XP loss needs to go (566 hours play time)

91 lvl here and slowly I get nuts with penalty XP.
I suggest remove it for something else.
b3si#7304 wrote:
not really, it makes me quit the game and many many others when i reach levels around 90, otherwise i would still be playing. Its a F*ck y*u and your time, its disrespectful.

I didnt want to stop, im ok with taking like 500 maps to +1 level when we reach level 95++, but loosing 10% when we need to do ~50maps for 10% is just BAD and makes ppl quit.

unless you fanboys just want the game for yourselfs... xp loss on death should disappear.

No no it is not. Check the profile on the amount of characters I have. I slowly level them up to 90+. It is actually quite easy to hit 94. After that it becomes a tad tedious yeah. But that encourages to play more thoughtful and mindful if you really wanna push the boundaries of a build to gain those sweet sweet last few levels.

Or...move on. Make a diff build. This really boils down to a YOU-Problem even if the sentiment is being shared by other players.

I want to get to level 100, so the game needs to do x/y/z for me being able to achieve that.

Newsflash: No. No it does not. GGG philosophy (if you have ever read anything about it) is that gameplay at high levels is rewarding those that pull it off. Ergo, The hardest content (including pushing to 100) should ONLY reward those that play well or fine tune builds and really sink time into their toons.

It is that simple.

All of this reminds me of a spoiled child.

"But Mommy I want this/that but I do not want to do anything for it. I want it my way!!!!"

The mechanic works absolutely as intended and just because YOU set yourself a certain goal does not mean that anyone else has to bend to your will to deliver you an easier setup to achieve said goal.

I was stuck at 95. Guess what? I dialed it back. Made sure I read the mapmods and don't take on insanely juiced content.

Guess what happened! I hit 96 within a day.

There is a choice you need to make:

A: Do I want to run gigajuiced or even remotely juiced content that increases the risk of dying 10fold


B: Do I want to level up to 95+ and then go for the juice?

Fair trade-off. Absolutely fair. 100% fair

And anyone complaining about being stuck at 91 or heck 90. That one is on you.

You can run about 30-40 rare waystones at T17 and easily hit 92 or 91 respectively within a single day. No crazy grinding needed.

Game only picks up in heavy grinding upon hitting 95 and going beyond. I know because I did it.
Last edited by Fenoch#0462 on Feb 13, 2025, 5:48:45 AM
The big problem is when you die to something that's not your fault, but because the game is still in early access and not fully polished or with all the final mechanics. This makes the 10% experience loss upon dying much more severe than it should be. After all, you didn't die due to a lack of skill (sometimes you did), but because of the lack of polish in a game that is in early access. It may not please everyone, but removing the 10% during early access can solve a lot of frustrations.
how to do that
Agree on this one.
Really demotivating to keep playing like this.
IGN: DoNotDelete
One thing i will add in here after looking at some people deciding that ignorance and demeaning comments are the best way to communicate. The fault almost doesn't fall on just the 10% xp loss on death. the biggest problem is how you get that experience back.

There is no challenging content outside of pinnacle fights which the only hard fights arguably is just delirium t3 & t4, and arbiter for its janky fight.

T16 maps are hardly worth any experience in their own right. They need to add some form of endgame pinnacle that allows the addition of increasing monster level cap to up to 100 or at a minimum of lvl 90. Fighting lvl 82 or 83 monsters is just plain boring as it is just the same thing i have been doing since lvl 75. I have multiple characters in the 90's and some lvl 65 - 80. There is no engagement past T16 maps with +2 monster levels as they effectively are doing nothing to the actual experience of the endgame grind.

The 10% loss would not feel as bad if there was something worth fighting to gain that back. I should not have to spend 10 hours to get 15% only to lose 10% from a bug or off screen one shot. There is no amount of skill one can have that can avoid a death that should not fundamentally exist.

Trials of sekhemas should have a further level as well as the trials of chaos to actually test ones character with higher level content than what we have now. Why should i waste time grinding 6 hours for a pinnacle boss that takes me 5 - 10 seconds to kill? that is not engaging, that is just insanity.
Last edited by GIBAS1996#4295 on Feb 13, 2025, 10:01:20 PM
One thing i will add in here after looking at some people deciding that ignorance and demeaning comments are the best way to communicate. The fault almost doesn't fall on just the 10% xp loss on death. the biggest problem is how you get that experience back.

There is no challenging content outside of pinnacle fights which the only hard fights arguably is just delirium t3 & t4, and arbiter for its janky fight.

T16 maps are hardly worth any experience in their own right. They need to add some form of endgame pinnacle that allows the addition of increasing monster level cap to up to 100 or at a minimum of lvl 90. Fighting lvl 82 or 83 monsters is just plain boring as it is just the same thing i have been doing since lvl 75. I have multiple characters in the 90's and some lvl 65 - 80. There is no engagement past T16 maps with +2 monster levels as they effectively are doing nothing to the actual experience of the endgame grind.

The 10% loss would not feel as bad if there was something worth fighting to gain that back. I should not have to spend 10 hours to get 15% only to lose 10% from a bug or off screen one shot. There is no amount of skill one can have that can avoid a death that should not fundamentally exist.

Trials of sekhemas should have a further level as well as the trials of chaos to actually test ones character with higher level content than what we have now. Why should i waste time grinding 6 hours for a pinnacle boss that takes me 5 - 10 seconds to kill? that is not engaging, that is just insanity.


The 10% loss would not feel as bad if there was something worth fighting to gain that back. I should not have to spend 10 hours to get 15% only to lose 10% from a bug or off screen one shot. There is no amount of skill one can have that can avoid a death that should not fundamentally exist.

Make sure to report those bugs and unfair damage in details then, that'd be constructive feedback ; as the XP loss isn't the issue here.
dwqrf#0717 wrote:

Make sure to report those bugs and unfair damage in details then, that'd be constructive feedback ; as the XP loss isn't the issue here.

Neither bugs nor death itself discourages me from wanting to engage with the game. XP loss (stealing progress that was earned from beating prior maps) is why I don't want to put any more time on this game.

Feedback, as defined by Cambridge, is "information or statements of opinion about something, such as a new product, that can tell you if it is successful or liked."

You can share your feedback about the game however you choose but you're not a mod, nor a dev, nor are you entitled to impose upon other players what is or isn't an issue.
Last edited by SpankyKong#9805 on Feb 14, 2025, 6:04:44 AM
dwqrf#0717 wrote:

Make sure to report those bugs and unfair damage in details then, that'd be constructive feedback ; as the XP loss isn't the issue here.

Neither bugs nor death itself discourages me from wanting to engage with the game. XP loss (stealing progress that was earned from beating prior maps) is why I don't want to put any more time on this game.

Feedback, as defined by Cambridge, is "information or statements of opinion about something, such as a new product, that can tell you if it is successful or liked."

You can share your feedback about the game however you choose but you're not a mod, nor a dev, nor are you entitled to impose upon other players what is or isn't an issue.

Absolutely the number one reason i quit the game, but i love the game and still want to play but this is too much disrespectful. XP LOSS needs to go OR dont make us run 50 maps for 10% when in one shot we loose it. No way.

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