Customer Support Update
As I've said before, I feel bad for the folks in the trenches here. Customer service is a thankless job at the best of times, and twisted gears like an influx of problems all at once combined with a holiday and a staff too small for the customer base is going to make it all the worse (doubly so working through 'stale' complains and trying to pick up the pieces makes it twice as hard).
Try not to let the toxicity of the forums get you down, and make sure to take a breather when you can. |
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I have started reaching out to the media about this situation.
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Thanks for transparency.
But still no access anymore to my early access account since 1 month now. It will begun your first priority above all. We are thousands in the case. We bought the early access and we can’t play after tens or hundreds hours. I’m so disappointed about your post who don’t even speak about this problem. You act like if all good for everyone. I’m not speaking about a « lil bug » or a « drop % rate ». We are speaking about complete early access after paying for !!! React ! |
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One of my posts in this thread was deleted. I won’t mention the reasons to avoid it being deleted again. But once again, I received the standard response: "Please contact us via email."
The funniest part is that I receive a message on the forum, see the reply button, click it, write a message to the forum staff, and then get: "You may only message the Support account at this time." In other words, the company is doing everything to prevent you from contacting them, even through the forum. You’re told to email them, but you won’t get a reply there either. |
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Hey, I just wanted to ask, how long does it usually take for the official team to look at the emails we send? It’s been 20 days since I sent mine, and I haven’t gotten a proper reply yet. Do they even deal with the issues we send in? Are they gonna get back to us, or do they just throw our emails in the trash? I mean, I bought a support pack for GGG, but it never showed up in my account. I even sent the customer service the proof of where the money went, but it still hasn’t been resolved. Is this just something they’re not gonna care about?
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hey can u guys look at my case first? my account was locked since christmas and i've been sending multiple emails since the and of course now you come out with 'if you send multiple emails it will reset your que in support' which is very weird. What kinda outdated support system do u have. It will be way easier if you have categorized ticket so u can prioritized people with account locked.
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" Not at all related to this thread. is it? |
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yes we know u guys are overloaded with emails/ticket, also quite likely overworked, but please do things efficiently when possible. we are are understanding, but there's a limit to how much we can tolerate.
we (those in similar situations), most of us replied emails thinking that the next email will be the unlock yet they ask for more questions, fine we answer. whether new or repeated questions, I further provided more proof - paypal transaction receipts and other info not asked that could be helpful. EFFICIENCY - all the support replies i had were questions that could have been all asked for in 1 email, seriously, anymore questions next email onwards, u guys are just trolling and i really do know what else to make of it, unless there was more underlying issues that was not or could not be mentioned. Again - imagine if u played a new game and support asks u questions regarding your own account details IN GAME, its been 1 month for me, what else can u guys ask or how much can i remember..right? 2 weeks into this, i really think the main issue is with the management/support system and not really the support team who are trying their best. PLEASE find a way to filter earliest email, people who have already been waiting for so long to play, those that were had issues longer than me. go ahead and solve their issues, i will wait for my turn. 22/1 will mark 1 month of account locked for me but i have seen people on forums being locked even before poe 2 ea release. my last support email reply was 1 week ago. please unlock my account and let me play. akatsuki_wei#5715 p.s i have 120hrs playtime as shown on steam, i played for 2 weeks since release with no issues. ever since accounts getting hacked left and right went rampant, people losing gears, i didnt have that issue. instead i had 4 unauthorized ea key purchases through poe 2 website, refund wasnt made instantly, actually it was mentioned it couldnt be refund(what?) and i was locked after. i saw a reddit post where a guys had the exact same issue and was refunded. Last edited by Akatsuki_wei2#5672 on Jan 21, 2025, 6:21:53 AM
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Gauging from the behaviour, problems and some of the responses in this forum I actually think customers are being trolled and even ridiculed:
