Take on "Ben's" feedback

i understand what hes saying, and i get he wants something to strive for. but at the same time he also wants speed because speed and is talking about it feeling good when you get fast, only running maps with fast efficient layouts and not having to loot items so he can just speed grind content on a loop.

its a degenerate mindset.

i understand, i have it too, ive played poe1 for 20k hours, ive blasted through 10 hours of mesas in a day and then done it again the next day. thats what poe1 has become and i enjoy, but its also made degenerate junkies out of us.

80% of the maps are unplayable? he literally said that right? actually unplayable because he just wants to autopilot down a straight line while everything instantly dies and he doesnt pick up any of the loot. poe1 has let us do this for too long and its rotted our brains, if you have to actually play it then its unplayable.

i get that he wants a vector to improve his character. this is why ggg want magic find in the game, to have another way of scaling your character.

but speed is a problem because with speed comes idiotic gameplay, a degenerate descent into xp/orbs per hour junkie behaviour that is not really gameplay, its like a fidget spinner cosplaying as a Diablo game.

we speed up then the mobs have to speed up, you have to balance around it and then entire build achitypes become completely invalid options because they are comparatively trash in the face of the zoomies.

This. Probably all of us zoomed thousands of hours through PoE1, but if you put down the junkie glasses you can easily see - the game became a fancy cookie clicker on crack.

Devs disagree with you. You're supposed to get to that point in endgame in POE2. Pretty much the same idea as POE1, but now with large maps.
He was 1000% right about everything. The game is booty dog water. Stop coping or it will never get better.

There is a difference between hope and cope. Yall are copin
I am sorry, but is Ben bought by Blizzard? What are these L takes? It's like someone without understanding PoE (GGG) is talking about it. And yes, I said that about Ben.

The feedback in question is here: https://youtu.be/nA1MzS2l_rw?si=wXjlPwsfA9_wP6fO

He says the only good thing is the campaign, but then lists points that are present in the campaign but are system changes - not the campaign itself.
The changed vendors where we pay gold instead of other currencies? Has nothing to do with the campaign itself.
The new "Uncut Skill" system? Same.
An easier time to get into the game? Again.
These are all system-related changes you could easily transfer to PoE1 and that would impact how ppl play through the campaign and learn the game if they are new, but would not change the quality (design) of the campaign itself.

The campaign is so good because the structure is better. The area design is rich and differs from zone to zone while keeping the theme of the Act in mind. Most zones have a unique boss to defeat and sometimes smaller tasks to complete for additional rewards that matter. The story is integrated in a way that you get a basic understanding even without reading all the dialogue/texts. The layouts are procedural, but not as annoying as PoE1 - IF you know them.

That he often has to search for the "last rare - hiding in a corner of a map" is weird. With decent pathing, you rarely miss a rare "hiding" somewhere. And the few maps with a shitty layout should be known to him and how he should explore them to avoid backtracking. Hell, that he says the worst layout in PoE is S+ compared to PoE2 is crazy. I could list more maps from PoE1 with trash layouts than PoE2 has maps in total, is he only running "Strand/Atoll"!?
What are the bad layouts in PoE2? Mire? Vaal Factory? Sure.
Augury? Nah, the levers are the problem there.
Now compare that to every "Channel" or "Prison" related layout (map) in PoE1 and run them without "Dash" skills... yeah.

The same with map bosses. Yes, not every map has a boss, but going for an hour without finding one sometimes is... what!? I probably don't have a single place on my entire atlas, and it's massive, where I could progress and not encounter a boss every few maps. And an hour without one? Yeah, no. If you really don't find one - tablets exist.

Obviously the loot from "Rare Monsters" is better compared to "Magic" and "Normal" ones, but they drop loot. Especially mid-tier currency and waystones drop from them and bases you could use for crafting.
That "Breach" is more rewarding atm is a balance issue, but it's not like you won't get loot without "Breach". It's because the number of rares you get from it is through the roof. Lower rares in "Breaches" or higher them in the other mechanics and they balance out.

That he thinks a "Beta" means the game constantly changes is weird. It's not in "Alpha" status. The fundament is established, the core mechanics are laid out and we now test these things - give feedback and GGG changes stuff or not. Hell, Over half of the game is missing. We still get 3 Acts, 6 classes, 24 Ascendancies, half the weapon types, uniques and so on.
What? We haven't had many changes in the last two months? The 0.1.1 patch notes would disagree with him and holidays ma dood.
The big balance changes don't happen because we are too deep into this "league" (economy) and they don't want to screw over all the ppl who are still playing - like they did with the rapid "Cast On x" changes.

The combat is meaningless because "all the builds are one-button builds and explode the entire screen"? Well, then don't play a one-button build that explodes the entire screen. I played them all, multi-screen-wide explosion builds and the ethical-Quin-builds (but with damage). They exist. Him not playing these builds doesn't mean they don't exist or are bad.
I can clear the entire content with these builds while still having to engage in the boss mechanics.

At least I think he is on the "pushing - no phasing" point right, that's really frustrating for melee characters. Next.

Why he has a problem with waystones wasn't clear to me. Sustaining T15/16 is easy, and preparing them is not complicated - just filter all "burning ground" maps out (if you don't like it) and go. There are rarely mods that are so strong that you cannot run the map anymore. In PoE1 you could "brick" your maps with "reflect/no regen/no leech" etc. and in PoE2... what's the worst!? Burning Ground, increase Stun/Freeze? Mkay. Get a charm and avoid burn.

