Do explain how removing just the 1 portal ruins your game experience? Absolutely nothing stops you from continuing to do so after the fact, other than your unwillingness to continue it. And thus demonstrates you also didn't like it in the first place, only had a willingness to accept it cuz it was forced.
One portal: The idea behind it was to promote tankier builds. In PoE 1 glass cannon builds were the go to builds because you could clear faster and still had the 6 portal defense. When you clear 2 screens away you hardly die. Because there is nothing alive. Only bosses sometimes had maybe a second to attack you. In this case you would just go through the portal and continue looting. 0% chance of failing.
If one portal is reverted, we are back at glass cannon > all.
Posted byAvaricta#4758on Jan 21, 2025, 10:59:29 AM
At the current state of the game, every single axis of punishment for failing is needed and must not be removed.
XP penalty: If removed it would completely invalidate reaching level 100. It would no longer be an "achievement" or goal one can set. It just happens passively even when failing. It would just be a failing upward award.
One portal: The idea behind it was to promote tankier builds. In PoE 1 glass cannon builds were the go to builds because you could clear faster and still had the 6 portal defense. When you clear 2 screens away you hardly die. Because there is nothing alive. Only bosses sometimes had maybe a second to attack you. In this case you would just go through the portal and continue looting. 0% chance of failing.
If one portal is reverted, we are back at glass cannon > all.
Loosing extra content: If extra content would stay you would open up the game for exploits to constantly farm the same map over and over again with all 6 additional content options.
Before we can even talk about removing any of the punishment systems, GGG has to implement other solutions for the issues the penalty system currently resolves.
All true. And any new systems put in place will take forever to create, compute, and implement, and will still be hated and rejected by the exact same players. It's not even worth it to think about it.
Resolving the actual issues, as in the occasional unavoidable deaths by either unbalanced damage or offscreen casting scenarii is much more suited ; but that also goes hand on hand with teaching the community to stop over juicing T20++ and complaining about somehow dying there.
Posted bydwqrf#0717on Jan 21, 2025, 11:01:12 AM
giving 6-portals will allow them to buff map bosses. currently they are stripped versions of campaign + your char has vastly superior stats so they are not even a challenge making the incredibly boring.
Leaving 1 portal and rebalancing skills will make same thing, which will likely happen next big patch.
nope it wont, there is a reason they neutered map bosses to begin with. content that is challenging with 6 portals will always be harder than content suitable for 1-portal
Posted byAintCare#6513on Jan 21, 2025, 11:04:36 AMOn Probation
Imagine GGG remove xp penalty, and give us 6 portals, what would it mean?
1. Literally 0 reason investing into defense at all.
2. It doesn't matter if you die or not, you still have more portals anyway.
3. This encourage more and more people play exactly same fastest builds.
4. This encourage people play builds that clear screens with half of gear being rarity and 0 defenses.
5. It just delete build diversity.
6. It once again remove any reason investing into defense above bare minimum.
all of that is already happening. no build diversity because we cant even try different builds, you just get stuck somewhere. you need a build with 15k ES and kill everything 2 screens away before it can hit you.
playing a merc/warrior wit no ES? get rekt...
just sain
Wrong and lie.
1. People invest into defences.
2. You have only 1 portal, so you have to invest into defences.
3 and 4. A lot of people do play fastest builds because of rarity fomo, while those builds are op enough to clear screens with rarity everywhere. Removing death penalty will make even more people play this trash.
5. There's a lot of cool builds, that being played by fairly big part of playerbase.
You don't need 15k es, and you don't need to play es.
Titan/Gemling can get to 6-8k life at less than 10d budget.
You can get high es.
You can get high life.
You can get high block.
You can get high evasion.
You don't need high armour because there's just nothing in the game that hit hard enough to deal 5k damage in single hit. All boss attacks are telegraphed and some of them very easy to avoid.
It's all there to make your character tanky, but you only click damage passives.
