...

I want to play both, but giving major priority to LE since they havent had a major update in a while and this looks like a crummy move by GGG. Not a good look.
cesmode#5569 wrote:
If I log in for the poe2 league (if it is a league??), it'll be a few weeks after LE's big update. Big doo doo that they are launching in two days after LE's...

I want to play both, but giving major priority to LE since they havent had a major update in a while and this looks like a crummy move by GGG. Not a good look.

I’m going to give LE a shot again. I played it on launch and just lost interest. I’m not really sure what it was, it wasn’t a bad game like PoE2 that just made me want to logout, but I wasn’t excited to login after about a week.
As happy as I was when POE2 EA was released, I'll probably never go back to play it again. Everything about the game is repulsive (gem system, crafting, endgame, large and repetitive areas, items...) to me except ACT1 and the graphics.

As much as i love poe1 i think I'll try the Last Epoch game everyone is talking about better than playing POE2 again.

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