I am sorry, but this video is L after L for me... some dude got a "+7 super duper weapon" so his "Hammer of the Gods" cost more mana than the character had!? Wow... really!? Could that be because the power increase from SEVEN additional levels over the max soft cap provides insane damage, so the cost has to make relative sense?
New hidden tech - get more mana.
If he clears maps with HotG for some reason and can't sustain it - use another weapon without the +X for clearing, the moment you encounter a boss and hit him with the +7 HotG - the boss is dead anyway. Power in PoE2 is not free... getting a huge amount of levels on top comes with a cost, that simple.

Well, at least one win at the end. The "linking system" is actually not optimal. Sure, we can trade a 6-link away, but we are really limited in changing what we use as a 6-link. Personally, I would prefer the linking of a slot instead of the skill, but GGG could increase the "Perfect Jeweller's" drop rate and adjust this way. That's a thing they will figure out in Early Access.

It's weird to say it, but most things he said are like "Redditor" stuff you get from ppl without a clue about mechanics and understanding of systems, who are hard-stuck in yellow maps and only can play for a few hours a week because of the 12 wives and 69 kids.

A lot of the points he made were good. I didn't read your essay though as you began with his L takes. He is entitled to give his feedback, similar to how you did here.

People like you should be banned from posting, however, as if someone doesn't agree with you apparently they have been bought LOL What a joke

Glad I don't check the replies. Nothing you could say that means anything
most poe1 players were expecting poe 4.0 Expansion with better graphics and a lot of cool new stuff. was cancelled

It got retooled into a standalone because GGG realized that under 8k players isn't going to sustain them. They need to make more money to pay themselves and make more game.
Nagisawa#4090 wrote:
most poe1 players were expecting poe 4.0 Expansion with better graphics and a lot of cool new stuff. was cancelled

It got retooled into a standalone because GGG realized that under 8k players isn't going to sustain them. They need to make more money to pay themselves and make more game.

why are you writing this obviously wrong take constantly? last poe1 league had 230k players on release, not counting in all chinese players, without any marketing.
yes, poe2 had about 550k players, INCLUDING chinese players, after years of building up a hype and with a lot of marketing.
if they would leave po2 in this state for the next 7 months like poe1 i bet player count would be dead the same way.
and if they would release 3.26 in february i bet there would be far more players zooming in poe1 than poe2.
b_ko#7756 wrote:
I also don't understand searching for the last rare. If you use the right strategy for each map (some are slightly different), you will explore it 100% on your first go. Skill issue.

I agree with him there should be more map bosses though.

About mana, sounds like he's just stuck in his ways of poe1 where mana = useless on 99% of builds. [Removed by Support]

If you think imma listen to a nobody over the BEST PLAYER IN POE, you're crazy. Ben is correct you are wrong. This rare hunting backtrack mess is the same thing we gave blizzard crap over with D4 and you are just giving GGG a free pass.

Opinion rejected, end of story.

You are correct. If this game was released by Blizzard, we'd be seeing 0-4/10 ratings everywhere and never ending shitstorm about how bad it is.
Some people give GGG too much credit and are afraid of criticizing.
Nagisawa#4090 wrote:
most poe1 players were expecting poe 4.0 Expansion with better graphics and a lot of cool new stuff. was cancelled

It got retooled into a standalone because GGG realized that under 8k players isn't going to sustain them. They need to make more money to pay themselves and make more game.

why are you writing this obviously wrong take constantly? last poe1 league had 230k players on release, not counting in all chinese players, without any marketing.
yes, poe2 had about 550k players, INCLUDING chinese players, after years of building up a hype and with a lot of marketing.
if they would leave po2 in this state for the next 7 months like poe1 i bet player count would be dead the same way.
and if they would release 3.26 in february i bet there would be far more players zooming in poe1 than poe2.

And yet, GGG didn't do that. OK, I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time typing between gales of laughter.

Nothing I said is my opinion. These are ALL things that GGG has SAID in various interviews. So you're calling GGG liars.

Comedy gold.

But keep on coping.
rrogan17#2926 wrote:

A lot of the points he made were good. I didn't read your essay though as you began with his L takes. He is entitled to give his feedback, similar to how you did here.

People like you should be banned from posting, however, as if someone doesn't agree with you apparently they have been bought LOL What a joke

Glad I don't check the replies. Nothing you could say that means anything

You haven't read the thing and you are entitled to comment? OK.
But explain to me then why he can "trash talk" the game and I can't "trash talk" his takes!?
I don't mind if he wants to "trash talk" back, but you, yes you - brought nothing into this conversation.

If I should get banned from posting - you should get banned from commenting.
I think Ben is right on a lot of points in my opinion. FOr me 95% of his points are right imo. I really love items on the ground to matter more so i like this direction more. The crafting however is scrapped way to hard and un interesting gamble fest imo.

What i actually like is the fact that POE 2 is a bit slower and you see more in the fights. The gem system changes i like aswell but other then that i think POE 2 should have take more strong points of POE 1.

Ben's point and Palestrons aswell on white mobs etc being way harder and faster then you is not meaningful combat imo aswell.
I do like the slower direction though but POE 2 needs so much work.
He was 1000% right about everything. The game is booty dog water. Stop coping or it will never get better.

There is a difference between hope and cope. Yall are copin

You say we cope, you say we mope,
You think our hope’s a slippery slope.
But I must ask, just stop and think—
Why stay around just to sink?

If it’s so bad, then walk away,
No need to rant here every day.
Yet here you sit, yet here you post,
Complaining more than most, the most!

Perhaps, in fact, it isn’t we
Who cope and hope so hopelessly.
Perhaps, my friend, the truth is clear:
The one who copes… is you, right here.

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