Serious question for people who enjoy poe2 more than poe1
" current state of poe1 compared to 2022 poe1 is the same as if you would compare 2014 against 2019- if that makes sense.... its moving exponentially towards mobile gaming, soon will prob surpass it |
" okk ? but say cant just say that and not say why...tell us why running augury non stop is better than running good layouts in poe1?... |
" Well i personally like poe2 endgame more. I mean maybe chain running maps is your thing and of course a lot of people do prefer to just alch vaal and do strand but i actually enjoy finding good spots and running different maps even if i don't always like the layout, and it's been just two month after EA began and i expect the endgame to get even better once they add more chase nodes and stuff. You asked why people like poe2, you got the answer, but turns out that the things people like about poe2 is what YOU don't like about it so you just dismiss the answers. That, and because they didn't enjoy grinding to 100 for *some weird reason* - it absolutely can't be that the endgame grind is poe1 is just boring, right? I mean, poe1 isn't going anywhere, go play that. |
PoE2 is overall better balanced, with better systems... until the end game, where it inherits a lot of problems from PoE1, in large part because they brought over problematic aspects from PoE1.
" sooo why do you like poe2 endgame more? you didnt actually say..and nobody ever does...its like...they they try to defend something they dont even like... |
PoE1 is an amazing game. I played it from open beta, and fell in love immediately. It has changed the paradigm for ARPGs, with every ARPG developed since PoE either imitating PoE, iterating on PoE, or responding to PoE in some way. It has become the standard for the genre, and is still the best fully-released ARPG available.
But the version of PoE1 that I fell in love with was the original version, and not the zoom-zoom fest that it's turned into. It was a version of the game in which melee existed as more than "melee" tags on screen-clearing AoEs, which are simply not the melee I'm looking for. And yes, I do about that one monk build in PoE2, but that'll get nerfed, and I'm not playing it. Early PoE1 was a game in which an early build of the week was a Facebreaker build that one-shot enemies by punching them one-at-a-time really hard, which was so OP that GGG nerfed it immediately. It was a game where every monster on screen was potentially a threat that needed to be taken seriously, where that totally normal zombie actually could and would kill you if you didn't kill it first, a game which did not have "trash" mobs that existed only as flask-fillers. PoE2 is that game again. Yes, only half of it is finished, it has some serious pacing issues even in the campaign, and the end game is probably going to change a lot before it goes 1.0, but even in its current state PoE2 is more like the Path of Exile that I originally fell in love with than the zoom-zoom meta game PoE1 has turned into ever could be. And there is just so much potential here. GGG have been building the basic systems of PoE2 for years, but there's still so much more to come that I'm actually giddy thinking about it. I was still playing PoE1 because it was still better than anything else available, but PoE2 has changed that. I don't plan on going back unless PoE1 changes a lot. Yeah, it's going to be rough for a bit while they iterate and experiment, and some of what they have planned isn't necessarily going to work, but it's going to be a hell of a ride, and I wouldn't miss it for anything. Stay sane, exiles! Last edited by NicknamesOfGod#1810 on Feb 4, 2025, 8:13:33 AM
" 1. I already replied before in this thread. 2. In PoE2 you're forced to run a variety of layouts, it's better than running same map over and over again for efficiency. Also variety of layouts allow for more build variety with proper balance. 3. Breach just shouldn't exist in the game, it's broken and can never be fixed without complete rework, I don't care that it doesn't work in some layouts or for majority of buils. Same with Delirium and Ritual. The only league out of currently existing that has place in PoE2 is Expedition. 4. Core endgame is just better designed, I hated every iteration of Atlas since it was introduced after getting familiar with it. Despite having a lot of issues with pre-Atlas mapping system I found that I enjoyed it way more than every iteration of Atlas since Atlas was introduced after efficient Atlas strategies started to come into place. PoE2 Atlas is way less abusable by design. 5. Early game is so much better there isn't even a competition. PoE1 campaign was already braindead boring in 2019 when I quit last time, I can't imagine how boring it is now with few extra years of powercreep. Even the latest acts didn't stand the test of time even in 2017 when they were relatively new. 6. Way better combat, it's not even a competition. Just needs better balance and kill fullscreen clear builds. I can't care less what you think of PoE1 endgame, it's fucking trash and has been fucking trash for years. PoE1 actual game is called PoB/craftofexile, no one enjoys actually playing PoE1. Last edited by DemonikPath#1311 on Feb 4, 2025, 8:14:08 AM
" So, while I love PoE1 there isn't really something to discover for me anymore. I play 3-6 characters per league and even more builds, have done everything over and over, can craft whatever I want and I know how to make a build - because I just play my own. In short, besides a new league mechanic, there isn't really something for me to do/reach/achieve anymore. What do I do? Spend 5k hours more in PoB planning a build or do I read every single PoE wiki page for the 5th time? It just... at some point you've done and seen everything and PoE2 is completely unfinished, but new. On top of the "lack of new things to do to keep me interested" I always thought the combat was boring and simple af. The "pack to pack" combat is basically never a challenge and some encounters like "The Feared" are ok, but not what I personally consider hard/engaging. That PoE2 wants to go for slower and meaningful combat (not saying it is atm) is at least something that ignites my interest and the bosses so far are still a bit too easy, but hey, at least they have great mechanics I CAN play when choosing to make a "Quin" build. Compare a "Quin" build boss fight in PoE1 with a "Quin" build boss fight in PoE2. In PoE1 the fight just takes way longer, in PoE2 you need to play the mechanics. Over all the years in PoE1, I had many, MANY things I wasn't happy about (systems/changes/etc.). They now try another direction with certain things, so I am excited to see where it is going. Is the endgame not even comparable to PoE1? Yes. We are on the 0.1.1 version pre-full release, it obviously is. Is the crafting not even close in its depth? Yes. We only have 2 base crafting methods so far, more come with time. Could it be that even the 1.1.0 release version of PoE2 is "underdelivering"? Sure, who knows!? But I know GGG good enough to know... sometimes they fuck up, but most of the time they make something greater than I expected. |
" I literally said that AMONG OTHER THINGS " |
personally I feel like they changed all the things I rly did not like about PoE1 and made them better in PoE2 in a way that works for my smooth brain.
I feel like I am literally the target audience this time around. In PoE1 I rly struggled and did not like: - the fkn labyrinth (I hate it w a passion) - crafting - movement with mouse (what can I say, smooth brain here) - mapping and especially the atlas (the layout, how to do it - literally everything about it) What PoE2 does better (for me): - once I understood how the two trials work, I found a farm I rly rly enjoy. as example doing a quick chaos trial during a work break for relaxing is just the best. - crafting is so basic, that even I understand it - WASD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Endgame mapping - I am such a sucker for the visuals how the atlas is set up. And that I can choose my path. For a while I focused only on fully juicing maps and grind certain things. Then I switched to only rush citadels and so on. u can choose what u feel like doing. |