SOLUTION for the hyperinflated Divine Orb issue and Rarity of Items Issue
If people would use Divine orbs more, the price would even increase further since the demand goes up while the supply gets lower.
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" Damn, those skills looks exciting! |
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I would be lot more interested in the return of meta crafting mods. Current crafting system is... well shit ;)
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! |
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Just for fun sakes: people trying to find a solution to a problem (poe economy) which is a perfect 1:1 mirror image of our liberalist/capitalistic society makes me giggle.
If anyone finds a solution for that in poe economy, you might want to share it with the world as it might fix the poverty gap everywhere, and make everyone rich "at the same level". Spoiler: you won't, players/people will always find a solution to inflate the value of some rare items as poe will always have rare/extremely rare items. Side note: poe 1 was already like that, the chaos/div ratio was somewhat moving in the same ranges as the div is right now in PoE 2. For instance, Affliction and Ancestor had the c/div ratio at 200:1 and over. Also, you're looking at this the wrong way: divs (or exalts before that) have never been "deleted" from the economy as the example above suggests. They always were the "gold" (to make a comparison with IRL) for the higher tier items, and only a really really thin margin of players were using meta-crafts. As said in this thread earlier, inflation IRL comes from printing money, in PoE it comes from people dropping divs/ex. Even late in a league, players will drop an insane amount of exalts in PoE 2, and they will skyrocket as the remaining players know how to drop 15 to 50ex per map. (50ex/map is the average count we do at two players with juiced delirium/breach maps areas). No matter what you do (ie: meta crafting), due to the drop ratio of Exalts vs Divs and the ratio people buying gear/people using metacrafts, you will have that phenomenon... as the past PoE 1 leagues proved. If you want nothing to inflate, then everything has to have the same offer/demand. If everything has the same drop rate, then nothing is more valuable than something else. There is nothing to fix here. Welcome to capitalism (no matter if you like it or not) :) - People will still sell items cheap to make a couple of ex/divs fast instead of selling them at the right price - People will still play "trader or flipping simulator" instead of killing mobs to make money - People will always try to find the glitches/abuse/metas to make an absurd amount of money |
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" Except that gear becomes cheaper and cheaper. We don't have hyperinflation we have market saturation, this brings the price down of literally everything apart from items with enough demand to hold value ratio'd to the decrease in everything else. If anything is tied to those in demand items specifically (hint, boss keys) they also hold their value as the resources are linked, you don't get cheap audience with the king and expensive ingenuity they are both expensive or both cheap (ignoring other drops a minute). Hyperinflation would mean I can't buy anything with my currency because it was functionally worthless, that isn't the case at all its just worth slightly less each day - except there are large portions of the market where 1 div is actually worth more each day they just aren't important to you so you are ignoring them. tldr market doing what markets do, currency is worth less for buying big items, more for buying regular gear - later players have a harder time buying an ingenuity, a far easier time outfitting their character well. Edit: Musing on this I suspect its actually easier to get an ingenuity now than It was at league start with the caveat of you'd have to farm the boss invitations yourself, you can basically buy gear to clear all content for <50ex which is a few maps worth. |
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Change the ability of the Divine Orb to the following.
"Randomises the tier of the modifiers on an item" this is a smart suggestion | |
" good post + " also good post. this bit in particular. im playing group found with some friends, we dont trade on the market so i have no grasp on the price of things and the gradual market shift. but this is why i posted this... " because that is exactly the behaviour you would expect from the market just saturating as you put it. its worth noting too that poe2 is a new game. in poe1 we started with exalts being the big ticket currency, chaos being the small ticket. this was the rates on launch iirc: 1 exalt = 15 chaos = 5 gcp = 30 alchs = 30 fusing = 2 divines over time this shifted, massively. an exalt was over 200 chaos at points. when a poe1 league launches now we have established behaviour. no one is going back to these rates from the 2013 launch, we sort of know where prices start and where they are going and that becomes self fulfilling. we didnt know what ratios should be coming into this, we didnt know what level of gear was gonna be good, what items were gonna be meta. we still dont shit is gonna change massively when they add in endgame uniques, new classes and gems, skills, rebalance stuff, hopefully do something about crafting. talking about massive shifts, weve just been through the opening month. this is us learning the game, learning the market, creating it together. expect massive shifts, what we see now is not a standard, ggg are gonna keep changing the game over the EA period. are we 1.5 months in now? real talk, leagues at best as gonna last about 1.5 months. this is the economic endtimes right now, this is where almost everyone has left the league and the only thing stopping the economy sliding into total anarchic oblivion is the existence of standard league, the people who care about taking gear and orbs back to standard are going to maintain some kind of functioning value in the economy in the face of the league disbanding. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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This doesn't make any sense and you have it backwards. If something is plentiful and not useful, its value naturally goes down, not up. Adding divine sinks will increase the value of divines and make them more scarce, greatly increasing the value of divines per ex. What in the world makes you think the value would go down?
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" Especially if the droprate does not change ^^ |
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