SOLUTION for the hyperinflated Divine Orb issue and Rarity of Items Issue
" Look, I get you're new here. You didn't play PoE1. But before making wild statements about the game headed for disaster, at least learn that the trade is identical to PoE1 and that worked for a decade (hell it used to be way WORSE). At least read a couple of the dev manifestos to find out that the games are BALANCED around trade, not SSF. What you have essentially said here is: "This dog's future looks reeeeeally bad. He's young, in shape, perfect health, perfectly behaved, with a loving and caring family." |
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" all my resists including chaos are overcapped and im playing self found, i havent bought anything on the market. i have no real perception of the market in poe2 cause im not using it, but when i read statements like this... " im reminded that i hear people making claims about needing 20, 30+ divines for gear in poe1 leagues but i know from experience i could buy enough gear on the market to destroy t16 maps for about 20 chaos which i could easily farm in 1 hour running t1 maps self found at lvl70. i find it hard to believe people need loads of divines for their gear. you guys sure this isnt a want thing more than a need thing? im sure this whole thing isnt helped by us only having 1/3 of the ascendancies and 0 proper balance passes so everyone is trying to buy the same gear for a handful of builds. i believe you lot when you say the situation is janky. i think sirGog is probably right, if were going over 300 exalts to a divine were probably looking at a wipe out. its leaving the market as a trading currency. in poe1 u cant even trade alchs for divines most of the time, theres no rate on that trade no one wants your alchs. everyone has enough self found to cover all their own needs. maybe exalts are just not gonna be something we use for trade in the long run. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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