Last edited by PaintMaster#2396 on Jan 21, 2025, 11:09:15 AM
Posted byPaintMaster#2396on Jan 21, 2025, 11:05:08 AM
Do explain how removing just the 1 portal ruins your game experience? Absolutely nothing stops you from continuing to do so after the fact, other than your unwillingness to continue it. And thus demonstrates you also didn't like it in the first place, only had a willingness to accept it cuz it was forced.
One portal: The idea behind it was to promote tankier builds. In PoE 1 glass cannon builds were the go to builds because you could clear faster and still had the 6 portal defense. When you clear 2 screens away you hardly die. Because there is nothing alive. Only bosses sometimes had maybe a second to attack you. In this case you would just go through the portal and continue looting. 0% chance of failing.
If one portal is reverted, we are back at glass cannon > all.
So didn't answer the proposed question, just posting for the sake of posting I guess.
And we already are doing glass cannons regardless.
Posted byKarr285#4892on Jan 21, 2025, 11:11:15 AM
giving 6-portals will allow them to buff map bosses. currently they are stripped versions of campaign + your char has vastly superior stats so they are not even a challenge making the incredibly boring.
Leaving 1 portal and rebalancing skills will make same thing, which will likely happen next big patch.
nope it wont, there is a reason they neutered map bosses to begin with. content that is challenging with 6 portals will always be harder than content suitable for 1-portal
With 1 portal - 1 death and its over, with 6 portals you can ask someone to enter to kill stuff/boss, and still have few portals left. There's 0 challenge, there's 0 reason to invest into defences above bare minimum.
Posted byPaintMaster#2396on Jan 21, 2025, 11:12:04 AM
Resolving the actual issues, as in the occasional unavoidable deaths by either unbalanced damage or offscreen casting scenarii is much more suited ; but that also goes hand on hand with teaching the community to stop over juicing T20++ and complaining about somehow dying there.
There are no 20++ maps I am aware of. So I think that is hyperbole. After reading a lot of the more frustrated posts here, it seems like some of them are coming from people who really have no idea what they are doing and will likely have to learn or quit, and it seems like some are from people who do know what they are doing and are frustrated with legitimate design issues.
Posted bymorganbritches#2970on Jan 21, 2025, 11:13:59 AM
With 1 portal - 1 death and its over, with 6 portals you can ask someone to enter to kill stuff/boss, and still have few portals left. There's 0 challenge, there's 0 reason to invest into defences above bare minimum.
People can do this bow if they want...
And let's be honest if people chose to do this how does it affect you? Is this some kind of strange ego thing where if people complete something easier it invalidates your achievements?
Posted byKarr285#4892on Jan 21, 2025, 11:14:42 AM
One portal: The idea behind it was to promote tankier builds. In PoE 1 glass cannon builds were the go to builds because you could clear faster and still had the 6 portal defense. When you clear 2 screens away you hardly die. Because there is nothing alive. Only bosses sometimes had maybe a second to attack you. In this case you would just go through the portal and continue looting. 0% chance of failing.
If one portal is reverted, we are back at glass cannon > all.
Bro, what the hell are you talking about? Playing a glass cannon is a fucking choice YOU make. The only thing that made glass cannons the go to is that they were far more efficient at farming currency per hour.
And for the love of god, are you even paying attention to what the hell is going on now? Its STILL glass cannons at the top of the pack because the only defense GGG can balance around is all-out offense.
GGG needs to remove the overly harsh punishments from the game until they can properly balance it. I'm sick and tired of losing loot and time to random overtuned mobs and mechanics. No mob in this game should have a ttk on a player that is less than several seconds. Bosses are the exception.
Posted byAndalha#6923on Jan 21, 2025, 11:14:48 AM
With 1 portal - 1 death and its over.
right, so devs need to make it doable with 1-portal for majority since its maps. just because you feel good after downing these bosses on 1st try doesn't mean they are challenging man. i'm not even running a meta build and i had to re-learn them when i rolled an alt- this is how gutted they are
Posted byAintCare#6513on Jan 21, 2025, 11:15:25 AMOn Probation