Beware Astramentis Stellar Amulet scammers - Its GGGs fault i think
Just had this same thing happen to me. 100div down the drain. Guy named [Removed by Support]. It had the same graphic as the Astramentis, was SEARCHED FORON THE TRADE WEBSITE SPECIFICALLY BY TYPING ASTRAMENTIS.. and showed up as an Astramentis on the trade screen when I hovered over it. As soon as it hit my inventory it is now a Strugglescream, and has the Strugglescream graphic.
You can be an asshat, and claim I didn't look or pay attention to my hard earned 100div disappearing, but you'd be confidently incorrect. There is something going on, and as soon as I mentioned it dude puts me on /ignore. They know what the fuck they are doing, and it's down right highway robbery. Call me whatever you'd like because I'm sure there's plenty of asshats going to say I did something wrong, but when your system says it's this, the graphic shows it's this, and I get "Trade Accepted." and open my inventory and see that item is NOT there, and it's been duped into something it's not.. that's not the players fault. How the fuck am I supposed to know I'm going to be blatantly scammed? What's the solution? Don't use trade feature anymore? I'd expect to hear something from the development team about how they're going to make this right sooner than later. I worked pretty hard for this. 520hrs in-game and counting. Last edited by Joel_GGG#1496 on Feb 13, 2025, 1:32:46 AM
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Just for reference in case any of you know it alls seem to have it figured out. Here's another one he's scamming people with. Same person, same scam. Glad these "POE veterans" have it figured out, and just want to call anyone noticing a clear problem an idiot. This isn't a user problem. This is an obvious development flaw, and who knows how many people have been scammed in the process. Last edited by devius#7857 on Feb 13, 2025, 1:41:34 AM
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I've had a few buyers lately offer me the wrong ammount if currency for items Im selling and then pretend to be AFK in the middle of a trade. Im no fool tho, do not just click to try and close a deal ASAP. Make sure theyre giving you the right item and currency.
Last edited by KingDaMuncha#6025 on Feb 13, 2025, 4:02:45 AM
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250 hours and you had enough currency to buy an astramentis?!?!?!?!
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" Its not the same art? " And introduce 20 others. Current Build: Penance Brand God build?! Last edited by tsunamikun#0433 on Feb 13, 2025, 7:40:33 AM
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" nope....this is a total lie. You missed something. If this was a LEGITIMATE bug, with an item so important as Astramentis to upper end players, the bugs section and forum would be FLOODED with these, and it would be fixed within days. I repeat: you missed something. It is your fault. Sorry. You know better for the future. If I was spending my life savings on something.....i would double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, check everything about that trade before clicking the green check. I am 100% sure you....did not. Perhaps its the 10hr/day playtime? How are you supposed to know if you are going to be scammed? Pay attention. It's not a matter of knowing whether or not you are going to be scammed, its about paying simple attention. All the time. Even with saying prep for the POTENTIAL of being caught in a trap. Why do we use passwords? Why do we keep cards in our wallets? Why do we pay attention to which pocket we put things into? Why do we keep our cars locked? Games aren't any different: dicks are everywhere. They will take advantage of you if they can. GGG gave you the locks and the willingly ignore it. In the history of PoE....I don't think there was ever a single occurrence of an item changing into another item upon being traded. Ever. Trade scams are ALWAYS about taking advantage of the totally controllable "rush" the buyer places on themselves. The one historical scam that required fixing was the last-minute item swap. This was STILL the fault of the buyer, but there was no layer of "green checkmark" at the time so many many people got scammed in a short time. They fixed this. All scams in PoE and PoE 2 are the fault of the buyer. 100% of the time. You literally cannot be scammed otherwise. Starting anew....with PoE 2 Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Feb 13, 2025, 12:38:43 PM
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" I've never heard of being able to change the graphic in the trade screen. If that is the case it would be a huge problem and probably well known. It's more likely that it was switched right before the trade happened. |
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" Absolutely this is likely the case.....and guess what? There's a failsafe for that too. You have to re-hover and re-confirm the item if it is removed or switched! Starting anew....with PoE 2
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Aaand this is why we need an auction house. I also got scammed by someone. They gave me something that looked like an exalted orb, but since I was new at the time, I didn't realise it wasn't (I was selling the item for 1 exalt). If there was an auction house, they could have never scammed me, because they would have had to actually buy the dang thing. Anyways, people will grovel to justify bad design every single time.
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" To say GGG has done "EVERYTHING" is actually laughable. Come on buddy, wake up... please. |
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