GGG side accounts talking about "high standards"... even "golden standards"! in this very thread is a genuine slap in the face for anyone who waits 2-3+ months unable to play the game. Not that it should imho matter. But even worse when those customers have supported GGG by 500-1000$+ out of loyalty or support. Imagine. That sort of experience is basically worse than running into the worst EA games on the entire steam catalogue. I am sure anyone who has met "challenging individuals" in their work environment or in management has seen exactly that kind of problems, situations, even identical responses. Also some of the replies like "Keep doing what you do so well GGG! As long as you stay transparent! *winkwink*!" - It eerily looks like the kind of thing and replies you'd expect when dealing with severe "people problems". In the sense that the "ride free" ticket is constantly and very knowingly being exploited. While ridiculing not only regular customers or thousands of clients with support issues caused by GGG support management in first place. But also the very users falling into the ploy of very calculated pseudo-transparency. It literally seems like GGG has some extreme "culture" and "character-problem" in this or even multiple management departments. How else can this sort of problems and MASSIVE MIS-MANAGEMENT be known since at least 5+, probably even more years. While constantly avoiding and actively counter-acting against the very resolution of known core issues, risks and even publicly known problems. We are not talking about a "sudden impact or rise" and "singular challenging situation". Apparently these very obvious problems, massive issues and risks have been known since 5+ years. In 20+ years on resolving, consulting and implementing exactly that kind of issues in projects or with clients. On large, highly complex and global scales as well: I have literally not once seen such an underwhelming, naive and atrociously bad example. I've got to be honest here? At least not when it comes to your support departments infrastructure, processes and most certainly. It's management? Has the management responsible for the very support processes and/or management of it's tangential/related systems been in this very role and function for at least those 5+ years as well? Is that assumption correct? Do we have a "people problem", GGG? Why is not only nothing being done about these blatant issues. But in actuality you actively prevent resolution of known problems and issues. Even things that are known to be and totally obvious to be of HIGH security or privacy risk. People are waiting for 2-3+ months on what is commonly called "standard requests" or "standard changes" - things that should (I kid you not) literally be a matter of literal... 5 to 10 seconds. Max. And that is including a fully prioritized, categorized and perfectly clean and resolved ticket. Everything. When will responsible support management or related/causal management(s) finally be replaced? What are you doing? What's the state on those OBVIOUS problems? Why did your support management think it would be a great idea (to this very day) to persist and double down on absolutely impractical, highly convoluted and manual processes? Why did your support management reason, decide and enforce that new user contacts should push that very user or request. To the very back of the entire "queue"? Why do you have no ticketing, let alone incident management system? In any seeming way, shape or form? I think we'd all appreciate some genuine transparency. On the proper, meaningful and core issues. Which are very obvious to anyone that had even remotely related, professional experience in related fields. Or are in fact noticeable by any general user that has simply had the pleasure of dealing with at least somewhat existing customer support. (from another service or company) Once again: What are you going to DO about the ACTUAL and OBVIOUS core problems, processes and their very causes you've apparently been having since YEARS. After all most of us supported GGG with a gross revenue of like 100kkk plus? I think we deserve at least some genuine answers. To those genuine questions and problems at hand? |
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In this current state of things doesnt matter how many ppl you hire (also i doubt it), because you are not resolving any problems ppl have.
I had some problems in the past facing this so called support and oh boy i've never in my life seen such a crap. For example last time I asked my question on the MTX, will the rare finisher effect and unique enemy finisher effect work together if i buy it (supporter pack). Guess what happened after? One bot replied to me requesting my account info and 1-2 character names, so they could look into this for me. After this I asked how is MTX question related to account info, can't you just straight answer the quiestion? After some time of waiting another bot finally answered. Dude what was that even? Imagine actually helping people instead of doing illusion of work there. This is not even a hard question/problem whatsoever that requieres time to investigate, still i waited for answer 2-3 days basically when i already decided fuck it if you do not wanna answer this simple question, i will not buy anything/neither beg anyone. EDIT: also i repeat, i think anyone pogging for ggg here is ggg's twink accounts or ppl never faced ggg's "support". Last edited by GimmeZeLoot#1718 on Jan 21, 2025, 7:08:32 AM
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